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This is a hands-on, practical guide to describe physical bunch and oil analysis of oil palm. Bunch and oil analysis laboratories are set up at oil mills to assess production, yield potential of plantations and oil extraction rates relative to targets. The higher the oil yields produced by the planting material, the less land that is needed to achieve a specific level of production, hence helping in the sustainability of the crop. This is an invaluable manual for oil palm mill managers, oil palm plantation managers, palm oil producers, oil palm breeders, agronomists, oil chemists, oil palm seed producing companies and research institutes across the world (especially tropical zones). It is useful for those starting a career in oil palm production, as a reference guide for managers and for training purposes.
Oil palm is the top oil crop and the only major crop and only oil crop not to have been improved by plant mutation breeding. This manual is hands-on, providing step-by-step illustrated methods in a range of key activities in mutation induction, mutation detection and mutant line development in oil palm.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sports, Health, and Physical Education (ISMINA 2021) with the theme “Transformation on Sports, Health and Physical Education Facing the Global Pandemic”. This conference has brought researchers, educators and practitioners around the world. The 5th ISMINA 2021 Proceedings contains 75 articles. Consisting of 35 sports-themed articles, 25 health-themed articles, and 15 physical education-themed articles. The 5th ISMINA 2021 collaborates with ICSSPE, APPORI and several leading Indonesian universities in the fields of physical education, sports, and health education. The 5th ISMINA 2021 aims to gather all knowledge and transformation to face the global pandemic in the fields of physical education, health, and sports. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for all committee and the reviewers who helped us maintain the high quality of manuscripts included in the proceedings published by EUDL. Also, we are thankful to all the authors who submitted papers, because of which the conference became a story of success.
This is a hands-on practical guide to the use of Trichoderma as a biocontrol, as part of sustainable disease control measures for Ganoderma disease in oil palm plantations. The manual provides background information on Ganoderma (basal stem rot), the most devastating disease of oil palm in Southeast Asia, as well as on the benefits of Trichoderma fungi in safe guarding yields. The disease is caused by soil-borne fungi, Ganoderma spp, which are found in West Africa and South America, as well as Southeast Asia.
Pembelajaran di era revolusi industri 5.0 harus mengalami sebuah reformasi. Perkembangan pembelajaran berbasis OBE (Outcome Based Education) memerlukan model pembelajaran yang mampu menyelaraskan kurikulum tersebut. Pandangan para ahli pendidikan dari masa ke masa menjadikan model pembelajaran saat ini menjadi semakin beragam sehingga memunculkan berbagai paradigma model pembelajaran. IPA merupakan salah satu materi pada mata pelajaran bagi peserta didik. Materi yang terdapat dalam IPA sangat menarik karena dapat disesuaikan dengan lingkungan sekitar peserta didik. Materi IPA yang menarik akan semakin asyik apabila diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran yang tepat. Model pembelajaran yang mampu mengakomodasi perbedaan gaya belajar peserta didik. Buku ini disusun, sebagai salah satu referensi bagi para pendidik untuk dapat mempelajari model pembelajaran secara baik dan menarik.
This book provides a fresh, updated perspective of the current status and perspectives in genetic improvement of a diverse array of tropical crops. The first part covers aspects which are relevant across crops, namely how to maximize the use of genetic information through modern bioinformatic approaches and how to use statistics as a tool to sustain increased genetic gains and breeding efficiency. The second part of the book provides an updated view of some seed-propagated crops, such as rice, maize and oil palm, as well as crops propagated through vegetative means such as sweet potato, cassava, banana and sugarcane. Each chapter addresses the main breeding objectives, markets served, current breeding approaches, biotechnology, genetic progress observed, and in addition a glimpse into the future for each of these selected and important tropical crops.
Rentang yang disisir buku ini dimulai dari majalah Poetri Hindia pada 1908 hingga Cantiq dan Mamamia!. Melewati banyak periode, merekam suara perempuan dalam satu abad perjalanan keluarga Indonesia. Buku ini merupakan persembahan Yayasan Indonesia Buku untuk jagat pers menyangkut babad pers perempuan dalam sejarah pers Indonesia. Bukan saja ingin menunjukan ke permukaan tentang bargaining position dan peran strategis perempuan Indonesia dalam dunia pers, tetapi juga bagaimana pers perempuan Indonesia ikut andil dalam memaknai perjalanan perempuan Indonesia.
Buku ini lahir dari keprihatinan penulis terhadap krisis moral dan budaya yang melanda dunia pendidikan saat ini, khususnya dalam konteks pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Berangkat dari keprihatinan ini, penulis menelusuri jejak pemikiran dan kontribusi Syekh Sulaiman Arrasuli, seorang ulama besar yang berasal dari Minangkabau, yang dengan penuh kecerdasan dan kearifan berhasil memadukan dua pilar utama dalam kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau, yaitu adat dan syarak. Dalam pandangannya, adat dan syarak bukanlah dua entitas yang saling bertentangan, melainkan dua elemen yang dapat saling melengkapi dan memperkuat, terutama dalam konteks pendidikan. Buku ini mengulas secara komprehensif bagaimana gagasan pertalian adat dan syarak yang diusung oleh Syekh Sulaiman Arrasuli diinstitusionalkan dalam pendidikan Islam. Penulis menjabarkan proses pelembagaan gagasan ini melalui tiga jalur utama: institusi pendidikan, organisasi Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiah (PERTI), dan media massa. Setiap jalur ini memiliki peran penting dalam menyebarkan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai yang diwariskan oleh Syekh Sulaiman kepada generasi mendatang.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the First edition of the 2019 European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) The International conference on business, law, and pedagogy (ICBLP 2019). The International conference on business, law, and pedagogy accepts the papers in the three thematic areas with multiple research approaches and methodologies. The conference provides a platform for wide-ranging issues, which captures contemporary developments in business, law and pedagogy within which a wide range of networking opportunities can be nurtured for the advancement of future research and global collaboration. This approach is now vital in research endeavours as business, law and pedagogy practices are increasingly prone to an era of cross-fertilization through meaningful multi-disciplinary collaborations We strongly believe that ICBLP conference provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all science and technology aspects that are relevant to smart grids. We also expect that the future ICBLP 2019 conference will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
Pembahasan buku ini mencakup pendahuluan pengantar nutrasetikal, substansi nutrasetikal beserta regulasi nutrasetikal di Indonesia dan berbagai negara, aspek klinis dalam nutrasetikal dan pangan fungsional, toksisitas, dan interaksi dalam nutrasetikal, pengembangan produk nutrasetikal dan pangan fungsional, teknologi dalam produksi nutrasetikal dan pangan fungsional, karakterisasi dan analisis nutrasetikal, nutrasetikal dalam sistem kardiovaskular dan menurunkan kolestrol, nutrasetikal dalam keseimbangan glukosa dan diabetes, nutrasetikal dalam kesehatan tulang, nutrasetikal dalam gangguan pernapasan, probiotik dan prebiotik, nutrasetikal dalam kesehatan kognitif, dan kurkumin dan kafein dalam nutrasetikal