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Judul : BUKU AJAR PENGANTAR KEPERAWATAN MATERNITAS Penulis : Andyanita Hanif Hermawati, S.Kep., M.Si Yuni Astuti, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep Ns. Hernida Dwi lestari, SKep, SPd, MKep Tanty Wulan Dari ,S.Kep.Ns,M.Kes Elvi Murniasih, S.Kep., Ners. M.Kep Suryanti, S.Kep.,Ners.,M.Sc Dr. Aprina, S.Kp., M.KES Tanty Wulan Dari S.Kep.Ns.M.Kes Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 152 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-5687-80-3 Buku kolaborasi ini berjudul “Keperawatan Maternitas “mengacu pada konsep dan teori manajemen. Buku ini terdiri dari 8 bab yang menjelaskan mengenai Gangguan Perdarahan Kehamilan, Infeksi Maternal, Infeksi Kehamilan, Penyakit Pada Masa Kehamilan, Persalinan Berisiko, Konsep Keluarga Berencana, Keganasan (CA. CERVIKS DAN CA. MAMAE), Penyakit pada masa Kehamilan Menyeadari Penting keperawatan maternitas Beberapa dosen yang sudah ahli di bidang membuat buku ajar Keperawatan Maternitas. Semoga dengan adanya buku ajar keperawatan maternitas, memudahkan dosen dalam mengajar dan mahasiswa dalam memahami.
Drawing from his extensive clinical experience and many years of teaching, Dr. Hallenbeck has written a guide to palliative care for clinicians. Topics addressed range from an overview of death and dying to specific approaches to symptom management. As an introduction to both the art and science of palliative care, this book reflects the perspectives of one physician who has dedicated his career to this rapidly evolving field. the book links real stories of illness with practical advice, thereby delineating clinical practice in a way that reflects the daily concerns of clinicians.
This money-saving package includes the 8th edition of Community/Public Health Nursing Online for Stanhope and Lancaster, Public Health Nursing (User Guide and Access Code) and Public Health Nursing, 8th edition textbook.
The Ombudsman investigated three cases in which local statutory supervision of midwives failed, all of which occurred at Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust. The cases clearly illuminate a potential muddling of the supervisory and regulatory role of supervisors of midwives. The current arrangements do not always allow information about poor care to be escalated effectively into hospital clinical governance or the regulatory system. This means the current system operates in a way that risks failure to learn from mistakes, which cannot be in the interests of the safety of mothers and babies and must change. Working with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Professional Standards Authori...
Cell assays include all methods of measurements on living cells. Confined for a long time to research laboratories, these emerging methods have, in recent years, found industrial applications that are increasingly varied and, from now on, regulatory. Based on the recent explosion of knowledge in cell biology, the measurement of living cells represents a new class of industry-oriented research tests, the applications of which continue to multiply (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, environment, etc.). Cellular tests are now being positioned as new tools at the interface between chemical methods, which are often obsolete and not very informative, and methods using animal models, which are expensive, do not fit with human data and are widely discussed from an ethical perspective. Finally, the development of cell assays is currently being strengthened by their being put into regulatory application, particularly in Europe through the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) and cosmetic directives.
Cosmetic science covers the fields from natural sciences to human and social sciences, and is an important interdisciplinary element in various scientific disciples. New Cosmetic Science is a completely updated comprehensive review of its 35 year old counterpart Cosmetic Science. New Cosmetic Science has been written to give as many people as possible a better understanding of the subject, from scientists and technologists specializing in cosmetic research and manufacturing, to students of cosmetic science, and people with a wide range of interests concerning cosmetics.The relationship between the various disciplines comprising cosmetic science, and cosmetics, is described in Part I. In addi...
Problem Solving for Better Healthcovers human potential and possibilities for change in a global environment where health issues have now reached crisis proportions. Through the Dreyfus Health Foundation's Problem Solving for Better HealthÆ and related programs, this book presents innovative methodologies that promote grass-roots solutions to pressing health issues. A progress report and call to further action, the book speaks to such issues in 27 countries, including the United States. With contributions from Dreyfus Health Foundation international program leaders and esteemed health care practitioners and educators, Problem Solving for Better Health presents practical interventions throug...