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This book explores the emergence of an ius puniendi outside state criminal law and beyond international criminal law. The study connects with the reflections that have been made for some years in global law studies, showing how this trend also has a clear manifestation in the field of criminal law. The analysis begins by mapping out the different manifestations of this new global criminal regulation. This includes very diverse areas, ranging from judicial cooperation to the problems involved in the application of criminal sanctions in failed states, or investigations carried out on the internet. New sanctioning systems are also studied, such as the debarment regime of the World Bank or the sanctions in the hands of international sports federations. It is a question of discovering all criminal law – understood in a broad sense – that lies outside the confines of the state.
International courts use two key methodologies to determine the degree of deference granted to states in their implementation of international obligations: the standard of review and margin of appreciation. This book investigates how these doctrines are applied in international courts, analysing where their approaches converge and diverge.
This issue is the first milestone on the way to the XXth AIDP World Congress dedica-ted to ‘Criminal Justice and Corporate Business’. It brings together key proceedings of the International Colloquium on ‘Food Regulation and Criminal Justice’, organised by the Chinese group of the AIPD in Beijing on September 23rd-26th, 2016. The volume contains the resolutions adopted in Beijing, the general report, four transversal articles, and several national reports. It offers a broad overview of the main challenges raised by contemporary food regulation, as well as various responses provided by criminal law around the globe. The contributions deal with issues concerning food security, food safety, and food fraud. They pay particular attention to the international dimension, the interaction with administrative enforcement mechanisms, and the increasing relevance of self-regulation.
If subjecting war to law is one of the most important legal achievements of the 20th century, progressing further in that direction is one of the most important challenges for the 21st century. The problems it poses are many: the term “war” has formally fallen into disuse and we talk about “peacekeeping”; armies are today the product of cooperation between states and international organizations; private contractors increasingly participate in warlike activities, as the case of the Iraq war demonstrates; and the lines between war and very serious forms of crime (terrorism, organized crime) are increasingly blurred. This volume compiles the contributions presented at XVth International Congress on Social Defence, and tackle the criminal-legal issues raised by these new scenarios. It constitutes an innovative volume, gathering together the work of both academic and military authors, who have drawn on their theoretical and practical experience.
El acontecimiento más importante que en estos momentos se está produciendo en el ordenamiento jurídico penal es su proceso de integración dentro de un sistema superracional como es el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia. Ello plantea importantes retos al legislador y a la Ciencia del derecho penal que está obligada a aportar soluciones e ideas.Las contribuciones que reúne el presente volumen aceptan este reto iniciado ya con la publicación del trabajo sobre Eurodelitos, en el primer volumen de la colección Marino Barbero Santos. Si entonces se aportaban propuestas de armonización en el marco del derecho penal económico europeo, ahora se ofrecen tipos comunes relativos a los delitos de estafa y corrupción. Más, al hilo de estas propuestas, Fraude y corrupción en el derecho penal económico europeo contiene igualmente estudios de derecho comparado, reflexiones de política legislativa y novedosas aportaciones teóricas sobre dos sectores de la criminalidad siempre importantes y vivos en la práctica.
El presente volumen aúna los resultados alcanzados por una serie de investigaciones que comparten un interés común: la mejora de la educación literaria. En un esfuerzo por contribuir al desarrollo de la pedagogía, se ha invitado a diversos profesionales especializados en la didáctica de la literatura a dar a conocer los avances en el diseño y aplicación de métodos innovadores. El libro incluye trabajos individuales y proyectos colectivos originados en diferentes universidades españolas y, lejos de limitarse a una única propuesta metodológica, constituye un corpus interdisciplinar en el que destaca la búsqueda de técnicas y perspectivas novedosas. Quedan representadas, de este m...
Em regra, a história do direito penal é descurada em obras de seu campo. Manuais e tratados, habitualmente, dedicam-lhe tímidas linhas e principiam a abordagem por Roma ou, quando muito, pela Grécia, sem alusão às precedentes e às contemporâneas civilizações da Antiguidade. Por igual, produções literárias versando especificamente sobre história do direito penal são poucas e/ou incompletas. Todavia, conhecer a evolução do direito penal na linha do tempo é premissa às tentativas de compreendê-lo no estado atual e de moldá-lo no porvir. A amnésia histórica é inimiga da construção do saber idôneo. Daí a proposta inerente à obra ora trazida a público: esquadrinhar o direito penal durante as Idades Antiga e Média (3500 a.C.-1500 d.C.), incluídos os Tribunais da Fé, em cujo contexto se notabilizou o do Santo Ofício da Inquisição. Num porvir próximo, já em andamento o labor necessário a tanto, colima-se a agregação de subsídios concernentes às quadras históricas subsequentes (Moderna e Contemporânea), para, daí, num único compêndio, ter-se o esboço de uma "história" completa do sistema penal.
Die so genannte CSR-Richtlinie der EU gibt den Mitgliedstaaten auf, große Unternehmen dazu zu verpflichten, Informationen zu ihrer ökologischen, menschenrechtlichen und sozialen 'Bilanz' offenzulegen. Sebastian Eickenjäger untersucht, welchen Beitrag nichtfinanzielle Berichterstattung durch Unternehmen zur Durchsetzung von Menschenrechten gegenüber Unternehmen leisten kann.
Diese grundlagenorientierte strafprozessuale Untersuchung versucht den bisher bevorzugten systeminternen, rechtsdogmatischen Analysen des nemo tenetur-Grundsatzes eine systemtranszendente, rechtsethische Betrachtung gegenüberzustellen. Durch diese rechtsphilosophische Reflexion der Auslegung des positiven Rechts soll dem Grundsatz ein argumentationsfähiger Halt gegeben werden. Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist – entgegen der weit verbreiteten Begründung auf dem Boden des Kantianismus –, dass der nemo tenetur-Grundsatz dem utilitaristischen Schutz des Strafverfahrens vor Desavouierung dient.