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Buku Perilaku Konsumen ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional mengenal ilmu Perilaku Konsumen. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam empat belas bab yang memuat tentang konsep perilaku konsumen, segmentasi pasar, motivasi konsumen, kepribadian dan perilaku konsumen, persepsi konsumen, pembelajaran konsumen, pembentuk dan pengubah sikap konsumen, komunikasi dan perilaku konsumen, rujukan dan pengaruh keluarga dalam berperilaku, kelas sosial dalam perilaku konsumen, pengaruh budaya dalam perilaku konsumen, pengaruh promosi dan harga pada konsumen, pengaruh inovasi terhadap perilaku konsumen, dan pengambilan keputusan konsumen.
Buku dengan judul Manajemen Dan Riset Sumber Daya Manusia dapat selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Manajemen Dan Riset Sumber Daya Manusia ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional mengenal Ilmu Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam tiga belas bab yang memuat tentang pengertian dan konsep manajemen sdm, kerangka teoritis manajemen sdm, tren global dalam manajemen sdm, metode riset dalam manajemen sdm, pengukuran kinerja dan evaluasi karyawan, manajemen konflik dalam organisasi, etika dan tanggung jawab sosial dalam manajemen sdm, pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap manajemen sdm, perubahan organisasi dan pengaruhnya pada sdm, inovasi dalam pengelolaan sdm, strategi pengembangan karir dan suksesi, hubungan industrial dan negosiasi karyawan, dan tantangan masa depan dalam manajemen dan riset sdm.
This book examines the complex relations between democracy and social policy. Economic development is a necessary but not sufficient condition for welfare development. In industrial democracies, differences in the reach and organization of unions, presence of Left parties in government, and social pacts, account for much of the variation in welfare provision among countries. Social security is limited in democracies with low levels of industrialization, even though some countries with a social democratic orientation seem to have done well. Traditions of political rights, improvements in electoral competitiveness, and a pro-active judiciary may empower social movements to pressure governments in low-income democracies to introduce progressive social reforms.
Financial institutions are increasingly providing Islamic financial contracts in global markets. As a result of this market growth there is a high demand to understand how to assess and manage the risks arising from applying Islamic financial products and services. Credit, operational, market and liquidity risks together with the risk of non compliance with the Shariah law are becoming very hot issues for financial institutions. This book presents a common framework on how to efficiently manage the risks faced.
This book introduces the student to the various phenomenological and humanistic Marxist perspectives as they are being applied to education and provides an account of the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives, drawing on a variety of disciplines in order to explain the controversies described. The opening chapters deal with the phenomenological perspective in the sociology of education, discussing its adoption of a phenomenological model of man, its use of anthropological studies, the importance of classroom studies, and its rejection of the ‘liberal’ philosophy of education. The aim is to show the significance of these ideas for education, with a discussion of the concept of alienation and schooling, developments in Marxism such as the focus on the mode of production and the labour process, and the political economy of education.
Lesson study is a popular professional development approach in Japan whereby teachers collaborate to study content, instruction, and how students solve problems and reach for understanding in order to improve elementary mathematics instruction and learning in the classroom. This book is the first comprehensive look at the system and process of lesson study in Japan. It describes in detail the process of how teachers conducted lesson study--how they collaborated in order to develop a lesson, what they talked about during the process, and what they looked at in order to understand deeply how students were learning. Readers see the planning of a mathematics lesson, as well as how much content k...
5 Tahun boemipoetra, Pena Dilesatkan djoernal sastra boemipoetra, merupakan salah satu dari sekian djoernal sastra yang terbit di Indonesia. Kemunculannya diragukan banyak orang. Terutama dengan daya tahan hidup. Kuat berapa bulankah jurnal yang cuma dibiayai semangat dan senantiasa urunan/patungan para redakturnya itu. Di era kapitalistik seperti sekarang ini, keraguan tersebut sangatlah pantas. Ketika lebih banyak orang yang berlomba mengumpulkan harta, ternyata masih ada yang peduli menyisihkan harta untuk sastra. Untuk apa? Tentu untuk membangun kesusastraan yang lebih bermartabat. Mainstream kesusastraan bukanlah satu warna. Bukan melulu satu kanal. Yang lebih sering didiktekan para red...
Belajar Buku Masuk PTN BUKU EMAS
For over half a century, financial experts have regarded the movements of markets as a random walk--unpredictable meanderings akin to a drunkard's unsteady gait--and this hypothesis has become a cornerstone of modern financial economics and many investment strategies. Here Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay put the Random Walk Hypothesis to the test. In this volume, which elegantly integrates their most important articles, Lo and MacKinlay find that markets are not completely random after all, and that predictable components do exist in recent stock and bond returns. Their book provides a state-of-the-art account of the techniques for detecting predictabilities and evaluating their statisti...