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The Untouchable Apartment Kandagawa's relationship with Mano ended over four years ago, which is why she's surprised when he calls her, drunk, to tell her that their old apartment has been knocked down. As they walk through the city, Kandagawa relives moments of their relationship and questions their decision to be apart. Lose Your Private Life Waterumi Yano is a successful young novelist, her books winning prestigious prizes and the hearts of readers all over the world. However, Waterumi is herself a fiction, a penname for the 28 year old Terumi Yano, a woman struggling to hold on to her identity as she is increasingly recognized by her loved ones as Waterumi. A Genealogy A fable-like retelling which broadly sketches the evolution of mankind and ends with Kandagawa, sitting in a bath in her apartment, remembering how, in the past, she used to be a fish.
A shape-shifter arrives at Tokyo harbour in human form, set to embark on an unstoppable rampage through the city’s train network… A young woman is accompanied home one night by a reclusive student, and finds herself lured into a flat full of eerie Egyptian artefacts… A man suspects his young wife’s obsession with picnicking every weekend in the city’s parks hides a darker motive… At first, Tokyo appears in these stories as it does to many outsiders: a city of bewildering scale, awe-inspiring modernity, peculiar rules, unknowable secrets and, to some extent, danger. Characters observe their fellow citizens from afar, hesitant to stray from their daily routines to engage with them....
In this "delightfully uncanny" collection of feminist retellings of traditional Japanese folktales (The New York Times Book Review), humans live side by side with spirits who provide a variety of useful services—from truth-telling to babysitting, from protecting castles to fighting crime. A busybody aunt who disapproves of hair removal; a pair of door-to-door saleswomen hawking portable lanterns; a cheerful lover who visits every night to take a luxurious bath; a silent house-caller who babysits and cleans while a single mother is out working. Where the Wild Ladies Are is populated by these and many other spirited women—who also happen to be ghosts. This is a realm in which jealousy, stu...
Mapping Tokyo in Fiction and Film explores ways that late 20th- and early 21st- century fiction and film from Japan literally and figuratively map Tokyo. The four dozen novels, stories, and films discussed here describe, define, and reflect on Tokyo urban space. They are part of the flow of Japanese-language texts being translated (or, in the case of film, subtitled) into English. Circulation in professionally translated and subtitled English-language versions helps ensure accessibility to the primarily anglophone readers of this study—and helps validate inclusion in lists of world literature and film. Tokyo’s well-established culture of mapping signifies much more than a profound attachment to place or an affinity for maps as artifacts. It is, importantly, a counter-response to feelings of insecurity and disconnection—insofar as the mapping process helps impart a sense of predictability, stability, and placeness in the real and imagined city.
Isogai ha diciannove anni, frequenta l'università di Arti Visive e sta muovendo i primi disorientati passi nel mondo degli adulti; Yuri ha trentanove anni, è sposata, insegna Disegno e sta cercando un nuovo equilibrio nella sua vita di coppia e nella sua arte. Quando le loro strade si incontrano ha inizio un viaggio sentimentale, sessuale ed emotivo: è l'inizio di una trottola amorosa per sua stessa natura destinata a concludersi. Yuri sa quello che vuole e prende senza dare nulla in cambio; Isogai si lascia trasportare senza opporre resistenza, non gli interessa distinguere ciò che è giusto e ciò che è sbagliato, vuole solo cercare di capire. Non con le parole ma affinando tutti i se...
Japan is often perceived as a land of custom, convention, and conservatism. While much of Japan's population does uphold tradition, the nation also has a history of confronting conformity when it comes to gender representation in the arts. Revealed in the pages of the famous Tosa Nikki, through the characters of the Kantai Collection media mix, and in many more expressions of art and media, the diverse stories of gender fluidity have permeated Japanese culture for centuries. In this volume of critical essays, scholars from around the world bring international perspectives on subjects ranging from 10th century poetry to 21st century photography. They examine various facets of Japanese culture, including prose, theater, music, cinema, anime, computer games, and contemporary drag performance. These essays explore the impact of flexible approaches to gender representation in the arts, highlighting the role that artists play in shaping attitudes towards gender in Japanese society.
The essential annual guide to the newest voices in short fiction, selected this year by Tracy O’Neill, Nafissa Thompson–Spires, and Deb Olin Unferth. Who are the most promising short story writers working today? Where do we look to discover the future stars of literary fiction? This book will offer a dozen compelling answers to these questions. The stories collected here represent the most recent winners of the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers, which recognizes twelve writers who have made outstanding debuts in literary magazines in the previous year. They are chosen by a panel of distinguished judges, themselves innovators of the short story form: Tracy O’Neill, Nafissa Thompson–Spires, and Deb Olin Unferth. Each piece comes with an introduction by its original editors, whose commentaries provide valuable insight into what magazines are looking for in their submissions, and showcase the vital work they do to nurture literature’s newest voices.
Astral Season, Beastly Season is the debut novel by Japanese writer Tahi Saihate. The story follows Morishita and Yamashiro, two high-school boys approaching the age in life when they must choose what kind of people they want to be. When their favourite J-pop idol kills and dismembers her boyfriend, Morishita and Yamashiro unite to convince the police that their idol's act was in fact by them. This thrilling novel is a meditation on belonging, the objectification of young popstars, and teenage alienation.
Winner of the Akutagawa Prize, a sharp, photo-realistic novella of memory and thwarted hope 'He'd come to realise that it was a mistake to grind up his father's remains with such a thing. The mortar was lined with narrow grooves, a little too perfect for ashes to get stuck in.' Divorced and cut off from his family, Taro lives alone in one of the few occupied apartments in his block, a block that is to be torn down as soon as the remaining tenants leave. Since the death of his father, Taro keeps to himself, but is soon drawn into an unusual relationship with the woman upstairs, Nishi, as she passes on the strange tale of the sky-blue house next door. First discovered by Nishi in the little-kn...
THE BOOKSHOP WOMAN IS A LOVE STORY, A LOVE STORY ABOUT BOOKS Nanako Hanada's life has not just flatlined, it's hit rock bottom... Recently separated from her husband, she is living between 4-hour capsule hostels, pokey internet cafes and bookshop floors. Her work is going no better - sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako manages, are dwindling. As Nanako's life falls apart, reading books is the only thing keeping her alive. That's until Nanako joins an online meet-up site which offers 30 minutes with someone you'll never see again. Describing herself as a sexy bookseller she offers strangers 'the book that will change their life' in exchange for a meeting. ...