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Market: Those interested in speech, especially speech production, and graduate students studying the anatomy and physiology of speech. Katherine Safford Harris is known throughout the speech research community for her contributions to our understanding of speech behaviors and her leadership at Haskins Laboratories. Her research has shown how the study of speech disorders can provide a window through which we can observe normal behaviors and learn much about the control systems of speech production. In recognition of this work, each section of this book contains chapters on normal speech production as well as speech disorders. These original contributed chapters cover a wide range of subjects, including respiratory patterns in normal speech, speech breathing processes in hearing-impaired persons, laryngeal adductory behaviors, spasmodic dysphonia, tongue shaping and vowel articulation, speech production in children with cochlear implants, and more.
East Asian societies have a patri-lineal tradition in which a family successor must be a son and parents live with the heir and his family. In Japan, the patri-lineal family system was prevalent among the samurai warrior class in the early modern period. In the modern period, it was stipulated in the civil code until the end of World War II. This tradition, however, is changing with a background of gender equalization and fewer number of sons resulting from low birth rates. Intergenerational Relationships between Married Children and Their Parents in 21st Century Japan is the first book that introduces a new perspective of the individualized marriage into a study of intergenerational relationships and examines how the patri-lineal tradition is both changing and maintained. This book deals with patri-local coresidence, matri-local nearby-residence, and support exchange between adult children and their parents/ parents-in-law, and offer a new framework for comparative studies of today’s East Asian families.
In the past decade or so, scholars in the United States have identified the emergence of a new, distinct stage of life, as adolescence has become protracted, and most young people of recent generations take longer to achieve economic and psychological autonomy than they did a half century ago. This new life stage, in between adolescence and adulthood when young people are in a semiautonomous state, has come to be known as "early adulthood." Main characteristics of this new life stage include a later entry into the work force, a longer period of time living in the natal home, and a delayed age at marriage and childbearing. These trends not only have profound implications for young adults' well-being and intergenerational relationships but also challenge social institutions, such as family, schools, labor markets, and many youth-serving institutions.
Téma kontinuity a změn v Asii je obecně přijímané jako důležitý a složitý problém. Asie je považována za jednu z nejdynamičtěji se rozvíjejících částí světa. Rychlé proměny Asijských ekonomických, politických a sociálních či kulturních systémů poskytují řadu námětů ke zkoumání v takových oblastech, jako je antropologie, etnografie, lingvistika a literární studia, či v takových vědních oborech, jako jsou sociální, politická a ekonomická studia. Obzvláště po několika letech opatření proti šíření Covid-19 je důležité porozumět tomu, co zůstalo stejné, či co se mohlo změnit a být navždy ztraceno. The theme of ‘continuity a...
This volume includes eleven chapters written by well-known specialists in foreign language teaching and interlanguage pragmatics: K. Bardovi-Harlig, D. Boxer, C. Clennell and S. Nichols, A. Cohen, M. A. Dufon, J. House, H. Kobayashi and C. Rinnert, A.J. Meier, M. P. Safont, P. Salazar, and A. Trosborg. The authors bring together both theoretical and empirical studies dealing with pragmatic competence and its teachability: they review the latest studies carried out in the field, examine issues of developmental pragmatics in the classroom, describe various projects and analyses of different pragmatic aspects, provide evidence of the benefits of explicit teaching of pragmatics, and suggest interesting activities to develop learners' pragmatic knowledge.
This volume focuses on the topic of energy transitions in the coal mining industries of China and Japan by adopting a Sino-Japanese comparative approach in area studies to examine the experiences between the two major East Asian economies. In China, rapid industrialization led to dramatic growth in energy demand and much of this energy demand was fueled by affordable coal energy. With growing social concerns about the environment and an increasingly vocal middle class in contemporary China, the authorities and state-owned enterprises are studying the use of coal fuels for its future development. In Japan, coal was also an affordable main source of energy for Japan’s early post-war heavy in...
With worsening climate change worldwide, the use of coal energy must be reevaluated. Lessons from highly optimized experiences in developed countries, along with innovative statistical tools, are ready to be employed in the coal energy field. Leveraging these resources can enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices in coal utilization. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the coal energy industry in the 21st century. It includes six chapters organized into three sections on the past and future of coal energy, application of statistical tools, and application technologies. Chapters address such topics as the pros and cons of coal energy, current clean coal technologies, the application of statistical tools to improve productivity and effectiveness in the coal energy industry, utilization of waste coal fly ash, and more.
This volume probes the nature and ramifications of changing gender norms in Japan from a multidisciplinary perspective incorporating sociology, social psychology and economics.
China is now considered a tech superpower in many areas. This book illustrates certain aspects and case studies of China's technological developments and further analyzes them under various areas like coal energy, housing, connectivity, digital and space technologies. Furthermore, it examines technological developments in the periphery of China, focusing especially on Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). This book does not pretend to be comprehensive in its coverage albeit surveys a spectrum of sectors in China and Hong Kong to get an idea of their developments. By peering into China through the mainland continental perspective and also looking into China from its periphery (e.g., 'Greater China' perspectives from HKSAR), this book provides readers with the broad contours of technological development in China through a multidisciplinary area studies perspective.
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of one of the most pressing challenges facing Japan today: population decline and ageing. It argues that social ageing is a phenomenon that follows in the wake of industrialization, urbanization and social modernization, bringing about changes in values, institutions, social structures, economic activity, technology and culture, and posing many challenges for the countries affected. Focusing on the experience of Japan, the author explores: how Japan has recognized the emerging problems relatively early because during the past half century population ageing has been more rapid in Japan than in any other country how all of Japanese society is affecte...