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Caught between the Lines examines how the figure of the captive and the notion of borders have been used in Argentine literature and painting to reflect competing notions of national identity from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Challenging the conventional approach to the nineteenth-century trope of "civilization versus barbary," which was intended to criticize the social and ethnic divisions within Argentina in order to create a homogenous society, Carlos Riobó traces the various versions of colonial captivity legends. He argues convincingly that the historical conditions of the colonial period created an ethnic hybridity--a mestizo or culturally mixed identity--that went ag...
María-Amelia Viteri explores the multiple unfixed meanings that the term "Latino" takes on as this category is reappropriated and translated by LGBT "Latinos" in Washington, DC, San Salvador, and Quito. Using an anthropology-based, interdisciplinary approach, she exposes the creative ways in which migrants—including herself—subvert traditional readings based on country of origin, skin color, language, and immigrant status. A critical look at the multiple ways migrants view what it means to be American, Latino, and/or queer provides fertile ground for theoretical, methodological, and political debates on the importance of a queer transnational and immigration framework when analyzing citizenship and belonging. Desbordes (un/doing, overflowing borders) ethnographically addresses the limits and constraints of current paradigms within which sexuality and gender have been commonly analyzed as they intersect with race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, and citizenship. This book uses the concept of "queerness" as an analytical tool to problematize the notion of a seamless relationship between identity and practice.
This manual provides a detailed presentation of the various Romance languages as they appear in texts written by Jews, mostly using the Hebrew alphabet. It gives a comprehensive overview of the Jews and the Romance languages in the Middle Ages (part I), as well as after the expulsions (part II). These sections are dedicated to Judaeo-Romance texts and linguistic traditions mainly from Italy, northern and southern France (French and Occitan), and the Iberian Peninsula (Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese). The Judaeo-Spanish varieties of the 20th and 21st centuries are discussed in a separate section (part III), due to the fact that Judaeo-Spanish can be considered an independent language. This section includes detailed descriptions of its phonetics/phonology, morphology, lexicon, and syntax.
Pedro Almodóvar may have helped put queer Iberian cinema on the map, but there are multitudes of LGBTQ filmmakers from Catalonia, Portugal, Castile, Galicia, and the Basque Country who have made the Peninsula one of the world’s most vital sources for queer film. Together, they have produced a cinema whose expressions of queer desire have challenged the region’s conservative religious and family values, while intervening in vital debates about politics, history, and nation. Indiscreet Fantasies is a unique collection that offers in-depth analyses of fifteen different films produced in the region over the past fifty years, each by a different director, from Narciso Ibáñez Serrador’s L...
At the turn of the twenty-first century, American media abound with images and narratives of bodily transformations. At the crossroads of American, cultural, literary, media, gender, queer, disability and governmentality studies, the book presents a timely intervention into critical debates on body transformations and contemporary makeover culture.
El llibre proposa un viatge a través de l'art a la cerca de preguntes -més que no pas respostes- sobre les possibilitats de representació del cos, alhora depositaries i generadores de diferents concepcions de la relació entre corporeitat i identitat. La pintura, la fotografia, la literatura, la dansa i el cinema són els marcs d'unes lectures que, des dels seus plantejaments teòrics, coincideixen en la consideració del cos com a quelcom menystingut per la tradició filosòfica que, no obstant, a la llum del pensament contemporani, esdevé element indispensable per a pensar la nostra subjectivitat, una subjectivitat indissociable ja de la corporeitat.
Contido No contexto da variada poesia galega contemporanea e do boom das escritoras no periodo posfranquista, Lupe Gomez ocupa unha posicion destacada. Inicialmente controvertida por ser provocadora e refutar o canon estetico, converteuse en autora de culto, que construiu desde Pornografia (autoeditado en 1995) unha obra anticulturalista, feminista, libertaria, mais tamen con matices surrealistas e existencialistas. Na sua estetica innovadora aparecen liberdade, outredade, transicion ou repeticion como topoi fundamentais. Este volume reune practicamente todas as analises da obra ate o momento, unha entrevista coa autora, un glosario de conceptos centrais da sua escrita, xunto con catro tradu...
El canvi de paradigma filosòfic que es consolida al s. xx condueix a una revisió crítica del subjecte en relació al llenguatge, i, per tant, a la història, que fa necessària, al seu torn, la revisió del concepte dona, sobretot per atorgar-li la significació política que requereix i de què ha estat mancada. Aquesta revisió no pot deixar intacte l’àmbit de la representació, que es resignifica quan té per subjecte i alhora per objecte les dones en el seu quefer històric, és a dir, en el seu exercici de la memòria que és, també, sovint, un exercici de memòria històrica. Memòria, representació i frontera són els tres eixos conceptuals que, vinclats al subjecte dona entè...
Inscripcions del desig lèsbic a la poesia espanyola contemporànea.
Sota l'etiqueta lesbiana (i sovint en rebel·lia contra d'ella) hi conviuen un venta11 d'existències. La reinvenció del món passa per reinventar el terme, sense oblidar no obstant la seva genealogia, o el seu paper en d'altres genealogies. Sense memòria, qui sóc? Com podem (auto)representar l'existència lesbiana en l'arena de combat dels llenguatges? Quins codis ens són propis? La visibilitat és la nostra fita? Concebem el llibre com un laboratori de re-escriptures textuals-sexuals del terme lesbiana en el context català i el seu poder (de) dir el món, de dir-se en el món.