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Kun joki jäätyy, tyhjenee Porvoo turisteista. Pikkukaupunkiin jäävät paikalliset pikkutytöt, salaliittoteoreetikot ja okkultismin harrastajat. Jään alla, kaupungin laitamilla, muinoin ja nyt liikkuu monenlaisia tarinoita, jotka kertovat kukin tavallaan siitä, miltä pelko tuntuu, miten kauhu syntyy, mitä kaikkea marras voi tarkoittaa. Kirjan novellit hipaisevat kauhun kylmiä väreitä. Tarinat liikkuvat kartanoissa, kellareissa ja kylpyammeissa, ne poikkeavat kirkkosalissa ja pirunportailla. Novelleissa kummallisiin talvisiin tilanteisiin joutuvat niin kylähullut ja kiltit porvoolaistytöt kuin sukeltajat ja tutkijat. Toivomme että törmäät tuttuihin ja outoihin asioihin, koet kaikki marraskuun värit novellikokoelman parissa! Ja jos satut kulkemaan pitkin porvoolaisia katuja, älä vilkuile taaksesi, sillä... Marras-kokoelmassa on 17 ennen julkaisematonta novellia, joissa Porvoo ei ole pelkkää pastellia. Uskallatko ylittää sillan?
Siellä missä on silta, on myös vettä. Syvällistä, pinnallista, tai vain pärskeitä. Silloissa on kaiteita, kaiteissa on lukkoja, ja joskus sillat romahtavat lukkojen painosta tai ilman. Silloilla ja siltojen alla ollaan yhdessä tai yksin, hiljaa tai äänessä. Yhdistääkö silta vai erottaako se? Koituuko silta kohtaloksi vai siunaukseksi? Ja kumpi on lopulta parempi? Sivupiiri-kirjoittajaryhmän toisen julkaisun 22 novellia liikkuu Porvoossa ja sen laitamilla, historiassa, nykyajassa ja tulevaisuudessa. Ne tarkastelevat siltaa sekä fyysisenä että kuvainnollisena osana elämää.
Robby Mu ller is one of the most inspiring cinematographers of our time. His influence is noticeable in his long-term collaborations with directors such as Wim Wenders and Jim Jarmusch and his groundbreaking work for films as 'Breaking the Waves' and 'Dancer in the Dark' by Lars von Trier. He not only helped to shape their films, but his contribution also reveals an adventurous and creative vision which can also be seen in other films by directors such as Alex Cox and Barbet Schroeder. This publication gives a visual insight in his artistic flexibility and technical expertise as a cinematographer, and reveals his passionate pleasure in the nature of light in all its manifestations.
A compilation of essays, commentary, insights, and practical information from sixty leading Hollywood insiders furnishes helpful advice for independent filmmakers, with contributions by Christine Vachom, Geoff Gilmore, Bill Condon, Roger Ebert, Richard Pena, and other filmmakers, directors, critics, and producers. Original.
A postmodern Victorian novel about faith, knowledge and our inner needs. The late 1870s, the Kentish village of Downe. The villagers gather in church one rainy Sunday. Only Thomas Davies stays away. The eccentric loner, father of two and a grief-stricken widower, works as a gardener for the notorious naturalist, Charles Darwin. He shuns religion. But now Thomas needs answers. What should he believe in? And why should he continue to live? Why Peirene chose to publish this book: 'This is Peirene's most poetic book yet. A tale of God, grief and talking chickens. Like Dylan Thomas in Under Milk Wood, Carlson evokes the voices of an entire village, and, through them, the spirit of the age. This i...
Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or need any help you can just send an email to This book is found as a public domain and free book based on various online catalogs, if you think there are any problems regard copyright issues please contact us immediately via
THIS IS NOT A GAME is a novel built around the coolest phenomenon in the world. That phenomenon is known as the Alternate Reality Game, or ARG. It's big, and it's getting bigger. It's immersive and massively interactive, and it's spreading through the Internet at the speed of light. To the player, the Alternate Reality Game has no boundaries. You can be standing in a parking lot, or a shopping center. A pay phone near you will ring, and on the other end will be someone demanding information. You'd better have the information handy. ARGs combine video, text adventure, radio plays, audio, animation, improvisational theatre, graphics, and story into an immersive experience. Now, one of science fiction's most acclaimed writers, Walter Jon Williams, brings this extraordinary phenomenon to life in a pulse-pounding thriller. This is not a game. This is a novel that will blow your mind.
ORPHANS OF DEEP SPACE . . . They’re outlaws now. Created to serve a function grown obsolete, haunted by the holographic ghost of their father, Ubu and Maria have lived their entire lives skating along the edge of extinction. Now they and their ship Runaway are in flight both from the law and from a predatory clan of competitors. They’re going to come back rich, or not at all. But what they find in the depths of space isn’t wealth, but a secret so startling that Ubu and Maria will need every last reserve of guile, cunning, and intelligence just to survive . . . “No one can accuse Williams of failing to grow with each new major work . . . Straight-forward space adventure with a strong ...