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The Nordic Council of Ministers and You
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 20

The Nordic Council of Ministers and You

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2021-020/ The Nordic Council of Ministers is the world’s oldest community of its kind. In the Council, the Nordic countries co-operate in all kinds of areas from the climate and the environment to education, workplaces, and children and young people. The Nordic region contains three areas, five countries and 27 million people. When we work together in the region, we are stronger and can make a difference for the whole world. In this folder you can read more about the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Nordic Council of Ministers policy for mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 9

Nordic Council of Ministers policy for mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/politiknord2020-719/ Sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective are overarching areas that are important for all the work done by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The responsibility for considering these applies to everyone who is working in or on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, regardless of policy area. By strengthening this work, we are ensuring that the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers is sustainable, gender-equal, inclusive, representative, and accessible.

Towards a sustainable and integrated Nordic Region
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 63

Towards a sustainable and integrated Nordic Region

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/politiknord2022-724/ In 2019, the Nordic prime ministers adopted a vision for the Nordic Region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by the year 2030. The Nordic Council of Ministers was tasked with steering Nordic co-operation towards delivering this vision. The Nordic Council of Ministers is following a special action plan in its efforts relating to the vision for the period 2021 to 2024. Now, after almost two years, a mid-point evaluation has been produced. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine during the period, the Nordic Council of Ministers has delivered concrete results and made an impact. The activities of the Nordic Council of Ministers are being steered towards supporting the Nordic countries as well as possible in their realisation of the vision. Efforts relating to the green transition have been bolstered by way of DKK 120 million in additional funding thanks to a budget redistribution in the period 2021 to 2024. The mid-point evaluation was approved by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation in September 2022.

Programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Co-operation on Health and Social Affairs 2022-2024
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 19

Programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Co-operation on Health and Social Affairs 2022-2024

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/politiknord2022-719/ The Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs’ (MR-S) co-operation programme for 2022–2024 will generate knowledge and exchange information about shared challenges in the field of health and welfare throughout the Nordic Region. The main purpose is to generate initiatives and solutions that will contribute to the development of policy and guarantee the sustainability of the Nordic welfare societies at local, regional, national and Nordic levels at a time of limited resources.

Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 544

Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012

The Nordic countries have collaborated in setting guidelines for dietary composition and recommended intakes of nutrients for several decades through the joint publication of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR). This 5th edition, the NNR 2012, gives Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for nutrients, and compared with earlier editions more emphasis has been put on evaluating the scientific evidence for the role of food and food patterns contributing to the prevention of the major diet-related chronic diseases. Recommendations on physical activity are included and interaction with physical activity has been taken into account for the individual nutrient recommendations wherever appropriate....

New Nordic Peace: Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 57

New Nordic Peace: Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts

For a long time, the Nordic countries have been a region of peace, with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully among themselves, and a region for peace, actively promoting peace globally. Although efforts to actively brand the Nordic region are ongoing, the Nordic Peace brand is an area with untapped potential. The Nordics have rich traditions for working together on peace and conflict resolution. These joint efforts have grown organically and informally from like-mindedness, letting the common Nordic culture and ways of working foster integration among them where relevant. The people working in the Nordic countries on Nordic cooperation and peace recognize the potential of strengthening the Nordic Peace brand. One area of special potential is increasing focus on the shared Nordic priorities of prevention and the women, peace and security agenda as part of the Nordic Peace brand.

Nordic Co-operation Programme on Energy Policy 2022–2024
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 31

Nordic Co-operation Programme on Energy Policy 2022–2024

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/politiknord2021-731/ The Nordic energy ministers present a new Nordic energy policy co-operation programme for the period 2022–2024. The Nordic Region wants to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, and that is also the overall vision for co-operation on energy. A green transition of the Nordic societies will not be possible without a substantial green energy transition. As the Nordic energy systems are closely linked, working together on joint initiatives will lead to a green transition that is more cost-effective and socially sustainable than if the countries were each to achieve the goals individually. In 2020, the No...

Platform work in the Nordic models: Issues, cases and responses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 106

Platform work in the Nordic models: Issues, cases and responses

Online publication: https://pub.norden.org/temanord2020-513/ Abstract [en] This report explores how the platform economy is evolving in the Nordic countries and how its evolution is influenced by the Nordic labour market models and vice-versa. Here, we include all the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden), except Iceland, where platform work is still very marginal. While remaining a marginal phenomenon in the Nordic countries, platform work can be seen as one important case in which many key aspects of the changing world of work coalesce. This report on platform work in the Nordic countries thus connects some of the themes explored in the other pillars of the NFoW project, such as digitalization, new forms of employment and the legal and regulatory challenges currently faced by the social partners, governments and Nordic labour market models.

Nordic Economic Outlook 2021: Annual report on the economic development in the Nordic countries in terms of growth, business cycles and public finance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 29

Nordic Economic Outlook 2021: Annual report on the economic development in the Nordic countries in terms of growth, business cycles and public finance

  • Categories: Law

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/temanord2021-550/ The Nordic Economic Outlook is an annual report on the economic development in the Nordic countries in terms of growth, business cycles and public finance.The report is produced by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the content is prepared jointly by the Nordic Group of Macro Analysts (Nordiska konjunkturgruppen) with experts from the Finance Ministries in the five Nordic countries. The group has operated under the Nordic Council of Ministers since 2004 and exchanges information on macroeconomic and structural developments on a continuous basis.

State of the Nordic Region 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 172

State of the Nordic Region 2020

Available online: https://pub.norden.org/nord2020-001/ Abstract [en] State of the Nordic Region 2020 gives you a unique look behind the scenes of the world’s most integrated region, comprised of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, along with the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The report presents a series of facts and figures showing the current state of play within core socioeconomic sectors, including demography, labour market and economy. In addition, you can read about wellbeing and energy pathways towards a carbon neutral Nordic Region. State of the Nordic Region 2020 is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers and produced by Nordregio, an international research center for regional development and planning established by the Nordic Council of Ministers.