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This is an annual international conference held by this faculty involving four departments, Accountancy, Economics, Management and Shariah Economics. This year we come with the theme of “Sustainability and Digital Transformation in Global Vulnerability: Current Issues in Economics and Management”. There is a greater consciousness today of the links and inter-dependence of the two topics; scientific research which leads to a better understanding and knowledge of sustainability issues and massive transformation in digital development where the degree of susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets, or system to the impact of hazard has increased because of the physical, social, economic and environmental factors.
Buku Pemberdayaan IKM Peran Pemerintah, Lembaga Adat, dan Modal Sosial ini menyajikan materi terkait pemberdayaan dan faktor – faktor yang terkait terutama dari sisi peran pemerintah, lembaga adat, dan modal sosial. Pemberdaan IKM menjadi penting karena perannya dalam menggerakkan roda perekonomian dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pemberdayaan IKM, tetapi peran pemerintah, lembaga adat dan modal sosial menjadi faktor yang menarik untuk dibahas. Hasil penelitian terkait pemberdaayn IKM diselipkan pada setiap bagian untuk memperkaya materi dalam buku, sehingga pembaca yang membutuhkan informasi terkait pembedayaan dapat mengutip tulisan ini sehingga mampu bermanfaat untuk penelitian terkait.
Some are pessimistic about how Indonesia can handle these great challenges, but many see these as opportunities. There are many reasons why we should be optimistic, and this is what the book is all about.This book is a compilation of “stories” of how Indonesian society, particularly governments at all levels, regions, cities, and communities take up all of these challenges. From this book, we can understand that all elements of Indonesian society are united in a common goal: to ensure that the rising prosperity is sustained and no one is left behind. “We found many cases where government and communities together take up challenges through various innovative policies and initiatives. We learn that not only we all share common dream which is a just and prosperous Indonesia, but also are actively engaged and work hard to achieve that. This book was prepared in the spirit of spreading this optimism.” Prof. Armida Alisjahbana President of IRSA and Minister of National Development Planning ----------- -UnpadPress- #Unpad #60thFEBUnpad
Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT atas segala karunia-Nya sehingga buku referensi dengan judul Pengaruh Modal Usaha, Lama Usaha, dan Sikap Kewirausahaan Islami terhadap Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Wanita Pengrajin Batik di Danau Teluk Kota Jambi dapat diselesaikan. Dalam buku ini dijabarkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pendapatan dan kesejahteraan keluarga pada pengrajin batik di Danau Teluk Kota Jambi seperti modal usaha, lama usaha, dan sikap kewirausaaan islami pengrajin. Kondisi sosial ekonomi yang dihadapi dalam keluarga menjadi salah satu motivasi perempuan untuk bekerja. Keikutsertaan perempuan dalam bekerja dapat menciptakan kemandirian bagi perempuan serta untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dan kesejahteraan keluarga. Pada kesempatan ini, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu dan berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan buku referensi ini. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua orang khususnya bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.
The book reviews the theory and concepts of happiness, explaining how these concepts underpin a line of research that is both an attempt to understand the determinants of happiness and a tool for understanding the effects of a host of phenomena on human well being.
This volume, explores the nature of economics as a science, including classic texts and newer essays.
This book will be a valuable source of information for those concerned with rural and farm tourism, sustainable tourism and the marketing of "Calibri">local gastronomy. It presents cases with an international and interdisciplinary approach in order to provide ideas for strategic perspectives in tourism studies. Furthermore, for the first time the complex fields of rural and food tourism are examined from an international (Italy and Germany) viewpoint. This book explores ways in which gastronomical heritage (i.e., regional food, organic food) can be incorporated in rural tourism (above all farm tourism) and development policies as well as in new avenues of research e.g., sensory marketing, online marketing) in order to enhance sustainable practices both in the tourism and in the agri-food sector. Overall, the book presents an overview of benchmark practices for professionals (associations of rural tourism, farmers, etc.), while offering scholars a well-founded source to refer to in order to gain up-to-date insights into the state of the art of studies on rural and food tourism.