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We proudly present the proceedings of 2nd International Seminar on Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies 2020 (STRUKTURAL 2020). It focuses on how disruptive era influences participants field of researches, especially in Humanities and Social Studies. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. Not only are our PCs, our tablets, our hand phones, and other devices connected but everything that happens in societies is also now “connected”. Today, even a robbery incident in a small village has a possibility to make a city in another part of the world collapse. This butterfly effect of social change may also give a big impact in our understanding and our field of study of social sciences and humanities. More than 70 manuscripts were presented at this conference with around 41 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on how research on humanities and social studies is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.
Punching Up in Stand-Up Comedy explores the new forms, voices and venues of stand-up comedy in different parts of the world and its potential role as a counterhegemonic tool for satire, commentary and expression of identity especially for the disempowered or marginalised. The title brings together essays and perspectives on stand-up and satire from different cultural and political contexts across the world which raise pertinent issues regarding its role in contemporary times, especially with the increased presence of OTT platforms and internet penetration that allows for easy access to this art form. It examines the theoretical understanding of the different aspects of the humour, aesthetics...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 3rd English Language & Literature International Conference (ELLiC 3). This conference has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are leveraging and developing the English language education, literature, linguistics, and translation. We strongly believe that this conference provides a good forum for all researchers, developers and practitioners to discuss all scientific aspects that are relevant to Digital Society especially in the above fields. We also expect that the future conference will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume
This book is about recurrent functions of applicative morphology not included in typologically-oriented definitions. Based on substantial cross-linguistic evidence, it challenges received wisdom on applicatives in several ways. First, in many of the surveyed languages, applicatives are the sole means to introduce a non-Actor semantic role into a clause. When there is an alternative way of expression, the applicative counterpart often has no valence-increasing effect on the targeted root. Second, applicative morphology can introduce constituents which are not syntactic objects and/or co-occur with obliques. Third, functions such as conveying aspectual nuances to the predicate (intensity, repe...
The cognitive concept of prominence is increasingly seen as key to understanding the organisation of grammar. This volume explores the encoding of prominence in languages from across the Austronesian family. The contributions show how prominence is relevant to understanding asymmetries at different levels of grammatical structure, from discourse and information structure to argument expression and socio-pragmatics. Moreover, common themes across contributions point to crosslinguistic tendencies that underpin the conventionalisation of communicative patterns for coordinating interlocutors' attention, and to points of departure for further crosslinguistic exploration of how grammatical asymmetries can be explained in terms of prominence.
As digital platforms continue to evolve, youths increasingly employ social media, online forums, and digital campaigns to advocate for social and political change. While this phenomenon is often considered disparagingly as slacktivism, recent studies find that individuals engaging in digital activism often also participate in other conventional forms of activism. Despite a surge in youth activism across Southeast Asian countries, comparative analysis in this region remains scarce. Using data from the World Values Survey of several studies, and case studies on Indonesia, this article examines the extent to which online political activism serves as a catalyst for mobilization, awareness and community building among young people in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Additionally, it examines the interplay between online and offline political activism and its impact on traditional forms of activism. The study argues for a reciprocal relationship between online and offline political activism, particularly noting the potential for digital efforts to influence real-world action, especially on cohesive issues such as corruption.
Gaya sering terjadi dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Semua benda baik benda mati maupun makhluk hidup yang bergerak mengalami gaya. Hal ini dikarenakan gaya berupa dorongan, tarikan, dan putaran sehingga benda dapat berubah arah atau bentuk. Gaya dan gerak dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti olahraga, alat bantu pekerjaan, dan teknologi. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, buku ini membahas tentang seluk-beluk gaya seperti pengukuran gaya, keseimbangan, gabungan gaya, dan macam-macam gaya. Selain itu juga menyajikan macam-macam gerak dan hukum Newton tentang gerak. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang gaya dan gerak.
Energi telah menjadi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Tanpa adanya energi, tidak ada kehidupan. Kita bergerak, berlari, dan melakukan aktivitas lainnya karena adanya energi. Energi tersebut dapat kita peroleh dari berbagai sumber. Energi juga dapat mengalami perubahan dari satu bentuk ke bentuk yang lain. Perubahan bentuk energi ini juga dapat kita manfaatkan. Sehubungan dengan energi, buku ini menyajikan berbagai sumber energi dan kegunaannya, bentuk-bentuk energi, perubahan bentuk energi, serta perpindahan energi panas. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca guna menambah pengetahuan tentang energi.
Betapa sempurnanya Tuhan menciptakan alam semesta dengan segala isinya. Bagian dari itu, buku ini akan menjelaskan tentang indahnya makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yaitu Daur Hidup dan Kehidupan Hewan. Jika kalian rajin membaca buku ini tentu akan lebih mendalami aneka macam daur hidup hewan serta kehidupan hewan yang unik. Diharapkan dengan buku ini, kalian lebih mensyukuri alam ciptaan Tuhan serta lebih menghargai kehidupan hewan-hewan sekitar. Kalian akan lebih senang membacanya, karena buku ini dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik.