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İnsan hayatı boyunca kaç kez böyle bir tecrübe yaşar ki! Pandemi… İster Çin’den, ister Amerika’dan çıksın, ister laboratuvar ürünü ister yarasadan gelsin. Süreç yönetimi dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde “Filadelfiya Çılgınlığı” ve “Sen Luiz Rehaveti” tecrübesinden ders almışa benziyor. İspanyol Gribi üç dalga halinde gelmişti. COVID-19 nasıl bir süreç izleyecek, ne zaman neye dönüşecek, mutasyona mı uğrar, aşısı mı bulunur, lazer ile mi tedavi edilir yoksa sıcak soğuk farketmeden saldırmaya bulaşmaya devam mı eder şimdilik cevaplanması zor sorular. Ancak, kahir ekseriyede beklenmeyen bir salgın. Girişimcilikte “Black Swan” ya...
This book combines various analyses of strategic priorities in a competitive market environment, focusing on the balanced scorecard technique, but also considering customer expectations, organizational requirements, financial outcomes and technological infrastructures. The first part explores the financial impacts and performance measurement of investments, while the second part examines customer demand in a globalized environment. Part three then addresses organizational quality and internal processes, highlighting participatory elements and synergies. Lastly, part four investigates strategic learning in enterprises as a factor for sustainable economic success in times of change and disruption.
Over the course of recent years, in countries with high crisis expectation and risk probabilities, such as Turkey, a significant rise in the number of crises has been observed. Since current crisis practices are incident-specific, the role of public relations is largely overlooked, and, furthermore, crisis communication studies in non-Western cultures are scarce; this book fills these gaps through two distinct studies. The first highlights crisis management types and strategies by reflecting on interview responses collected from 35 different sectors and sub-sectors in Turkey. While interview findings are used to inform strategical know-how regarding the shift from crisis to opportunity during times of turbulence, the elicited responses reveal how practitioners perceive and respond to crises in the contemporary media landscape. The second analyses the recent upheaval caused by Watsons Turkey as a case study to stress the vital role of public relations in times of crisis.
The uncertainty and volatility of modern commercial environments have shifted the foundations of business success and survival. Key factors that affect firm performance and determine sustainability now include knowledge creation, knowledge management, uncertainty management, organizational intelligence, and supply chain administration. This book proposes an analytical approach to identifying and enhancing these critical factors and describes how firms can exploit their strengths and compensate for their disadvantages. Sustaining business success requires competitive strategies that are rational and analytical. Firms that know their goals have an advantage over their rivals; those that can innovate and incorporate the knowledge they develop will prosper, even in the most competitive situations. Managers and business practitioners can learn from this book how to identify the key factors that make their firms effective and successful, and how to ensure they remain sustainable over time.
The basic production of the digital economy is knowledge. As it becomes more important, traditional factors like labor and capital become less so. As technological innovation changes the nature of employment, the conversion of labor to consumption becomes increasingly difficult. E-commerce is the most important driving force of the digital economy. Using technology and information networks effectively allows brands or companies to effect rapid changes in competitive markets. The emergence of neo-consumers calls for a higher order of information exchange and interaction. Companies must reasses their complete business processes in a holistic way to ensure market prominence in an economy driven by social networks and communication. This book deals with the new concepts determining the future path of the digital economy and aims at providing a new perspective to the field.
Through 18 chapters, this book draws on policy lessons from successful countries that have managed to overcome political economy constraints and reach upper-middle-income emerging market economy status to examine how Senegal can achieve per capita growth rates of four to five percent per year over a 20-year period, as well as lessons for other low-income countries. Contributors working in academia, civil society, and government in Senegal, as well as at the World Bank, in peer countries like Mauritius, Morocco, and Seychelles, and the International Monetary Fund, address creating a sound, balanced, and efficient fiscal framework through new revenue-raising measures, expenditure rationalizati...
Ulakbilge Dergisi'nin 74. sayısı tam metnidir.
“Maske-Mesafe-Hijyen” sloganı kadar, “Evde Kal”, son zamanların, pandemi dönemine ilişkin en yaygın söylemlerinden olmuştur. Evinde, zamanını iş ve bilim dünyasına katkı sağlamak arzusunda olan 63 kişilik bir ekip ile dijital ortamda bir araya geldik, yoğun çalışmalarla eserler üretmeye gayret ettik. “Teknolojik ve Dijital Dönüşüm” ve “Pandemi Sonrası Yeni Dünya Düzeninde Teknoloji Yönetimi ve İnsani Dijitalizasyon” eserlerimizin ardından iş dünyasından ve akademiden katılan dostlarımız ile “Dijital Gelecekte Mesleklerin ve Sektörlerin Dönüşümü” isimli uygulama ve sektörlere yönelik bu eseri ve “Sektörlerin ve Mesleklerin Gel...
2018 yılı Akademik bahar döneminde İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen “Girişimcinin Seyir Defteri” temalı konferanstan yola çıkarak, bir girişimci yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan üniversite için yol haritası babında bir esere ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Bu eser, bir anlamda, piyasadaki girişimcilik konusunu az ya da çok işleyen eserlerin ortaya koyduğu gerçeklerden faydalanılarak ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Girişimci sözcüğünün hakkını verecek bir girişimde bulunularak yazımı altı ayda tamamlanan bu kitap için geride yazar açısından 45 yıllık bir serüven mevcuttur. Eserde, tanımlar, teoremler, kavramsal anlatımlar yan...