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Inobel merupakan lomba inovasi pembelajaran yang diselenggarakan oleh Kesharlindung Dikdas, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Inobel menjadi ajang bergengsi tahunan bagi para guru kreatif dan inovatif. Peserta menampilkan segala kreatifitas yang dimilikinya tercermin dari karya-karyanya. Setiap karya memiliki keunikan dan tingkat orisinalitasnya masing-masing. Dari ribuan peserta hanya 34 Finalis per bidang mapel yang berhak diundang dan mempresentasikan serta memamerkan karyanya. Diantara 34 Finalis tersebut, 10 FInalis mendapat penghargaan berupa laptop keluaran terbaru. Buku ini berisikan 10 karya terbaik finalis Inobel bidang IPSPBTahun 2017. Keunikan dan inovasi mereka terangkum dalam tulisan ini, baik itu media, model, maupun metode pembelajarannya. Dikemas dalam bentuk sederhana dan bahasa komunikatif, buku ini layak dimiliki para guru yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas pembelajarannya. Selain itu, kesepuluh karya terbaik Finalis Inobel ini sangat mudah diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran. Jadi tunggu apa lagi segera miliki dan jadikan buku ini sebagai referensi inovasi Anda.
Perjuangan para pahlawan Indonesia dalam melawan penjajah memiliki nilai-nilai kebangsaan yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia, khususnya generasi muda. Karakter yang dimiliki oleh para pahlawan seperti nasionalis, religius, mandiri, integritas & gotong-royong merupakan nilai-nilai kebangsaan yang menjadi jati diri bangsa Indonesia sejak dahulu. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) sebagai langkah internalisasi nilai-nilai kebangsaan perlu dilakukan agar Indonesia bisa tumbuh menjadi negara yang besar. Gambar pahlawan yang ada pada pecahan uang rupiah dapat digunakan sebagai sarana Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter. Uang digunakan setiap hari untuk bertransaksi mulai dari anak-a...
Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini mencakup: 1) Konsep dan Prinsip Dasar Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penelitian Pengembangan (R&D); 2) Tipologi dan Skop Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan R&D; 3) Menganalisis Pentingnya Penelitian Tindakan Kelas; 4) Karakteristik; Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan R&D; 5) Identifikasi Masalah Tindakan Kelas dan R&D; 6) Pola Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan R&D; 7) Langkah-langkah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penelitian Pengembangan (R&D); 8) Menyusun Instrumen Pengumpulan Data; 9) Analisis Data Dalam PTK dan R&D; 10) Penyajian Data dalam PTK dan R&D; 11) Merancang Proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan R&D; 12) Keterkaitan Penelitian Eksperimental PTK dan R&D.
There is no country or economy participating in PISA 2012 that can claim that all of its 15-year-old students have achieved a baseline level of proficiency in mathematics, reading and science. Poor performance at school has long-term consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole. Reducing the number of low-performing students is not only a goal in its own right but also an effective way to improve an education system's overall performance - and equity, since low performers are disproportionately from socio-economically disadvantaged families. Low-performing Students: Why they Fall Behind and How to Help them Succeed examines low performance at school by looking at low performers' family background, education career and attitudes towards school. The report also analyses the school practices and educational policies that are more strongly associated with poor student performance. Most important, the evidence provided in the report reveals what policy makers, educators, parents and students themselves can do to tackle low performance and succeed in school.
This fifth volume of PISA 2012 results presents an assessment of student performance in problem solving, which measures students’ capacity to respond to non-routine situations in order to achieve their potential as constructive and reflective citizens.
Readers will come away from this book with an understanding of what SSR is, why it's important, and how to implement it in their own schools and classrooms.
Equip your students with the confidence and innovative skills they need to manage successfully in today's rapidly changing, turbulent business environment. The latest edition of Daft's market-leading NEW ERA OF MANAGEMENT, 10e, International Edition helps you develop managers who look beyond traditional techniques and ideas to tap into a full breadth of innovative management skills.NEW ERA OF MANAGEMENT, 10e, International Edition addresses emerging themes and the issues most important for meeting today's management demands and challenges. A blend of proven management techniques and new competencies demonstrate how to harness creativity and lead change, as students learn to put theory into p...
Completely updated and revised, this eleventh edition arms managers with the business tools they’ll need to succeed. The book presents managerial concepts and theory related to the fundamentals of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling with a strong emphasis on application. It offers new information on the changing nature of communication through technology. Focus is also placed on ethics to reflect the importance of this topic, especially with the current economic situation. This includes all new ethics boxes throughout the chapters. An updated discussion on the numerous legal law changes over the last few years is included as well. Managers will be able to think critically and make sound decisions using this book because the concepts are backed by many applications, exercises, and cases.
Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivity instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values - less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago.
This report provides new evidence on social mobility in the context of increased inequalities of income and opportunities in OECD and selected emerging economies. It covers the aspects of both, social mobility between parents and children and of personal income mobility over the life course, ...