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Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging. Practice theory provides a framework to study democracy as routinized performances even in contexts of fluid boundaries, temporal relations and a diffuse constituency. The author attempts to understand how new forms of democratic practice emerge in the interaction between political actors and their structural environments.
How are human computation systems developed in the field of citizen science to achieve what neither humans nor computers can do alone? Through multiple perspectives and methods, Libuse Hannah Veprek examines the imagination of these assemblages, their creation, and everyday negotiation in the interplay of various actors and play/science entanglements at the edge of AI. Focusing on their human-technology relations, this ethnographic study shows how these formations are marked by intraversions, as they change with technological advancements and the actors' goals, motivations, and practices. This work contributes to the constructive and critical ethnographic engagement with human-AI assemblages in the making.
This book takes stock of German gender equality in several policy fields after 16 years of governments led by Angela Merkel and her conservative Christian Democratic Party (CDU). While maintaining its status as an economic engine in Europe, Germany has historically been a laggard in adopting gender equality measures. The European Gender Equality Index, however, now ranks Germany relatively high and shows substantial progress since 2005. While this has gone mostly unnoticed, Germany has passed far-reaching legislation in major policy fields relevant for gender equality. Investigating the effects of Merkel's tenure on gender equality, the chapters in this volume assess policy output and outcom...
From Captain George Vancouver to Muriel “Curve of Time” Blanchet to Jim “Spilsbury’s Coast” Spilsbury, visitors to Desolation Sound have left behind a trail of books endowing the area with a romantic aura that helps to make it British Columbia’s most popular marine park. In this hilarious and captivating book, CBC personality Grant Lawrence adds a whole new chapter to the saga of this storied piece of BC coastline. Young Grant’s father bought a piece of land next to the park in the 1970s, just in time to encounter the gun-toting cougar lady, left-over hippies, outlaw bikers and an assortment of other characters. In those years Desolation Sound was a place where going to the nei...
»Digital Culture & Society« is a refereed, international journal, fostering discussion about the ways in which digital technologies, platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practices. It offers a forum for critical analysis and inquiries into digital media theory and provides a publication environment for interdisciplinary research approaches, contemporary theory developments and methodological innovation. This issue, edited by Anna Lisa Ramella, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tristan Thielmann and Pablo Abend, discusses the mobility of people, data and devices from the perspective of digital mobile practices. As the authors of various empirical case studies show, these need to be studied both situationally, and on the move. With contributions by Marion Schulze, Jamie Coates, Geoffrey Hobbis, Samuel Gerald Collins, among others, and an interview with Heather Horst, David Morley, and Noel B. Salazar.
Wie verhandeln Fans von Vampir-Serien in ihren Texten Themen wie Geschlecht, Sexualität, Familie oder Beziehungen? Und bringen sie in ihren Geschichten queere Utopien hervor? Denise Labahn untersucht die Aus- und Verhandlungen von Hetero- und Homonormativität durch Fans am Beispiel von Fanfictions zu den TV-Serien »Vampire Diaries«, »Buffy« und »True Blood« sowie einer Online-Gruppendiskussion mit queeren Produser*innen. Die empirische Studie verbindet u.a. Ansätze der Queer Theory und Fan Studies. Sie zeigt, wie Fans in ihren kollektiven und kollaborativen Entwürfen alternative Welten erschaffen sowie Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse und Beziehungen queeren - und so einen Beitrag zu vielfältigen Repräsentationen leisten.
A warm and unforgettable portrait of a family letting go of the known world to encounter an unfamiliar one filled with rich possibilities and new understandings. Bruce Kirkby had fallen into a pattern of looking mindlessly at his phone for hours, flipping between emails and social media, ignoring his children and wife and everything alive in his world, when a thought struck him. This wasn't living; this wasn't him. This moment of clarity started a chain reaction which ended with a grand plan: he was going to take his wife and two young sons, jump on a freighter and head for the Himalaya. In Blue Sky Kingdom, we follow Bruce and his family's remarkable three months journey, where they would e...
Die »Soziologie« ist das Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS). Die Zeitschrift fördert die Diskussion über die Entwicklung des Fachs, informiert über die Einbindung der deutschen Soziologie in ihren europäischen und weltweiten Kontext und dient dem Informationsaustausch über die Arbeit in den Sektionen und Arbeitsgruppen innerhalb der DGS.
Sophie Bernard bekleidet als erste Frau den Posten des Länderchefs bei Durand Prestige Cosmetics, einem der weltweit größten Beauty-Konzerne. Zunächst sind alle begeistert von ihrem erfrischenden Charme. Doch schon bald entpuppt sich die Powerfrau als narzisstische Intrigantin. Mit perfiden Mechaniken macht sie sich ihre Mitarbeiter gefügig und genießt uneingeschränkten Rückhalt durch die Pariser Zentrale. Doch sie unterschätzt ihren Personaldirektor und seine Komplizen, die mit einem unbekannten Einfallsreichtum einen Plan aushecken, um die machthungrige Egoistin zu Fall zu bringen. Eine groteske Odyssee durch die Untiefen der Schönheitsindustrie beginnt. Diese bösartig witzige Geschichte trifft auf einen empfindlichen Nerv der aktuellen Zeit und zeigt eindrucksvoll, dass nur wenige toxische Menschen eine gesunde Mitarbeiterkultur komplett zerstören können.