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In recent years, the Islamization of Turkish politics and public life has been the subject of much debate in Turkey and the West. This book makes an important contribution to those debates by focusing on a group of religious schools, known as Imam-Hatip schools, founded a year after the Turkish Republic, in 1924. At the outset, the main purpose of Imam-Hatip schools was to train religious functionaries. However, in the ensuing years, the curriculum, function and social status of the schools have changed dramatically. Through ethnographic and textual analysis, the book explores how Imam-Hatip school education shapes the political socialization of the schools' students, those students' attitudes and behaviours and the political and civic activities of their graduates. By mapping the schools' connections to Islamist politicians and civic leaders, the book sheds light on the significant, yet often overlooked, role that the schools and their communities play in Turkey's Islamization at the high political and grassroots levels.
"How do centralized, institutional religions make peace with the modern state's displacement of their traditional prestige and power? What are the factors that can promote the mutual acceptance of religious communities and the secular rule of law? These are the questions posed in Jonathan Laurence's new book, which argues that Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam have trod surprisingly similar paths in their respective histories. Contemporary Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam both descend from religious states and empires, the Papacy in the case of Catholicism and the Caliphate in the case of Islam. As religio-political orders, the Western Church and the Islamic Caliphate ruled vast territories...
This book presents selected international research on journalism and safety with a focus on digital threats against journalists and their professional practices. It offers an overview of ongoing developments in the field of journalism and safety from diverse regions around the world. From various theoretical, conceptual and empirical perspectives, the chapters address the escalating global concern of pervasive phenomena such as cyber-surveillance, orchestrated attacks, trolling and online harassment and underscore the precariousness of journalists' work in various geographical locations. A section of the book examines the safety conditions of female journalists, focusing on their responses t...
M. Hakan Yavuz offers an insightful and wide-ranging study of the Gulen Movement, one of the most controversial developments in contemporary Islam. Founded in Turkey by the Muslim thinker Fethullah Gulen, the Gulen Movement aims to disseminate a ''moderate'' interpretation of Islam through faith-based education. Its activities have fundamentally altered religious and political discourse in Turkey in recent decades, and its schools and other institutions have been established throughout Central Asia and the Balkans, as well as western Europe and North America. Consequently, its goals and modus operandi have come under increasing scrutiny around the world. Yavuz introduces readers to the movem...
The Kurds constitute the largest stateless nation in the world. Their position in Turkey attracts attention both within the country and internationally, particularly focusing on the demand for Kurdish independence. Yet since the 1990s, new Kurdish parties have formed within Turkey who have a variety of ideologies and demands that go beyond, and differ in opinion on, the question of independence. Much of the present literature on the topic looks at the Kurds of Turkey as a homogenous group with unified political demands, which over-simplifies their position within the political backdrop of Turkey. This book seeks to provide nuance and depth to the current debate on Kurdish political agency an...
"AKP, Ortadoğu ve Türkiye" üzerine olan bu çalışma, üç temel bölümden oluşmaktadır. "Dünya ve Türkiye Ekonomisi" başlıklıbirinci bölümde 2007-2009 krizi sonrası dünya ekonomisindeki gelişmeler ve Türkiye’nin siyasal-iktisadi yönelimi; AKP döneminde Türkiye'nin artan dış bağımlılığının düzeyleri, uygulanan maliye politikasının felsefesi ve sonuçları, sermaye birikim sürecindeki yönelimi analiz edilmektedir. "Ortadoğu ve Türkiye" ilişkisini mercek altına alan ikinci bölümde Ortadoğu ülkelerinin dinamik fotoğrafı ve AKP'nin Ortadoğu politikalarının çöküşü, Körfez sermayesi ve Türkiye ilişkisi, Batılı emperyalist ülkelerin çift...
This book examines the decade in office of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its efforts to transform the Turkish republic toward a more Islamist-oriented system. If it succeeds, Turkey’s dramatic shift will be the most important change in the Middle East power balance since the 1979 Iranian revolution and will have equally devastating effects on Western interests. For more than 80 years Turkey has been ruled by the secular democratic structures created by Kemal Ataturk. Now, however, the rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its series of electoral victories are creating a new system. Whilst portraying itself as a centre-right reform party, the AKP has been accused...
The Praxis of Social Inequality in Media: A Global Perspective provides a global analysis of the intersection of social inequalities, media, and communication. This volume contains chapters by an international array of scholars and provides case studies from various countries with critical empirical analysis of social inequalities and how they shape media narratives and experiences. The topics examined here include poverty in the media in Britain and Turkey, technology and inequality in Italy and Bangladesh, gender, inequality, and empowerment in India, Mexico, and Australia, and cross national analysis of rape culture, among others.
AKP devrinde Türkiye'nin medya âleminde yaşanan köklü dönüşümü hakkıyla incelemek; medyadaki dönüşümü toplumun genel dönüşümüyle ilişkilendirecek bir yöntem, dönüşümün siyasal ve sınıfsal dinamiklerini görünür kılacak bir kuramsal perspektif, olguları anlamlı bir biçimde birbirine bağlayan titiz bir araştırmacılık ve bunların tümünden nasıl bir sonuca ulaşıldığını çarpıcı bir şekilde ortaya serecek bir analiz gücü gerektiriyor. Vahdet Mesut Ayan, bu gereklilikleri yerine getirme çabasıyla kapsamlı bir çalışma ortaya koyuyor. AKP Devrinde Medya Âlemi, medyadaki dönüşümün ekonomide, devlette, siyasal toplumda, sivil toplumda...