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In comparison to Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 is seen as the next industrial revolution, with the goal of leveraging the creativity of human experts in combination with efficient, intelligent, and accurate machines to provide resource-efficient and user-preferred solutions. With the improvements in social networks, cloud, and the internet of things (IoT)-based technologies, the requirement for a strong cyber security system, particularly in the healthcare sector, is increasing. Cyber Trafficking, Threat Behavior, and Malicious Activity Monitoring for Healthcare Organizations provides a comprehensive review of techniques and applications of Industry 5.0-enabled intelligent healthcare-centric cyber security. The goal of this book is to close the gap between AI and cyber security. Covering topics such as malicious activity, the dark web, and smart healthcare systems, this premier reference source is an essential resource for healthcare administrators, IT managers, system developers, system architects, IT specialists, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.
The Digital Economy Report 2024 turns the attention to the environmental footprint of digitalization. The Report discusses environmental impacts along the life cycle of digital devices and information and communications technology infrastructure with regard to raw material extraction and processing, manufacturing, distribution; use and the end-of-life phase. The direct effects on natural resources, including transition minerals, energy and water, as well as greenhouse gas emissions and waste-related pollution can be said to constitute the “environmental footprint” of the ICT sector. There are also indirect environmental effects from the use of digital technologies and services in different sectors of the economy, and the Report includes a dedicated chapter on e-commerce. The report underlines the need to maximize the positive impact of digitalization while minimizing the negative impacts on environmental sustainability.
‘This is the essential book today for understanding maritime security law” -Prof. James Kraska (US Naval War College & Harvard Law School) The recrudescence of great power competition at sea raises several legal problems. Maritime Security Law in Hybrid Warfare brings together authors from various fields of international law to address such challenges in the legal intersection between naval war, military activities, maritime law enforcement, and hybrid warfare. This book explores the means for increasing legal resilience against the emerging trend of weaponization of commercial ships, underwater cables and pipelines, lawfare, and migration by hybrid adversaries.
After being the focal point of the regional and global power competition for centuries, the Eastern Mediterranean region has recently re-emerged as a point of convergence in international politics. Over the last two decades, especially, many regional and global powers have begun to develop strategies toward the Eastern Mediterranean leading to a fierce rivalry amongst them. There are several reasons for the increase in the political, strategic, and economic importance of the region. However, four are especially noteworthy, and while two are long-standing factors, there are two significant novel developments that have contributed to the re-emergence of the strategic importance of the region. ...
Defeating The New Axis Powers is the second of a three-part series dedicated to providing new solutions for solving the critical problems brought by global warming, climate change, rising ocean coastlines, biodiversity loss, desertification, ocean pollution and fresh waters depletion. James Michael Matthew, an award-winning author, financial executive, and industrialist, highlights geopolitical issues related to climate change. He makes the case that politics and geopolitics are closely connected to climate change. The author considers questions such as: • Are the new Axis powers really embracing net zero carbon and green energy—or are they using such a stance to disguise their weaponiza...
La quatrième de couverture indique : "La révolution numérique, la transition énergétique et la participation citoyenne constituent trois composantes essentielles permettant un développement harmonieux de l'ensemble des activités économiques, dans un monde en mutation marqué par de nombreuses disruptions. Une interaction s'opère entre ces trois éléments favorisant des initiatives technologiques de toutes sortes. Le système électrique 4.0 est un enjeu fondamental pour les énergéticiens, tant les incidences directes et indirectes sont porteuses d'avenir, dans un contexte géopolitique lui aussi en pleine mutation."
Le pétrole est une arme. Un enjeu stratégique. Une obsession. Il influence notre monde à grande échelle, celui d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Il est source de pouvoir et de convoitise. Incontournable dans la vie politique et militaire, la simple variation de son prix bouleverse les économies, à la fois des pays producteurs, mais aussi des pays consommateurs. Aujourd’hui, les changements climatiques et le développement des énergies renouvelables menacent le monopole du pétrole comme source d’énergie dominante. L’éolien, le gaz et le solaire risquent de bouleverser les cartes de la géopolitique mondiale. De la Chine aux États-Unis en passant par la Russie, un jeu d’alliances et de pouvoirs se redessine. De nouveaux joueurs entrent dans la danse. Il y aura des gagnants et des perdants. De l’exploitation des premiers puits de pétrole à l’émergence des énergies renouvelables, cet essai offre un regard lucide sur les enjeux, les conflits et les défis qui attendent les générations présente et future.
Une nouvelle ruée minière d'une ampleur inédite a commencé. Au nom de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, il faudrait produire en vingt ans autant de métaux qu’on en a extrait au cours de toute l’histoire de l’humanité. Ruée sur le cuivre en Andalousie, extraction de cobalt au Maroc, guerre des ressources en Ukraine, cette enquête sur des sites miniers du monde entier révèle l’impasse et l'hypocrisie de cette « transition » extractiviste. En analysant la nouvelle géopolitique minière, Celia Izoard met au jour un autre enjeu : répondre aux besoins en métaux colossaux du numérique, de l’aérospatiale ou de l’armement, dans un monde où les industries occi...