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Immunotherapy with genetically engineered immune cell products is a transformative treatment modality with potential applications in various fields of medicine. A prime example is chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells in hematology and oncology, and the advent of CAR T cell therapies to treat infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. The medical need and demand from patients and caregivers require radical innovations to accelerate and improve pre-clinical development and clinical translation, provision of gene-transfer vectors, and immune cell product manufacturing as well as a critical reflection and discussion on ethical and socioeconomic aspects. T...
Chronic diseases represent the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, with a subsequent enormous socioeconomic burden. The clinical management of these conditions often requires a multidisciplinary approach to treat the complex symptoms related to the disease and the associated problems. Different healthcare systems have been experimenting with interprofessional collaboration to enhance professional effectiveness and quality of practice among professionals, in an environment often constrained by resources. The optimum use of resources is made possible by interprofessional collaboration, which is described as an integrative cooperation of many health professions in different health...
Cicero has played a pivotal role in shaping Western culture. His public persona, his self-portrait as model of Roman prose, philosopher, and statesman, has exerted a durable and profound impact on the educational system and the formation of the ruling class over the centuries. Joining up with recent studies on the reception of Cicero, this volume approaches the figure of Cicero from a ‘biographical’, more than ‘philological’, perspective and considers the multiple ways by which different ages reacted to Cicero and created their ‘Ciceros’. From Cicero’s lifetime to our times, it focuses on how the image of Cicero was revisited and reworked by intellectuals and men of culture, wh...
"The one source that sets reference collections on Latin American studies apart from all other geographic areas of the world.... The Handbook has provided scholars interested in Latin America with a bibliographical source of a quality unavailable to scholars in most other branches of area studies." —Latin American Research Review Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year b...
The monograph deals with the topic of ghosts in universal literature from a polyhedral perspective, making use of different perspectives, all of which highlight the resilience of these figures from the very beginning of literature up to the present day. Therefore, the aim of this volume is to focus on how ghosts have been translated and transformed over the years within literature written in the following languages: Classical Greek and Latin, Spanish, Italian, and English.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Technologies and Innovation, CITI 2017, held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in October 2017. The 24 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: cloud and mobile computing; knowledge based and expert systems; applications in healthcare and wellness; e-learning; and ICT in agronomy.
La innovación es uno de los ejes estratégicos en los que hemos trabajado intensamente en los últimos cursos en todos los centros del CEU. Es más, yo diría que en el CEU la innovación es una constante desde sus orígenes, desde su fundación, hace ya casi 9 décadas, por don Ángel Herrera Oria. Innovación en un sentido transversal, puesto que entendemos que la innovación puede aplicarse a cualquiera de los ámbitos y tareas del quehacer educativo.
In a lively panorama of stimulating juxtapositions, sequences, and cross references, this new edition of Modern Contemporary provides a cornucopia of 590 works of key contemporary art (37 more than in the original edition).
Aquest llibre presenta una reflexió acadèmica i professional al Campus de la Diagonal amb un ampli ventall d’idees urbanístiques que permeten establir un nou escenari universitari i millorar la relació amb la ciutat..Durant els anys seixanta i setanta del segle passat es varen realitzar diversos projectes d’edificis i recintes universitaris de gran interès (de Carlo, Candilis, Sert). També es varen publicar notables estudis sobre la relació entre la ciutat i la universitat..Feia, però, força anys que aquestes qüestions no semblaven ocupar l’agenda d’arquitectes, urbanistes i responsables universitaris. Per això sembla tan oportú l’esforç de recollir en aquestes poc més de dues-centes planes tot un seguit de riques reflexions i de projectes, tant aquells que responen a encàrrecs concrets de la UB i de la UPC, com aquells que han realitzat un conjunt d’estudiants per recosir i fer ciutat d’una munió d’edificis, sovint de caràcter abstret i poc permeable, tallats per una avinguda de grans dimensions i disposats sense cap visió de conjunt.