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Istilah adat berasal dari Bahasa Arab dengan diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang bermakna kebiasaan atau adat adalah tingkah laku manusia atau seseorang yang terus menerus dilakukan dengan cara tertentu dan diikuti oleh masyarakat luar dalam waktu yang lama. Adat istiadat menunjukan bentuk, sikap, tindakan perubahan manusia pada masyarakat hukum adat untuk mempertahankan adat istiadat yang berlaku dilingkungan wilayah adat. Adat istiadat dipertahankan karena kesadaran dari masyarakat adat itu sendiri, namun ada pula adat istiadat dipertahankan dengan sanksi atau akibat hukum sehingga menjadi hukum adat setempat. Hukum adat merupakan hukum tidak tertulis yang memiliki kemampuan untuk me...
Hukum alternatif penyelesaian sengketa (Alternative Dispute Resolution/ADR) merujuk pada metode penyelesaian perselisihan di luar jalur peradilan formal. Dalam konteks Indonesia, ADR sering digunakan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa yang melibatkan pihak-pihak yang lebih memilih proses yang lebih cepat, murah, dan fleksibel dibandingkan dengan prosedur pengadilan yang memakan waktu dan biaya. Metode ADR ini meliputi mediasi, konsiliasi, arbitrase, dan negosiasi, yang memberikan kesempatan kepada para pihak untuk mencapai kesepakatan secara damai tanpa melalui proses litigasi. Mediasi adalah proses di mana pihak ketiga yang netral membantu para pihak untuk mencapai kesepakatan. Konsiliasi serupa ...
Ananda Prasetya Utami, Fazlar Rusyda Kamila, Eka Oktavia Andriyani, Fatimah Noor Jannah, Muawafah, Sarah Riska Arifiah, Ahmad Marzuki, Aditya Andela Pratama, Dewi Sartika, Muh. Fajar Sadiq, Widyan Arkan Arisyi.
Building upon the success of the first edition, this second - and substantially revised - edition of Youth Crime and Justice comprises a range of cutting-edge contributions from leading national and international researchers. The book: Situates youth crime and youth justice within historical and social-structural contexts; Critically examines policy and practice trends and their relation to knowledge and ‘evidence’; and Presents a forward looking vision of a rights compliant youth justice with integrity. An authoritative and accessible book, Youth Crime and Justice (2nd ed) provides a coherent, comprehensive and fully up-to-date analysis of contemporary developments and debates. A must for researchers, teachers, students and practitioners.
Contributors describe recent developments in restorative justice with respect to young offenders, looking at programs in Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, South Africa, and the US. They present and explain findings on conferencing, victim-offender mediation, and circles, the three most common restorative justice formats, and discuss issues for the future of restorative justice. A major theme discussed is the potential, through restorative justice, for indigenous communities to have an impact on conventional criminal justice processes. The editors are affiliated with the Institute of Criminology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Distributed by ISBS. c. Book News Inc.
Integrating literature in education, especially in language learning, is indispensable. Not only that literature enables students to gain competence in a particular area of knowledge, it also nurtures their compassion and conscience, developing them into whole human beings. To embrace this vision, a book that can facilitate students' learning is needed. This book is designed to assist both teachers and students of Introduction to Literature course to enhance their literary skills as well as their soft skills.
Youths are on trial today in two ways. In the first sense, whereas youths once faced delinquency hearings in juvenile courts, now with increasing frequency they stand trial in criminal courts. In the second sense, recent reforms in juvenile justice have placed the notion of youth itself on trial. Society's trend toward responding to adolescent offenders as adults asks that we set aside traditional presumptions about adolescence as a condition of immaturity that warrants mitigation. The ensuing debate highlights the need for evidence to address whether youths' capacities are sufficiently different from adults to warrant different legal responses to their transgressions.
Not for the faint of heart, Math Block features a range of mathematic problems, puzzles and mazes, from easy-as-pie to brain-crushingly difficult, to challenge your noggin when it's in need of some exercise, all in a fun 3x3" block. Hope you remember those mnemonic devices because Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, you're going to need them! With over 600 pages of puzzling riddles, word problems, logic puzzles, Sudoku and KenKens, mazes, chess puzzles, and traditional math equations, this "Rubik's cube for math minds" will test your knowledge of arithmetic, geometry, logic, patterns, statistics... and even some calculus. Keep a copy on your desk to keep your mind sharp, or give as a gift to the problem-solver in your life.
Psychologists, economists, historians, computer scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and legal scholars explore the conscious choice not to seek information. The history of intellectual thought abounds with claims that knowledge is valued and sought, yet individuals and groups often choose not to know. We call the conscious choice not to seek or use knowledge (or information) deliberate ignorance. When is this a virtue, when is it a vice, and what can be learned from formally modeling the underlying motives? On which normative grounds can it be judged? Which institutional interventions can promote or prevent it? In this book, psychologists, economists, historians, computer scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and legal scholars explore the scope of deliberate ignorance.
Only available in paperback version ISBN 90 411 1091 7 This volume draws upon the author's own experience to highlight the complexities behind the global violations of children's rights. Analysis and description are interwoven to provide a coherent study of the international status of children and the rights which attach to this status, both for those familiar and unfamiliar with international law. The author demonstrates the potential of international law in protecting the rights of children, even in states which are restructuring their economies. To be effective, international law cannot be used in isolation and the text seeks to place the rights of the child in their cultural and historic...