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Bu kitabın kaleme alındığı günlerde ülkemizin dört bir yanında meydana gelen doğal felaketler, Türkiye’nin coğrafi açıdan taşımış olduğu afet risklerini bir kez daha gözler önüne sermiştir. Elazığ merkezli 6,8 büyüklüğündeki depremde ve Van’ın Bahçesaray ilçesinde yaşanan çığ felaketinde toplam 82 vatandaşımızın hayatını kaybetmesi, kamu politikaları açısından afet ve acil durum yönetiminin yanı sıra afetlere dirençli bir toplum oluşturabilmek için vatandaşlara verilmesi gereken afet eğitimlerinin önemine dair de kamuoyundaki farkındalığı arttırmıştır. Bu amaçla gerçekleştirilmesi elzem olan faaliyetlerden bir tanesi de b...
This book provides an ideal foundation for readers to understand the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to expert systems in the healthcare sector. It starts with an introduction to the topic and presents chapters which progressively explain decision-making theory that helps solve problems which have multiple criteria that can affect the outcome of a decision. Key aspects of the subject such as machine learning in healthcare, prediction techniques, mathematical models and classification of healthcare problems are included along with chapters which delve in to advanced topics on data science (deep-learning, artificial neural networks, etc.) and pr...
神戸の美味しい異国料理店を紹介するガイドブックです。神戸ほど、世界各地の食がぎゅっと集まっている街はありません。早起きして焼きたてのドイツパンをほお張り、お昼はラテン音楽に耳を傾けながらメキシコ料理、夜はビールと点心でカンパーイ! こんなふうに、旅するように食を楽しめるのは神戸だけ。きれいな写真を眺めているだけでグーッとお腹が鳴り、神戸へ出かけたくなるかも……。コンパクトサイズなので、女性の小さなバッグにもばっちり入ります。さぁ、本書を旅のお供に神戸へ出かけましょ...
Üniversitelerin temel görevlerinden biri, araştırma yaparak bilgi üretmek ve bunu topluma sunmaktır. Çeşitli yollarla bilgi üretimine katkı sağlayan üniversitelerin bu husustaki çalışmalarından biri de şüphesiz lisansüstü tezlerdir. Üniversitelerde yaptırılan lisansüstü tez çalışmaları, bu kurumlarda üretilen bilimsel bilginin somut meyveleridir. Bu bakımdan lisansüstü tezler büyük önem arz eder. Özellikle doktora tezleri belli bir alanda uzmanlaşmanın beratı sayıldığı için ayrı bir değere sahiptir. Çünkü doktora tezleri alanın genel görünümünü yansıtır. Herhangi bir alanda yapılmış doktora tezleri, o alanda hangi konulara değer v...
Practical guide to diagnosis and management of gynaecological emergencies Fully revised second edition featuring latest advances and many new topics Covers disorders in all age groups, from adolescence and puberty, to reproductive age and post-menopausal Includes discussion on ethical and medicolegal issues Highly illustrated with diagrams, flowcharts and tables
This book is a concise guide to the diagnosis and management of reproductive health issues in adolescents that may lead to future fertility problems. Beginning with an overview of female adolescence and reproductive development, the following chapters cover different disorders including PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), endometriosis, anaemia, menstrual abnormalities, teenage pregnancy and abortion, STIs and more. Each section provides step by step guidance from history taking, signs and symptoms, and clinical examination, to diagnosis and therapy. A complete chapter covers the 2012 POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act. Key points Concise guide to reproductive health issues in adolescents, subsequently leading to fertility problems Discusses investigation, diagnosis and management of numerous disorders Covers POCSO Act 2012 Includes clinical images and figures to assist learning
This book is a group of five separate studies gathered together as five chapters of the book. The first chapter discusses management performance and independent auditor’s opinion in trade companies.The second chapter discusses enterprise resource planning in international companies.The third chapter is about the role of balance scorecard Systems in performance of Education Organization. The fourth chapter is a comprehensive case study about balanced scorecard system and human resource accounting practices. and the fifth chapter is about effective factors on auditor’s tenure and quality of profit in accounting and management of finance.