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Environmental concerns regarding continuous use of synthetic dyes saw a revival in the demand for natural dyes as natural dyes exhibit better biodegradability and generally have a higher compatibility with the environment. However, one of the limitations on the use of natural dyes or pigments is the low extraction yield factors (a few grams of pigment per kg of dried raw material). Therefore, the exploitation of other biological sources such as fungi, bacteria and cell cultures offers interesting alternative. Microbial pigments such as from bacterial origins offer the advantage in terms of production compared to pigments extracted from vegetables or animals, due to its simple cell and fast culturing technique. This book offers interesting insight into initial works carried out to demonstrate the potential use of bacterial pigment as colorant for various applications.
World’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100. To meet the food demands of the exponentially increasing population, a massive food production is necessary. Agricultural production on land and aquatic systems pose negative impacts on the earth’s ecosystems. Combined effects of climate change, land degradation, cropland losses, water scarcity and species infestations are major causes for loss of agricultural yields up to 25%. Therefore, the world needs a paradigm shift in agriculture development for sustainable food production and security through green revolution and eco-friendly approaches. Hence, agriculture practices must be sustained by the abil...
Special focus: Navigating Climate Change: A Brief Summary on Innovative Ocean Solutions Abstract: The ocean plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth by harbouring a significant portion of biodiversity, regulating the climate, contributing to the economy, and ensuring global food security. Nevertheless, the anticipated rise in worldwide temperatures, in addition to the acidification of the oceans and the elevation of sea levels, presents significant dangers to vital marine ecosystems and the benefits they provide. In spite of the commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as outlined in the Paris Agreement, they are inadequate in restraining the global temperature increase ...
Recent technological advances have provided unique opportunities for the exploration of alternatives to the industrial use of chemically produced synthetic colors. The most promising developments in this area have been in bio-pigmentation derived from microorganisms. This groundbreaking book reviews the current state of the science of bio-pigmentation, providing important insights into the molecular mechanisms of microbial biosynthesis of industrial pigments. Featuring contributions by leading researchers from both industry and academe, it explores the latest advances in the use of bio-pigments as safe, sustainable alternatives to chemically synthesized pigments, and provides extensive cover...
Era Baru dalam Tadbir Urus Laut: Memahami Perjanjian Laut Lepas Dalam undang-undang antarabangsa laut, negara di pesisir pantai memiliki hak ke atas perairan wilayahnya dan mengawal zon ekonomi eksklusif (EEZ) sehingga 200 batu nautika lautan. Walau bagaimanapun, perkara tersebut tidak termasuk laut lepas. Maksud laut lepas ialah kolum air yang melangkaui persempadanan negara pesisir pantai. Ia adalah kawasan di mana tiada negara yang berhak menuntut kedaulatan.
Mendalami Al-Quran dari Sudut Kapal Al-Quran dan Kapal Al-Quran adalah kitab suci umat Islam yang menjadi sumber ajaran agama dan petunjuk kehidupan. Terdapat banyak ayat al-Quran yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan manusia, termasuk berkenaan kehidupan di laut dan kapal. Nabi Muhammad SAW menerima mukjizat al-Quran melalui perantaraan malaikat Jibril. Namun Nabi Muhammad tidak pernah sekalipun menaiki bahtera atau kapal sepanjang hayat beliau. Ini merupakan bukti bahawa al-Quran merupakan wahyu daripada Tuhan. Terdapat banyak ayat dalam al-Quran menggambarkan kapal sebagai kemudahan pengangkutan yang kuat, besar, dan mampu menempuh perjalanan jauh di lautan yang luas dan dalam. Selain itu, al-Quran juga menjelaskan secara spesifiknya bahawa kapal berupaya membantu manusia mencapai pelbagai tujuan penting dalam ke-hidupan, seperti berdagang, berjelajah, dan beribadah.
Analisis awal Pemindahan ibu kota Indonesia ke Nusantara: impak ke atas Selat Melaka Nusantara adalah nama rasmi ibu kota baharu Indonesia yang diumumkan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada 14 Januari 2022 (Bernama, 2022). Penggunaan nama Nusantara dilihat mampu merealisasikan konsep kesatuan pelbagai budaya dan etnik di Indonesia.
Special focus: Navigating Malaysia towards a Developed Maritime Nation: The Urgency of Comprehensive National Maritime Economy Policy Description: Malaysia's maritime industry emphasises its pivotal role in the country’s global trade and economic growth. The potential for significant growth in ocean-based industries, including marine aquaculture and offshore wind energy, has emphasised the importance of maritime economy and sustainable ocean resource management. This article, hence, aims at assessing Malaysia’s trade, industrial, and investment policies, noting a generally liberal environment and at the same time highlighting challenges within its implementation—including regulatory ga...