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Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 170

Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-04-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

In an age of migration, in a world deeply divided through cultural differences and in the context of ongoing efforts to preserve national and regional traditions and identities, the issues of language and translation are becoming absolutely vital. At the heart of these complex, intercultural interactions are various types of agents, intermediaries and mediators, including translators, writers, artists, policy makers and publishers involved in the preservation or rejuvenation of literary and cultural repertoires, languages and identities. The major themes of this book include language and translation in the context of migration and diasporas, migrant experiences and identities, the translatio...

New directions in corpus-based translation studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 175

New directions in corpus-based translation studies

Corpus-based translation studies has become a major paradigm and research methodology and has investigated a wide variety of topics in the last two decades. The contributions to this volume add to the range of corpus-based studies by providing examples of some less explored applications of corpus analysis methods to translation research. They show that the area keeps evolving as it constantly opens up to different frameworks and approaches, from appraisal theory to process-oriented analysis, and encompasses multiple translation settings, including (indirect) literary translation, machine (assisted)-translation and the practical work of professional legal translators. The studies included in the volume also expand the range of application of corpus applications in terms of the tools used to accomplish the research tasks outlined.

Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: From description to application / Estudios traductológicos basados en corpus: de la descripción a la aplicación
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 268

Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: From description to application / Estudios traductológicos basados en corpus: de la descripción a la aplicación

The contributions in this volume illustrate some noteworthy tendencies in current Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: the reflection on the state of research on the characteristics of translated language, the extension of descriptive proposals into minority languages, the diversification of applied proposals and the growing importance of corpora for the study of interpreting. Las aportaciones de este volumen representan algunas tendencias destacables en los actuales estudios traductológicos basados en corpus: la reflexión sobre el estado de la investigación en torno a las características de la lengua traducida, la extensión de las propuestas descriptivas a lenguas minoritarias, la diversificación de las propuestas aplicadas y la creciente importancia de los corpus para el estudio de la interpretación.

Translating Fictional Dialogue for Children and Young People
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 421

Translating Fictional Dialogue for Children and Young People

Literary and multimodal texts for children and young people play an important role in their acquisition of language and literacy, and they are a flourishing part of publishing and translating activities today. This book brings together twenty-one papers on the particular aspect of the translation of feigned orality. As the link between the literary and the multimodal text, fictional dialogue is the appropriate place for evoking orality, lending authenticity and credibility to the narrated plot and giving a voice to fictitious characters. This is illustrated with examples from narrative and dramatic texts as well as films, cartoons and television series, in their respective modes of mediation: translating, interpreting, dubbing and subtitling. The findings are of interest from the scholarly point of view of contrastive linguistics, for the professional practice of translating, interpreting, dubbing and subtitling and in the educational context.

Roald Dahl
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 210

Roald Dahl

Published to mark the centenary of Roald Dahl’s (Welsh) birth, Roald Dahl: Wales of the Unexpected breaks new ground by revealing the place of Wales in the imagination of the writer known as ‘the world’s number one storyteller’. Exploring the complex conditioning presence of Wales in his life and work, the essays in this collection dramatically defamiliarise Dahl and in the process render him uncanny. Importantly, Dahl is encountered whole – his books for children and his fiction for adults are read as mutually invigorating bodies of work, both of which evidence the ways in which Wales, and the author’s Anglo-Welsh orientation, demand articulation throughout the career. Recognisi...

Formulaic Language and New Data
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Formulaic Language and New Data

The existence of formulaic patterns has been attested to all languages of the world. However, systematic research in this field has been focused on only a few European standard languages with a rich literary tradition and a high degree of written norm. It was on the basis of these data that the theoretical framework and methodological approaches were developed. The volume shifts this focus by centering the investigation on new data, including data from lesser-used languages and dialects, extra-european languages, linguistic varieties mostly used in spoken domains as well as at previous historical stages of language development. Their inclusion challenges the existing postulates at both a the...

Bestandsaufnahme der Germanistik in Spanien
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 878

Bestandsaufnahme der Germanistik in Spanien

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

Mit diesem Band beteiligt sich die spanische Germanistik an der Diskussion über Zukunft und Ziele des Faches. Sie stellt sich Fragen zur Horizonterweiterung und der methodologischen Erneuerung des Faches, das mit dem Bologna-Abkommen und der Einführung des europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen vor grosse Herausforderungen gestellt wird. Anlass für diese Veröffentlichung ist der 6. Kongress der FAGE (Federación de Asociaciones de Germanistas en España), des Dachverbands der spanischen Germanisten, der vom 20. bis zum 22. September 2007 in Vitoria-Gasteiz stattfand. Der Band ist wie die Tagung in die fünf Sektionen Linguistik, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Literaturwissenschaft, Kultu...

Bizian argitaratuak
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 264

Bizian argitaratuak

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Alberdania

Literatura ez den orok aspertu egiten zuela zioen Franz Kafkak. Literatura zen haren bizitzako funtsa eta literatura bihurtzen zen begi aurrean zuen guztia, baita keinurik txikiena ere. Era berean, egoera absurdoak, urduriak, kafkatarrak deskribatzen ditu Kafkak, askotan umore punto berezi batez jantziak, Errealitatea eta fikzioa nahasita, barruraino iristen diren amets-antzeko kontakizunak sortu zituen. Liburu honetako kontakizunetan ere ez da halakorik falta: etsipena, irrika, larritasuna, beldurra, egoera korapilotsuak eta ezusteak. Egilea bizi zela argitara erman zituen 39 kontakizun hauek dira liteatura kafkatarraren adierazle paregabeak.

Ulenspiegel elezaharra edo Ulenspiegel-en eta Lamme Goedzak-en ibili eta gertaldi alai, garai eta goresgarriak Flandria Herrian eta inon askotan
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 666

Ulenspiegel elezaharra edo Ulenspiegel-en eta Lamme Goedzak-en ibili eta gertaldi alai, garai eta goresgarriak Flandria Herrian eta inon askotan

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Alberdania

Herri gemanikoen folklorean pertsonaia guztiz ezaguna eta maitea da Thyl Ulenspiegel: adar-jotzailea, sabelkoia, neskazalea, hiztun egokia, kantaria... pikaroaren figura unibertsalaren haragitzea dugu. Charles de Coster-ek folklorea zena Espaina okupatzailearen uztarripetik liberatu nahi duen XVI. Mendeko Flandrian kokatu zuen, eta horrela, inguru sozial eta historiko bat hartuta, Ulenspiegel hazi egiten da, zirtolariak indar berria hartzen du, alprojak etika bat aurkitzen du, alderraia ez doa ihesi... Eliza Katolikoak kondenatuetan dabil, Inkisizioak erre egin nahi luke, Albakoaren gerraginek zin egin dute urkatu egingo dutela, eta Ulenspiegelek gerra, zurruta eta maitasuna egiten du, barrabana gozo matxinatuen artean. Epika eta lirika, epopeia eta komedia harrigarriro uztartzen dituen idazlan hau Belgikako literaturaren abiapuntzat hartu izan da, belgikartasunaren sortzailetzat.

Sumendiaren azpian
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 564

Sumendiaren azpian

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Alberdania

1938ko Defuntuen Eguna Mexicoko Quauhnahuac hiri asmatuan (Cuernavaca alegiazko bat?) beste edozein egun bezalakoa izan daiteke Geoffrey Firmin britainiar kontsularentzat, haren azken eguna izango den arren. Mozkorti baten eldarnio alhoholiko etenbako bat duzu eleberri hau, alde batera, delirium tremensaren menpeko izaten zen idazle batek sortua. Aldi berean, baina, argikusmen distiratsua erakusten du kontsulak, eta era berean esan liteke Lowryk testu jori, barroko, jostalari, iradokitzaile eta askotariko bat ondu zuela, tintaz ez ezik, alkoholez eta are bere odolez ere izkiriatua, literaturaren historian bitxi bakan gisa geratuko dena.