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A guide to computational thinking education, with a focus on artificial intelligence literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. Computing has become an essential part of today’s primary and secondary school curricula. In recent years, K–12 computer education has shifted from computer science itself to the broader perspective of computational thinking (CT), which is less about technology than a way of thinking and solving problems—“a fundamental skill for everyone, not just computer scientists,” in the words of Jeanette Wing, author of a foundational article on CT. This volume introduces a variety of approaches to CT in K–12 education, offering a wide range of...
Technologies, such as artificial intelligence and augmented and mixed reality, continue to be implemented to support the process of teaching and learning. However, technological advances and new applications should not be seen as a replacement for the requisite consideration of proper needs analysis, instructional design, and educational philosophy within courses or training; rather it should serve as an enabler to allow faster and more open access to learning for individuals. Educational Technology and the New World of Persistent Learning provides innovative insights into technology integration methods within classroom settings including how they can empower students and how they can be used in the creation of dynamic learning experiences. The content within this publication examines e-learning, robotics, and tutoring systems and is designed for academicians, educators, principles, administrators, researchers, and students.
This book explores integrated education and learning, with a focus on new approaches such as artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. It provides insight into educational techniques that promote critical thinking and enhance learning skills. It covers various mechanisms that influence this link, including meta-cognitive capacity, memory, cognitive style, conceptual approaches, digitization, teaching approaches, echoing, and questioning. This discussion spans all levels, from early childhood to higher education. Additionally, it provides pedagogical tips on creating a learning environment that encourages pupils' creativity and critical thinking, both online and in the classroom. It demonstrates how an integrated approach to education can create high-quality minds and promote modern values to meet current and future challenges. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, early childhood teachers and educators, as well as academic faculty can benefit from its contents as it presents valuable perspectives, both practical and theoretical, that enrich the current STEM, robotics, and mobile apps education agenda.
While the growth of computational thinking has brought new awareness to the importance of computing education, it has also created new challenges. Many educational initiatives focus solely on the programming aspects, such as variables, loops, conditionals, parallelism, operators, and data handling, divorcing computing from real-world contexts and applications. This decontextualization threatens to make learners believe that they do not need to learn computing, as they cannot envision a future in which they will need to use it, just as many see math and physics education as unnecessary. The Handbook of Research on Tools for Teaching Computational Thinking in P-12 Education is a cutting-edge r...
The original Article 45 in the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Constitution mandated the State to endeavour to provide free and compulsory education to all children up to age 14 within a period of 10 years. The national policy on Education (NPE), 1986/92, states. It seems the positive role of Universal Elementary Education (UEE) in strengthening the socio-economic base of a nation cannot be over - emphasised. Recognising the importance of it. A new Article 21A was added in Part I of the Constitution of India to make free and compulsory elementary education a fundamental right for children. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (or RTE) came into force in India with effect from 1 April 2010. Even before the RTE came into force, the Government of India's efforts were towards universalisation of elementary education in the country. This paper describes the stages through which the RTE Act has come into effect and how, in the course of implementing the RTE Act, the existing system has been changed and aligned with a view to fulfill its objectives. It also discusses how various other important schemes of the central and state governments.
Gut begleiten statt verbieten - so geht gesundes Gaming! Computerspiele und Bildschirmzeit sind ein ständiges Streitthema in vielen Familien. Wie lange sollen Kinder zocken dürfen? Wie kann man sie für anderes interessieren? Und warum ist Gaming für Kinder und Jugendliche überhaupt so verlockend? Dr. Kanojia, Psychiater und ehemals selber süchtig nach Computerspielen, seinen Millionen Followern bekannt als "Dr. K", ist der führende Experte für Videospielpsychologie. Er vermittelt Eltern wichtige Einsichten und praktische Ratschläge, gibt Hoffnung und liefert einen klaren Fahrplan zum Aufbau gesunder Spielgewohnheiten, die Ihr Kind für die Zukunft rüsten und die Beziehung zwischen Kind und Eltern stärken.
Iedere ouder vraagt zich af hoeveel schermtijd nog gezond is. Want vrijwel alle kinderen en jongvolwassenen spelen videogames: 98 procent van de mensen onder de dertig speelt regelmatig en twaalf procent is zelfs gameverslaafd. Op de online gameplatformen wordt bovendien steeds vaker gepest, een groeiende zorg voor ouders en zorgverleners. En wat is nu eigenlijk het effect van gamen op ADHD en autisme? Professor Alok Kanojia, zelf een fanatieke gamer én expert op het gebied van de kinderpsychiatrie, deelt de laatste wetenschappelijke inzichten over de effecten van gamen op het puberbrein en beantwoordt de belangrijkste vragen waar ouders van nu mee worstelen. Met zijn hulp maak je een einde aan het geruzie over schermtijd, voorkom je gedragsproblemen en leg je de basis voor een gezonde relatie met je kinderen.
Programmieren einfach umsetzen: In einfachen Schritten zum ersten Roboter - so begeistern Sie alle Kinder. Sie saugen im Wohnzimmer, arbeiten in der Fabrik und assistieren in der Medizin - Roboter sind aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Robotik in Ihren Klassenraum holen und auf spielerische Weise digitale Kompetenzen fördern können. Denn nur durch Kreativität, Kollaboration, kritisches Denken und Kommunikation gelingt es den Schülerinnen und Schülern, mit ihrem Roboter das Ziel zu erreichen. Mit Tipps für eine nachhaltige Feedbackkultur und Anregungen zur Reflexion erweitern die Jugendlichen Schritt für Schritt ihre Problemlösestrategien. Ausführliche Stundenplanungen, praxiserprobte Aufgabenstellungen und grafische Anleitungen helfen Ihnen bei der Umsetzung im Unterricht und können für weitere Aufgaben angepasst werden.
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