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Fantastica Magazine Anthology opens a portal to the untold world of contemporary Romanian science fiction and fantasy, offering a rare opportunity for Western readers to discover a thriving literary scene. This anthology brings together a dynamic collection of writers and comic artists from Romania’s new generation of speculative fiction, exploring a rich array of subgenres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism, alternate history, utopia, dystopia, and fairy tales. Most of these voices have been featured in Fantastica Magazine, the acclaimed bi-monthly publication by Cristian PlusArt Publishing House in Craiova, Romania. But that’s not all—this collection also in...
In today’s context of rapid socio-political changes, with deepening ethnic and religious conflicts on the one hand, and a diminishing feeling of identification with the community on the other, reflection on the idea of “solidarity” is very much necessary. This book provides answers to the following questions: “What is the idea of solidarity today?”; “How can it be defined?”; “How has it evolved over recent decades?”; “How does it manifest itself in social life?”; “How is it reflected in the arts?”; and, above all, “How does it relate to collective memory and identity?” With this outline of topic areas in mind, this volume brings together essays analysing various...
The volume configures a multidisciplinary perspective on the concept of intellectual elites and describes their action in Eastern European cultures, bringing together studies signed by a number of eminent Romanian scholars from various fields of the Humanities.
This volume contains the scientific papers presented at the 2nd International Conference “Contemporary Challenges in Administrative Law from an Interdisciplinary Perspective” that was held on 17 May 2019 at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. The scientific studies included in this volume are grouped into two chapters: Practical Aspects Regarding the Role of Administrative Law in the Modernization of Public Administration at European and International Level and Practical Aspects Regarding the Role of Administrative Law in the Modernization of Public Administration at National Level. This volume is aimed at practitioners, researchers, students and PhD candidates in juridical and administrative sciences, who are interested in recent developments and prospects for development in the field of administrative law and public administration at international and national level.
„Daca ma angajezi ma angajezi pe mine. Exact asa cum sunt. Daca-ti inchipui ca o sa dai peste tipi bisericosi in afacerea asta esti ticnita. [...] Ai nevoie de ajutor. Cum te cheama si care-i necazul?” Raymond Chandler Sora cea mica O CHEMA ORFAMAY QUEST... si venise tocmai din Manhattan Kansas in cautarea fratelui ei disparut Orrin. Sau cel putin asta i-a spus lui Marlowe oferindu-i pentru privilegiul de a o ajuta o bruma de douazeci de dolari. Iar el era intr-o dispozitie caritabila – desi nu peste mult timp avea sa regrete. PENTRU CA URMELE LUI ORRIN... il vor conduce in lumea ravnitelor starlete de la Hollywood a gangsterilor stilati a politailor suspiciosi si a cadavrelor cu spit de gheata infipt in ceafa. Uneori cand necazul striga dupa ajutor e mai bine sa te faci ca nu-l auzi... „Proza lui Chandler are o elocventa desavarsita necautata fireasca. si este principalul semn ca nu ne aflam in fata unui povestitor oarecare ci in fata unui stilist a unui scriitor de rara viziune.” Joyce Carol Oates"
Once Upon A Story: A Collection Of Rhyming Tales is a delightful book of stories inspired mainly by Romanian folk tales. This book is perfect for children who love to read and explore the world of storytelling. The stories are written in verse, making them easy to read and fun to recite. Most of the stories are accompanied by beautiful illustrations that bring the tales to life. This book is a treasure trove of adventure, wonder, and imagination. From brave heroes to magical creatures, each story is filled with excitement and joy. The rhyming verses make the stories easy to remember and fun to read aloud. Children will love the illustrations and the engaging stories that will capture their imagination. If you're looking for a book that will inspire your child's love of reading and storytelling, then Once Upon A Story: A Collection Of Rhyming Tales is the perfect choice. Get your copy today and embark on a journey through the world of storytelling!
Octombrie 1949... in fata unui club in care noapte de noapte se irosesc mici averi Philip Marlowe il cunoaste Terry Lennox barbat plin de cicatrici pe partea stanga a fetei inmuiat bine in alcool. Pe parcursul urmatoarelor luni o prietenie ciudata se leaga intre cei doi. Totul se schimba... Atunci cand Lennox apare pe neasteptate tarziu in noapte la Marlowe acasa rugandu-l sa il conduca pana la Tijuana. Marlowe accepta cu singura conditie ca Lennox sa nu ii spuna nimic despre motivele fugii sale. La intoarcere... Marlowe este anchetat de politie in legatura cu subita disparitie a lui Lennox dar refuzul sau e a coopera il aduce in inchisoare sub acuzatii de crima. La putin timp dupa ce Lennox trecuse granita sotia sa fusese gasita moarta in piscina casei. in timp ce zvonurile circula ca Lennox s-ar fi sinucis in Mexic lasand un bilet in care ar fi marturisit totul Marlowe primeste un mesaj criptic din partea celui disparut... „Raymond Chandler a inventat un nou mod de a vorbi despre America si de atunci America nu a mai aratat niciodata la fel.” Paul Auster "
"The science-fiction novel "The Revival" is an explosion of imagination and surprising revolutionary concepts. It encompasses themes lush enough for multiple books, not just one. Author Alain Costea skillfully weaves these themes into the story without disrupting the narrative flow. The adventures and suspenseful moments are further enhanced by the specific techno-philosophical-sociological revelations characteristic of a richly layered hard SF. The remarkable talent of the author in constructing complex worlds and delving into the psychology of numerous characters allows him to create a true science fiction epic akin to the (space) operas of Alastair Reynolds or Peter F. Hamilton." "The cha...
Our monograph is an attempt to connect the study of world and Romanian literature with medicine, completing the research up to now with a new perspective on the way in which the medical studies of the analyzed authors influenced their literary creation. This research brings into discussion important and pressing aspects of medicine and literature and shows how in the modern world the two can intertwine. We set out to analyze the literature produced by professionals of medicine. By way of multidisciplinary approach, the author has analyzed the way the doctors were able to build a system of thought and creation with its own identity in the horizon of literature. Transforming into missionaries of culture and by combining custom and the most recent scientific conquest, doctors best respond to the desire of complete intellectuals. The proposed work is addressed both to professionals in the field of philology and to doctors who want to understand how artistic creativity can change their way of perceiving the human being.
With Forewords by Geoffrey Robertson QC, Doughty Street Chambers, London, UK and Professor Mihail E. Ionescu, Bucharest, Romania Simona Ţuţuianu describes a new model of sovereignty which is fast replacing the traditional Westphalian model embodied in Article 2 of the UN Charter and rigorously followed throughout the Cold War. The scholarly basis for this new model draws upon developments in international criminal law which first emerged from the Nuremberg trials and upon more recent interstate economic cooperation which has turned sovereign independence into interdependence across a range of state functions. Does this mean that traditional Westphalian concepts of sovereignty should be aba...