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In Citizenship and the Diaspora in the Digital Age: Farooq Kperogi and the Virtual Community, Toyin Falola examines how the members of the Nigerian diaspora create a virtual community and instrumentalize the digital age to speak about the nation and its failures, possibilities, and promises. This book depicts individuals' relationships with society and how the world's progressive shift toward technology and globalization does not disregard the concept of society and its members. As a result of this shift, people have been migrating to new places without giving up their citizenship in their home countries. This book explores how migrants are focused on the idea of a virtual community, examine...
`On The Day Of Qayamat You Will Be Called By Your Names And The Names Of Your Fathers. Therefore Keep Good Names.'-The Prophet The Complete Book Of Muslim And Parsi Names Is A Practical Guide For Choosing The Perfect Name For Your Child. The Result Of Several Years Of Research, It Is An Erudite And Thorough Compilation Of Approximately 30,000 Names Taken From Ten Languages. With The Actual And The Construed Meanings And The History Or Mythology Associated With The Name Given Against Each Entry, This Is A Precise And Invaluable Sourcebook For Scholars And Lay Readers Alike.
A new literary history of Arabic poetry from 500–750 CE that includes hundreds of lines of poetry never before translated into English To interpret the Quran’s Arabic, early medieval Muslims turned to pre-Islamic poetry, a corpus that the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin called “the archive of the Arabs.” While this principle seems straightforward, pre-Islamic Arabs did not, in fact, think of themselves as either pre-Islamic or Arab. The term Arab barely appears at all in pre-Islamic poetry. The Emergence of Arabic Poetry reexamines this early poetry to reconstruct what pre-Islamic culture actually entailed. Nathaniel A. Miller draws on a wide range of texts, including hundreds of lines o...
Journalism, Democracy, and Human Rights in Zimbabwe provides an empirical analysis of Zimbabwe’s ongoing state of affairs. Bruce Mutsvairo and Cleophas T. Muneri examine the intersection between journalism, democracy, and human rights to historicize and critique past successes and failures that have played out in Zimbabwe’s past, as well as interrogate future challenges that await the nation’s quest for democratization. The authors examine what role citizen journalists, human rights activists, professional journalists, and social media dissents could potentially play toward ending the country’s current adversity. Scholars of journalism, media studies, communication, African studies, and political science will find this book particularly useful.
Nigerian poet Ifeanyi Ogbo delivers a short collection of enchanting, ethereal poems about hope, faith and love all the way from Africa.
"These stories are explorations of love, and by extension, of humanity; of people in all of their mysterious, beautiful and grotesque forms, fighting, sacrificing and clamouring for their chance to love and be loved." Megan Ross, Author of Milk Fever.
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan makalah mata kuliah sosiologi di kelas BKI UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Jadi jika saya mengajarkan pengantar sosiologi lagi tentu saja akan sangat membosankan. Lalu saya berpikir untuk menugaskan mereka membentuk kelompok kecil dan masing-masing kelompok harus menulis makalah tentang satu persoalan sosial. Kelompok kecil dibuat melalui pengundian, sedangkan masalah penelitian sepenuhnya mereka tentukan sendiri. Hanya saja sebelum mengadakan penelitian masing-masing kelompok perlu presentasi di depan kelas tentang apa yang akan mereka teliti. Ini dilakukan untuk memastikan visibilitasnya Setelah itu saya memberikan gambaran umum tentang apa itu sosiologi, ...
Reaktualisasi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Dalam Berbagai Perspektif Penulis : Misbakhul Anwar, Risqi Ayu Sunasih, Zaynul Muzaki, Dkk. Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-319-443-3 Terbit : Februari 2021 Sinopsis : Mengabdi di tengah Pandemi menjadi sebuah tantangan, khususnya bagi Kelompok 64 KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) Dari Rumah angkatan XI UIN Walisongo Semarang yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai Februari. Program-program yang dijalankan adalah bentuk aksi nyata dari sebuah pengabdian. Mengabdi di kampung sendiri tentu menjadi kesempatan yang berharga, di samping menjalankan sebuah tugas pengabdian kita juga bisa lebih mendalami tentang permasalahan yang ada di desa...
«Minuciosa y desgarradora, la novela de Ibeh analiza el deseo, el amor, el miedo, la vergüenza y el coste emocional de verse obligado a vivir una mentira». —Bookseller Obiefuna siempre ha sido la oveja negra de la familia: sensible cuando su padre es pragmático; un bailarín mientras que su hermano, Eke, es un atleta nato. Cuando el padre de Obiefuna presencia un momento íntimo entre su hijo adolescente y el aprendiz de la familia, manda a su hijo a un internado cristiano. Rodeado de rostros desconocidos que pronto se convierten en amigos, amantes y enemigos, Obiefuna descubre y oculta quién es en realidad, mientras que su madre, Uzuomaka, lucha por aferrarse a su hijo favorito, su ...
This collection of funny and heartrending autobiographical essays by the young Filipino Chinese author is a photo album of sorts—there are black-and-white shots, vivid Polaroids, ID pictures, and yellowed photographs that look like scenes from a dream.