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Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas berkat, rahmat serta inayahNya penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku yang berjudul Pelindungan Data Pribadi dalam Bidang Rekam Medis. Pelindungan data rekam medis menjadi aspek penting bagi perkembangan dunia medis yang mengedepakan keamanan data pribadi sehingga perlu dijamin oleh negara. Data pribadi merupakan data yang rentan, karena didalamnya menyangkut akan kehidupan dari seorang individu. Data pribadi merupakan bagian dari hak asasi manusia, sebagaimana diatur pada UndangUndang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Oleh karena itu, perlindungan data pribadi menjadi kebutuhan mutlak pada manusia modern, karena semakin tingginya penggunaan data, digitalisasi data, dan efisiensi transfer data yang menyebabkan data dapat ditransfer atau diunggah dengan satu kali klik pada sistem. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan perubahan dalam tatanan pengaturan hukum privasi pada beberapa negara dikarenakan adanya kekaburan antar batas yuridiksi.
Segala perjalanan adalah suatu perziarahan hidup yang tiada akhir; semua akan dikuatkan dan semua akan diterangkan. Tiada yang pahit daripada suatu kata-kata yang menjadi refleksi diri untuk kian berkembang. Tulisan ini pada dasarnya berangkat dari kerinduan individu (dan kolektif?) atas keabu-abuan gairah untuk berkembang para manusia pembangunan sosial. Gairah untuk mengenal dan belajar, gairah untuk memahami dan bergerak. Dan di sinilah kita kembali ingin merengkuh kegelisahan-kegelisahan tersebut. Buku Jejak Cagar Warisan Budaya dan Potensi Wisata Kotagede berisi tentang tulisan-tulisan refleksi atas kondisi kepariwisataan dan cagar warisan budaya di Kotagede. Melalui buku ini, penulis memaparkan beragam aspek yang perlu menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Ada tiga topik utama yang dibahas, yaitu 1) Potret Dinamika Perawatan dan Potensi Cagar Warisan Budaya di Kotagede; 2) Peran Aktor dalam Dinamika Sektor Pariwisata di Kotagede; dan 3) Kisah Kotagede dalam Kolase Kepemudaan.
Across the globe, Muslims complain about not having any Barakah in their time. Many Muslims are constantly late for appointments, and rushing around without being able to accomplish much. Yet, if we move beyond blame and complaint, we can discover many ways through which we can manage our time well enough to accomplish everything we need to do and more. Islam is a religion which emphasizes self-discipline and accountability. A deeper understanding of Islam would lead to us being able to optimize the usage of our time. In this book, you will learn important tools for time management, merging them with Islamic concepts like Dua, Sabr, Tawakul, and the benefits of having a strong connection with one's Creator. The tools and tips covered are well-researched and based on the author's personal experiences. Each section includes Islamic quotations, tools, tips, personal experiences and action points making this a practical, yet uniquely spiritual guide to Time Management.
Belajar Buku Masuk PTN BUKU EMAS
A long time ago, the world's most powerful empire was the Muslim empire. It was a nation full of scholars, doctors, scientists, ethical businessmen, and genius inventors. The early Muslim nation was founded by confident individuals, who trusted the Divine plan, using their God-given talents to make this world a better place. But somewhere down the line, things changed. The Muslim Nation declined until it became a shell of its former self. And then it broke into many fragmented pieces. This was followed by a generation of followers and imitators, low in confidence and self-esteem, feeling inferior to others, following and never daring to lead. The Muslim nation lost its confidence, but we can get it back by returning to our roots and going back to that which made the early generations so successful.
With emphasis on teacher and learner code-switching patterns, this book is one of the first studies to comprehensively address these issues in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The author examines teacher and learner code-switching through quantitative analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, and mixed methods used in the study of code-switching. She addresses current debates on the amount of first language (L1) use, the functions of L1 use, the functions of teacher only code-switching patterns and the functions of teacher and learners shared code-switching patterns in foreign language classrooms. The book explores the implications of EFL classroom code-switching and how this can feed into better understanding of foreign language learning and teaching, language teacher development and new research directions in TESOL and applied linguistics. The principles and discussions of EFL classrooms are easily generalised to other language classrooms. This book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of second language acquisition, applied linguistics, and ELT, as well as researchers in the fields of sociology, education, and ethnomethodology.
Main description: This volume presents strongly empirical, corpus-based studies of a range of English modal auxiliaries and modal constructions in specific uses. It also approaches some of the classic issues in the field of modality from new perspectives, notably that of the 'Theory of Enunciative Operations' developed by the French linguist Antoine Culioli and his colleagues.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has been granted the highest of stations by Allah (the Divine) and nowhere is it clearer than in the heart of the Holy Qur'an, Surat YaSeen. This brilliant composition masterfully explains the virtues of Surat YaSeen including seeking guidance and the decoding of Arabic words, all illuminated by over 400 full-colour images.
Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi has composed an exceptional work on the Levels of the Heart; Subtle energies and realities that are dressing the heart. This book takes the reader on a spiritual journey in which you learn how to polish the heart and seek the light, eventually opening the Divinely realities within.
A complete, newly translated edition of al-Adab al-Mufrad, the most famous collection of Prophetic traditions on manners and morals, with a pioneering commentary by Adil Salahi.