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In Aligning Religious Law and State Law: Negotiating Legal Muslim Marriage in Pasuruan, East Java, Muhammad Latif Fauzi investigates the extent to which the Indonesian state has regulated Muslim marriage, how a local community in Pasuruan, East Java practices and negotiates the regulation and how local officials deal with their practices. Instead of reforming the Marriage Law which would only stir up controversies, the Indonesian government has used a citizens’ rights approach to control marriage and to guide people towards compliance with the state legal framework. In everyday practice of marriage bureaucracy, the state agency in charge of Muslim marriage registration needs to maintain it...
The largely Arabo-centric approach to the academic study of tafsir has resulted in a lack of literature exploring the diversity of Qur'anic interpretation in other areas of the Muslim-majority world. The essays in The Qur'an in the Malay-Indonesian World resolve this, aiming to expand our knowledge of tafsir and its history in the Malay-Indonesian world. Highlighting the scope of Qur'anic interpretation in the Malay world in its various vernaculars, it also contextualizes this work to reveal its place as part of the wider Islamic world, especially through its connections to the Arab world, and demonstrates the strength of these connections. The volume is divided into three parts written primarily by scholars from Malaysia and Indonesia. Beginning with a historical overview, it then moves into chapters with a more specifically regional focus to conclude with a thematic approach by looking at topics of some controversy in the broader world. Presenting new examinations of an under-researched topic, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of Islamic studies and Southeast Asian studies.
Islamic powers in secular countries have presented a challenge for states around the world, including Indonesia, home to the largest Muslim population as well as the third largest democracy in the world. This book explores the history of the relationships between Islam, state, and society in Indonesia with a focus on local politics in Madura. It identifies and explains factors that have shaped and characterized the development of contemporary Islam and politics in Madura and recognizes and elucidates forms and aspects of the relationships between Islam and politics; between state and society; between conflicts and accommodations; between piety, tradition and violence in that area, and the fo...
Belakangan ini tema diaspora mencuat dalam tidak hanya dalam perdebatan akademis, tetapi juga dalam pembicaraan kebijakan. Di Indonesia, sejumlah inisiatif muncul untuk melihat peranan diaspora Indonesia yang tersebar di berbagai negara. Akan tetapi, studi tentang itu ternyata sangat jarang, apalagi yang secara spesifik melihat aspek sosial-kemanusiaannya. Buku Diaspora Muslim Indonesia di Belanda: Identitas, Peran, dan Konektivitas Keagamaan Global diangkat dari penelitian Pusat Penelitian Kewilayahan-Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (P2W-LIPI), ingin menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan mengkaji peranan diaspora Muslim Indonesia di Belanda dalam membangun jejaring yang mengkoneksikan tidak...
This is an open access book. Wael B. Hallaq, a renowned sharia scholar, has called sharia an ‘episteme’ that suffered a ‘structural death’ following the dawn of modernity in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Hallaq 2009, 15–16). Yet, its resurgent is remarkable across a number of jurisdictional fault-lines: from Muslim-majority nations in Middle East and Southeast Asia to Muslim-minority societies in Western Europe and North America. Across these jurisdictions, the relationship between sharia and state law is central. It includes sharia-state encounters, notably in the form of (state) Islamic law, in the field of family law, which is often asserted as the ‘core’ or ...
Buku Mengenal Konsep Kekuasaan Pemerintahan dan Implementasinya ini sangat mendalam dalam mengenalkan beberapa konsep kekuasaan pemerintahan, baik menurut konsepsi Barat, Islam, dan Jawa. Selain menjelaskan tentang konsep kekuasaan yang berkembang dalam pemikiran klasik dan modern di Barat, buku ini juga menguraikan tentang hakikat konsep kekuasaan dalam Islam, termasuk di dalamnya juga menjelaskan konsepsi demokrasi dalam Islam dan pemerintahan Islam. Bahkan, buku ini cukup mendalam menguraikan dengan rinci tentang kekuasaan menurut alam pikir dan sejarah pemerintahan di Jawa. Lebih jauh lagi, buku ini bukan hanya mendedah konsepsi kekuasaan pemerintahan dalam tiga ranah di atas, tetapi jug...
Die Wahrnehmung des Islam in Indonesien ist radikal auf seine lebensfeindlichen bis gewaltbereiten Komponenten verkürzt. Dagegen setzt Volker Gottowik einen anderen Akzent. Er fokussiert auf heterodoxe Praktiken, die im Kontext von Pilgerfahrt und Heiligenverehrung auf Java untersucht werden. Dazu gehören ritualisierte Sexualkontakte (ritual seks), die Pilger untereinander eingehen, um den Segen des verehrten Heiligen zu empfangen. Im Zentrum der Analyse stehen die gesellschaftlichen Reaktionen auf solche Praktiken. Die Rückschlüsse, die daraus gezogen werden, zeigen deutlich: Eine erweiterte Perspektive auf Islam und Islamisierung ist dringend notwendig.
Suatu karya pada dasarnya tidak lahir dari ruang hampa. Buku ini merekam refleksi para akademisi di IAIN Surakarta. Bergerak dari latar keilmuan yang beragam, karya ini sengaja hadir dalam bentuk catatan ringan dengan bahasa ilmiah populer agar mudah dicerna publik. Isinya merentang mulai dari isu agama dan spiritualitas, pendidikan, isu kemanusiaan, ekonomi hingga psikologi. Buku dengan judul Rahayu Nir Sambikala ini bermakna agar kita semua selamat dari segala cobaan dan gangguan, khususnya dari wabah Covid-19.
Buku Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi "Optimalisasi Teknologi Kecerdasan Artifisial untuk Mendukung Transformasi Digital dan Masa Depan Otomasi" menyajikan teknologi Kecerdasan Artifisial yang saat ini banyak diterapkan di berbagai bidang. Tulisan-tulisan dalam buku prosiding ini mengupas tentang penelitian sistem cerdas dan teknologi web & mobile; membahas bidang machine learning, data mining, deep learning, termasuk topik-topik khusus mengenai analisis sentimen dan text mining, serta membahas sistem informasi berbasis web dan android.
The 1th Seminar and Workshop for Education, Social Science, Art and Humanities (SEWORD FRESSH#1)-2019 has been held on April 27, 2019 in Universitas Sebelas Maret in Surakarta, Indonesia. SEWORD FRESSH#1-2019 is a conference to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, students, and practitioners, who are working all around the world in the field of education, social science, arts, and humanities to a common forum.