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Supervision i sundhedsprofessioner
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 220

Supervision i sundhedsprofessioner


5-hydroxytryptamine in Psychiatry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 376

5-hydroxytryptamine in Psychiatry

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1991
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This is the record of the first President's Workshop of the CINP. The free-ranging style of this volume and the many good ideas presented cannot fail to be of major interest to all who wish to keep abreast of this rapidly moving area of research.

Praktisk filosofi og ledelse
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 135

Praktisk filosofi og ledelse

Denne bog giver en veldokumenteret og let læst introduktion til et svært emne, nemlig hvordan praktisk filosofi kan kvalificere arbejdet med at udvikle lederskab. Siden det antikke Grækenland har mennesker benyttet filosofien som en hjælp til at udvikle sig. Og i dag viser erfaringer fra praksis, at filosofiske metoder giver konkrete resultater i menneskers og organisationers daglige liv. Ved at filosofere træner vi vores evne til at tænke både kritisk, konstruktivt og kreativt. Filosofien kan dermed hjælpe os til en større indsigt i, hvordan vi kan udvikle og realisere vores ideer. Den kan for eksempel lære os, hvad god ledelse er og hjælpe med at udvikle vores lederskab. Praktisk filosofi og ledelse er en teoretisk forankret, men samtidig praktisk anvendelig bog til dem, der vil vide mere om filosofi og ledelse. Denne nye udgave af Praktisk filosofi og ledelse er blevet opdateret, og der er tilføjet to nye kapitler – et kapitel om dannelse og et kapitel, som giver et eksistentielt perspektiv på udvikling af lederskab. Af forfatteren til Dialog – En enkel vej til et godt samarbejde

Orientering fra Københavns statistiske kontor
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 538

Orientering fra Københavns statistiske kontor

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1984
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: da
  • Pages: 638


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-07
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Brain Abstracted
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 377

The Brain Abstracted

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-05
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

Winner of the Nayef Al-Rodhan Book Prize from The Royal Institute of Philosophy An exciting, new framework for interpreting the philosophical significance of neuroscience. All science needs to simplify, but when the object of research is something as complicated as the brain, this challenge can stretch the limits of scientific possibility. In fact, in The Brain Abstracted, an avowedly “opinionated” history of neuroscience, M. Chirimuuta argues that, due to the brain’s complexity, neuroscientific theories have only captured partial truths—and “neurophilosophy” is unlikely to be achieved. Looking at the theory and practice of neuroscience, both past and present, Chirimuuta shows ho...

The New Mechanical Philosophy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

The New Mechanical Philosophy

This volume argues for a new image of science that understands both natural and social phenomena to be the product of mechanisms, casting the work of science as an effort to understand those mechanisms. Glennan offers an account of the nature of mechanisms and of the models used to represent them in physical, life, and social sciences.

Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1056

Emerging Infectious Diseases

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 430


Wireless communications has witnessed a tremendous growth during the past decade and further spectacular enabling technology advances are expected in an effort to render ubiquitous wireless connectivity a reality. Currently, a technical in-depth book on this subject is unavailable, which has a similar detailed exposure of OFDM, MIMO-OFDM and MC-CDMA. A further attraction of the joint treatment of these topics is that it allows the reader to view their design trade-offs in a comparative context. Divided into three main parts: Part I provides a detailed exposure of OFDM designed for employment in various applications Part II is another design alternative applicable in the context of OFDM systems where the channel quality fluctuations observed are averaged out with the aid of frequency-domain spreading codes, which leads to the concept of MC-CDMA Part III discusses how to employ multiple antennas at the base station for the sake of supporting multiple users in the uplink By providing an all-encompassing self-contained treatment this volume will appeal to a wide readership, as it is both an easy-reading textbook and a high-level research monograph.

Wildlife Review
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1174

Wildlife Review

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Unknown
