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Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 363

Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair

In current debates about coming to terms with individual and collective wrongdoing, the concept of forgiveness has played an important but controversial role. For a long time, the idea was widespread that a forgiving attitude — overcoming feelings of resentment and the desire for revenge — was always virtuous. Recently, however, this idea has been questioned. The contributors to this volume do not take sides for or against forgiveness but rather examine its meaning and function against the backdrop of a more complex understanding of moral repair in a variety of social, circumstantial, and cultural contexts. The book aims to gain a differentiated understanding of the European traditions regarding forgiveness, revenge, and moral repair that have shaped our moral intuitions today whilst also examining examples from other cultural contexts (Asia and Africa, in particular) to explore how different cultural traditions deal with the need for moral repair after wrongdoing.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 377


Across the globe guilt has become a contentious issue in discussions over historical accountability and reparation for past injustices. Guilt has become political, and it assumes a highly visible place in the public sphere and academic debate in fields ranging from cultural memory, to transitional justice, post-colonialism, Africana studies, and the study of populist extremism. This volume argues that guilt is a productive force that helps to balance unequal power dynamics between individuals and groups. Moreover, guilt can also be an ambivalent force affecting social cohesion, moral revolutions, political negotiation, artistic creativity, legal innovation, and other forms of transformations...

Transcending Postmodernism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 210

Transcending Postmodernism

Transcending Postmodernism: Performatism 2.0 is an ambitious attempt to expand and deepen the theory of performatism. Its main thesis is that, beginning in the mid-1990s, the strategies and norms of postmodernism have been displaced by ones that force readers or viewers to experience effects of aesthetically mediated transcendence. These effects include specific temporal strategies (“chunking”), stylizing separated subjectivity (the genius and the fool being its two main poles) and orienting ethics toward actions taken by centered agents bearing a sacral charge. The book provides a critical overview of other theories of post-postmodernism, and suggests that among five text-oriented theories there is basic agreement on its techniques and strategies.

The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 828

The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture

The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture reflects current approaches to Holocaust literature that open up future thinking on Holocaust representation. The chapters consider diverse generational perspectives—survivor writing, second and third generation—and genres—memoirs, poetry, novels, graphic narratives, films, video-testimonies, and other forms of literary and cultural expression. In turn, these perspectives create interactions among generations, genres, temporalities, and cultural contexts. The volume also participates in the ongoing project of responding to and talking through moments of rupture and incompletion that represent an opportunity to contribute to the making of meaning through the continuation of narratives of the past. As such, the chapters in this volume pose options for reading Holocaust texts, offering openings for further discussion and exploration. The inquiring body of interpretive scholarship responding to the Shoah becomes itself a story, a narrative that materially extends our inquiry into that history.

Staging Blackness
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 344

Staging Blackness

Staging Blackness provides a multifaceted look at how Blackness has been staged in Germany from the eighteenth century, the birth of German national theater, until the present. In recent years, the German stage has been at the forefront of discussions about race, from cases of blackface to fights for better representation within the professional community. These debates frequently invoke larger discussions about the politics of race in German theater and their origins and beyond. Written by scholars and theater professionals with a wide variety of historical and theoretical expertise, the chapters seek to explore the connections between the German discourse on national theater and emerging ideas about race, analyze how dramaturges deal with older representations of Blackness in current productions, and discuss the contributions Black German playwrights and dramaturges have made to this discourse. Historians question how these plays were staged in their time, while cultural studies scholars contemplate how to interpret the function of race in these plays and how they can continue to be staged today.

Animal, Vegetal, Marginal
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Animal, Vegetal, Marginal

Animal, Vegetal, Marginal explores the oft-forgotten yet provocative German genre of die Groteske, or the literary grotesque. This short prose form challenges the norms of being human and being accepted as such by society in exaggerated and satirical ways. Between the Kaiser's and Hitler's Reichs, the genre's irreverent comedy and criticism sold out cabarets, drew droves of radio listeners, and created bestsellers. Yet, because its authors were ruthlessly censored and persecuted, die Groteske is virtually unknown today and neglected by scholarship. Joela Jacobs examines the development and influence of the genre on some of its leading exponents, including Oskar Panizza, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Salomo Friedlaender, and Franz Kafka. Animal, Vegetal, Marginal is the first full-length study of the genre and shows how its portrayals of marginalized and nonhuman perspectives mounted resistance against the rise of the biopolitical structures underpinning nationalism, racism, and antisemitism.

How Is World Literature Made?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 269

How Is World Literature Made?

The debate over the concept of world literature, which has been taking place with renewed intensity over the last twenty years, is tightly bound up with the issues of global interconnectedness in a polycentric world. Most recently, critiques of globalization-related conceptualizations, in particular, have made themselves heard: to what extent is the concept of world literature too closely connected with the political and economic dynamics of globalization? Such questions cannot be answered simply through theoretical debate. The material side of the production of world literature must therefore be more strongly integrated into the conversation than it has been. Using the example of Latin American literatures, this volume demonstrates the concrete construction processes of world literature. To that purpose, archival materials have been analyzed here: notes, travel reports, and correspondence between publishers and authors. The Latin American examples provide particularly rich information about the processes of institutionalization in the Western world, as well as new perspectives for a contemporary mapping of world literature beyond the established dynamics of canonization.

Handbuch Literatur & Film
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 867

Handbuch Literatur & Film

Dieser Band lotet das komplexe und dynamische, von Konkurrenz und Kooperation bewegte Verhältnis zwischen Literatur und Film aus. Die vertrackte Beziehung der beiden führenden Erzählmedien des 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, deren Potential sich nie nur im Narrativ-Dramatischen erschöpfte, bildete eine zentrale Herausforderung für einen Großteil der kulturwissenschaftlichen Theorieentwürfe vom Strukturalismus bis zur Intermedialitätsforschung. Sie prägte sich in Diskurs- und Praxisfeldern aus, die wie die literarische Filmreflexion und die filmische Adaption von Literatur wichtige Teile der modernen Kultur bestimmten. Sie begann in der Literatur noch bevor das Filmmedium technisch realisiert wurde (Précinéma) und nahm vom Stummfilm über den Tonfilm bis zur Autorenbewegung und zum Siegeszug des Fernsehens, auch entlang der Teilung zwischen BRD und DDR, unterschiedlichste Formen an, in denen mediale und soziale Bedingungen einander stets überlagerten und die zuletzt in das Archiv und die Formate des Internets eingegangen sind. Der Band verfolgt die Konfiguration zwischen Literatur und Film als einen Leitfaden durch die Mediengeschichte der letzten 120 Jahre.

Schreibweisen des Exotismus
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 366

Schreibweisen des Exotismus

Die Studie befasst sich mit dem Zusammenhang von Sinneswahrnehmung und Exotismus in der deutschsprachigen, französischen und britischen Literatur vom späten 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Sie geht von der These aus, dass sich der Exotismus als ein westeuropäischer Diskurs beschreiben lässt, der tatsächlichen oder imaginierten Elementen einer fremden, zumeist außereuropäischen Region eine außergewöhnliche sinnliche Dimension verleiht. Dabei erscheint das Exotische in eskapistisch-zivilisationsmüden Phantasien als etwas Befreiendes; als etwas, das die Rehabilitation der im Zuge der zunehmenden abendländischen Modernisierungsprozesse verkümmerten Sinne verspricht. Obgleich sic...

Lessing und das Judentum
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 463

Lessing und das Judentum

Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze dokumentieren die letzte von drei internationalen und interdisziplinären Tagungen, die das Thema „Lessing und das Judentum“ verhandelt haben. Im Fokus steht das 20. Jahrhundert, eine besonders brisante Phase der Lessing-Rezeption, in der die Verwerfungen der Zeit, ihre ideologischen Spannungen und Kontroversen und erst recht der Zivilisationsbruch der Shoah ihre tiefen Spuren hinterließen. Die Bandbreite der philologischen, literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen, philosophischen, historischen und mediengeschichtlichen Studien zeigt, wie sich die Beschäftigung mit Lessing im Zeichen von Antisemitismus und jüdischer Selbstbesinnung, aber auch ...