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The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 698

The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education

A comprehensive source that demonstrates how 21st century Christianity can interrelate with current educational trends and aspirations The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education provides a resource for students and scholars interested in the most important issues, trends, and developments in the relationship between Christianity and education. It offers a historical understanding of these two intertwined subjects with a view to creating a context for the myriad issues that characterize—and challenge—the relationship between Christianity and education today. Presented in three parts, the book starts with thought-provoking essays covering major issues in Christian education such as t...

Brazilian Authoritarianism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

Brazilian Authoritarianism

"This book, written in the aftermath of the 2018 election of the right-wing populist politician Jair Bolsonaro, is a historically-grounded analysis of authoritarianism in Brazil. In the tradition of Zola's J'accuse, Lilia Schwarcz takes up and debunks the popular and cherished national myth of Brazil as a tolerant, open, peaceful, and racially-harmonious society. In that country's history textbooks even Brazil's centuries of slavery have been described as an ultimately benign, paternalistic order in which the races freely mixed and the cruelty of the U.S. slave experience was absent. This, Schwarcz argues, papers over centuries of racially-motivated violence, cruelty, and exploitation. These...

Dom Hélder Câmara
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 111

Dom Hélder Câmara

Ao lembrar de Dom Hélder Câmara, é impossível não pensar na figura carismática, bondosa, miúda e sólida desse homem que de um jeito substantivamente manso, foi adjetivamente irado. Irado de uma ira santa, pois fincou suas orações e práticas pacíficas no território comum aos bons profetas, que se limitam à denúncia e são capazes de exercer o anúncio. Esse livro caminha pelas razões históricas, políticas e teológicas que colaboraram para que Dom Hélder se fizesse com se fez. O autor destaca o homem, o religioso, suas circunstâncias, sua trajetória, os dramas e os enredos que conduziram esse ícone na direção de uma atividade pastoral progressista, revolucionária, humanista e, por isso mesmo, profundamente cristã. Temos, assim, a possibilidade de conhecer um pouco mais o caminho de esperança percorrido por Dom Hélder ao longo de sua vida. A sua lembrança nos ajudará a manter acesa a chama da esperança para lutarmos constantemente na construção de um mundo mais justo e fraterno para toda a humanidade.

The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil

The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil makes the last two centuries of Brazilian history come alive through the stories of mostly non-elite individuals. The pieces in this lively collection address how people experienced historical continuities and changes by exploring how they related to the rise of Brazilian national identity and the emergence of a national state. By including a broad array of historical actors from different regions, ethnicities, occupations, races, genders, and eras, The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil brings a human dimension to major economic, political, cultural, and social transitions. Because these perspectives do not always fit with the generalizations made about the predominant attitudes, values, and beliefs of different groups, they bring a welcome complexity to the understanding of Brazilian society and history.

Brazilian Science Fiction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Brazilian Science Fiction

Science fiction, because of its links to science and technology, is the consummate literary vehicle for examining the perception and cultural impact of the modernization process in Brazil. Because of the centrality of the role played by the military dictatorship (1964-85) in imposing industrialization and economic development policies on Brazil, this book examines the genre in the periods before, during, and after the dictatorship, encompassing the years 1960-2000. The analysis shows that a reading of Brazilian science fiction based on its use of paradigms of Anglo-American science fiction and myths of Brazilian nationhood provides a unique look into Brazil's modern metamorphosis as it finds itself on the periphery of the globalized world.

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 13, Special Issue 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 13, Special Issue 1

C O N T E N T S Introduction: Jacques Maritain and Contemporary Challenges to Democracy Laurie Johnston Threading the Needle: Jacques Maritain’s Defense of a Christian and Liberal Democracy Mary Doak Jacques Maritain, “Pure” Nature, and the State’s Teleological Crisis Gilbrian Stoy, CSC Distinct But Not Separate: Rethinking Maritain’s Distinction of Planes to Recover His Democratic Potential Travis Knoll Rescuing Maritain from His Reception History: A Reappraisal of William T. Cavanaugh’s Critique in Torture and Eucharist Brian J. A. Boyd Revisiting Maritain in the Present Context—A Response to Gilbrian Stoy, Travis Knoll, and Brian Boyd William T. Cavanaugh Partners in Forming the People: Jacques Maritain, Saul Alinsky, and the Project of Personalist Democracy Nicholas Hayes-Mota Community Organizing for Democratic Renewal: The Significance of Jacques Maritain’s Support for Saul Alinsky and His Methods Brian Stiltner A Common World is Possible: Maritain, Pope Francis, and the Future of Global Governance Kevin Ahern Catholic Social Teaching: Toward a Decolonial Praxis Alex Mikulich Afterword John T. McGreevy

As Bestas do Apocalipse - e o trono do Juízo final
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 440

As Bestas do Apocalipse - e o trono do Juízo final

As lições deste livro foram tiradas de termos bíblicos baseados em eventos universais elaborados por escritores de alto conhecimento cultural, tais como: Nélson Piletti e Claudino Piletti, Joaquim Silva, Juliérme de Abreu e Castro. Além de pesquisas históricas em fontes religiosa, Politeísta e Monoteísta.

Bibliographic Guide to Latin American Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 704

Bibliographic Guide to Latin American Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Why are They Poor?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 168

Why are They Poor?

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Lit Verlag

"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint; when I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." ** This quotation given by the protagonist Dom Helder Camara is also the motto of this book. The book shows Camara's life from his childhood over the first pastoral steps up to him as the educationalist, bureaucrat and politician. As an archbishop for twenty years in Olinda and Recife Helder Camara is therefore referred to as "Man of the people in Recife". The "brother of the poor" criticised the political system in his motherland Brasil openly and by this risked his life more than once. His international reputation is still actual: moving theology of liberation, Camara provoces effects in Church and society life all over the world.

Dom Hélder Câmara
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 329

Dom Hélder Câmara

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-03-14
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  • Publisher: Topos

"Wenn ich den Armen Brot gebe, bin ich ein Heiliger. Wenn ich ihnen sage, warum sie arm sind, bin ich ein Kommunist!" Der brasilianische Erzbischof Dom Hélder Câmara (1909 – 1999) gehörte bereits auf dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil zu den Unterzeichnern des "Katakombenpaktes" für eine dienende und arme Kirche. Er verließ sein Bischofspalais und richtete seine Wohnung in einer bescheidenen Sakristei ein. Bald schon wurde der kleine, schmächtige Mann auch weltweit zur Symbolfigur einer Kirche an der Seite der Armen und einer Pastoral im Sinne der Befreiungstheologie.