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Narration can be conceptualized as conveying two or more events (or an event with a situation) that are logically interrelated and take place over time and have a consistent topic. The concept includes every storytelling text. The advertisement is one of the text types that includes a story, and the phenomenon conceptualized as advertising narration has gained new dimensions with the widespread use of digital media. The Handbook of Research on Narrative Advertising is an essential reference source that investigates fundamental marketing concepts and addresses the new dimensions of advertising with the universal use of digital media. Featuring research on topics such as branding, mobile marketing, and consumer engagement, business professionals, copywriters, students, and practitioners will find this text useful in furthering their research exposure to evolutionary techniques in advertising.
Our understanding of the concept of narrative has undergone a significant transformation over time, particularly today as new communication technologies are developed and popularized. As new narrative genres are born and old ones undergo great change by the minute, a thorough understanding can shed light on which storytelling elements work best in what format. That deep understanding can then help build strong, satisfying stories. The Handbook of Research on Narrative Interactions is an essential publication that examines the relationships between types of narratives in a shifting and widening scope of storytelling forms. While highlighting a wide range of topics including contemporary culture, advertising, and transmedia storytelling, this book is ideally designed for media professionals, content creators, advertisers, entrepreneurs, researchers, academicians, and students.
Narrative theory goes back to Plato. It is an approach that tries to understand the abstract mechanism behind the story. This theory has evolved throughout the years and has been adopted by numerous domains and disciplines. Narrative therapy is one of many fields of narrative that emerged in the 1990s and has turned into a rich research field that feeds many disciplines today. Further study on the benefits, opportunities, and challenges of narrative therapy is vital to understand how it can be utilized to support society. Narrative Theory and Therapy in the Post-Truth Era focuses on the structure of the narrative and the possibilities it offers for therapy as well as the post-modern sources of spiritual conflict and how to benefit from the possibilities of the narrative while healing them. Covering topics such as psychotherapy, cognitive narratology, art therapy, and narrative structures, this reference work is ideal for therapists, psychologists, communications specialists, academicians, researchers, practitioners, scholars, instructors, and students.
"An award-winning novel written in the genre of fantasy, science fiction, and mystery" A Writer shares the mysterious events that happen to him with his readers. The Writer happens to find an elderly woman lying unconscious on the sidewalk, takes her to the hospital, but later leaves her in the hospital room and returns to Bodrum unhappily. He doesn't receive the attention he expects from publishing houses. The doctor, nurses, and patients all love and take care of the old woman. Later, the government takes responsibility for her and places her in a nursing home, where she is also loved. However, the director of the nursing home becomes suspicious of the woman. Meanwhile, the Writer is unabl...
"Umutsuzluk yok.." "Pandora'nın kutusu açılacak..." Bir Yazar, başından geçen gizemli olayları okuyucusuyla paylaşmaktadır. Yazar yaşlı bir kadını tesadüfen kaldırımda baygın vaziyette bulur hastaneye kaldırır fakat daha sonra hastane odasında bırakır ve mutsuz bir şekilde Bodrum’a geri döner. Çünkü yayınevlerinden beklediği ilgiyi görmez. Doktor hemşire ve hastalar kadını çok sever ve sahip çıkarlar. Yaşlı kadına daha sonra devlet sahip çıkar ve onu bir huzur evine yatırırlar. Yaşlı kadın orada da çok sevilir. Fakat huzur evi müdürü kadından şüphelenir. Yazar ise bir türlü istediği eseri yazamamaktadır. Üstelik çok sevdiği ruh e...
Lara’nın kendi ve Merih’in ailesi hakkında öğrendiği gerçekler onu bir bilinmezliğe sürüklerken bu bilinmezlikte yanında olan kişi yine Merih olur. Savaşmak zorunda oldukları bir geçmiş ve ne getireceğini bilmedikleri bir gelecek vardır karşılarında. Kehanet taşını bulmak için Gün Doğumu şehrine gittiklerinde hiçbir şey planladıkları gibi gitmez. Gecenin Koruyucularıyla karşı karşıya geldiklerinde tüm dengeler alt üst olur. ◯☾◯ “Merih…” diye fısıldadım. “Canım yanıyor... Seni sevmek, kollarında güvende hissetmek canımı yakıyor…”
Geçmişine dair hiçbir şey hatırlamayan Lara onu öldürmek isteyen adamlardan kaçarken bir anda kendisini Gece Yarısı şehrinde bulur. Merih Ferec, Gece Yarısı şehrinin hâkimi. Duygusuz, gaddar ve acımasız... Ruhsuz bakışlarının ardında kehribar rengi gözleri ölüm vaat eden adam. Lara Erez, düşmüş olduğu umutsuzlukta sığınması gereken son kişiye sığındı, kendi cellâdına. Ruhunda hem ölümü hem de yaşamı barındıran kadın. Açığa çıkan sırlar. Çiğnenen kurallar. Keşfedilen güçler. Yasak olan bir birliktelik. Yaşadıkları bu belirsizliğin içerisinde yollarını bulabilecekler midir? ◯☾◯ “Kehribar gözleriyle ölümü vaat eden adam benim bu hayattaki tek sığınağımdı.”