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Developing earlier theories of social enterprise through comparative analysis, and including contributions from an impressive list of industry leaders, this key text is essential reading for academics, researchers and students in the fields of the third sector and social policies.
Using in-depth case studies, this volume shows how the infrastructure of tourism has transformed cities throughout North America. It makes clear that the modern urban environment is being thoroughly altered to emphasize the growing tourism sector in such areas as renovated waterfronts.
The authors of this book use regulation theory to bring theoretical focus and analytic clarity to the study of urban tourism. Provides a unifying analytic framework for the study of urban tourism. Brings urban tourism into focus as an important political, economic and cultural phenomenon. Presents original essays written by established scholars, including studies of Venice, Mexico, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles, London, Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, and Australia's Gold Coast.
Este livro discute os efeitos das intervenções de requalificação em centros antigos e desvalorizados de grandes cidades do mundo. Os casos de Bruxelas, Lyon, Barcelona, Nápoles, Cidade do México, Nova Iorque e São Paulo são analisados por diferentesautores. Segundo as conclusões dos estudos, todas as intervenções resultaram ou pretenderam a "gentrificação" das áreas centrais, ou seja, a vinda de classes médias para o centro, substituindo as classes populares que haviam permanecido na área enquanto ela estava deteriorada ou desvalorizada. Na introdução, Catherine Bidou-Zachariasen faz uma reflexão importante sobre o papel das políticas de reabilitação de centros nos novos modelos de cidades resultantes da economia globalizada e na estratégia residencial das classes médias altas dessas cidades.
The redesign and revitalization of traditional urban centers is the cutting edge of contemporary urban planning, as evidenced by the intense public and professional attention to the rebuilding of city cores from Berlin to New York City's "Ground Zero." Spanish and Latin American cities have never received the recognition they deserve in the urban revitalization debate, yet they offer a very relevant model for this "return to the center." These cultures have consistently embraced the notion of a city whose identity is grounded in its organic public spaces: plazas, promenades, commercial streets, and parks that invite pedestrian traffic and support a rich civic life. This groundbreaking book e...
This volume analyses the evolution of selected public policies and the changing roles and structure of the state in Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain since the 1960s. It makes a major contribution to work on recent democratic regime transition in southern Europe, demonstrating how the state has responded and adapted to the challenges and pressures associated with the overarching processes of democratization, socio-economic development, and Europeanization.
La sociedad gay, una invisible minoría es un libro que viene a llenar un importante vacío en el mundo editorial español. Se trata de una obra que sintetiza, explica y comenta una enorme variedad de trabajos e investigaciones inéditos en España sobre la cuestión homosexual, todo ello en un estilo extraordinariamente claro y didáctico. Una breve ojeada al índice es suficiente para hacerse idea del carácter multidisciplinar de la obra, que incluye desde una exposición actualizada de las teorías sobre el origen de la homosexualidad hasta la historia más detallada del movimiento gay publicada en España hasta el momento. Toda la información que se ofrece, con gran número de datos in...
Esta obra analiza los caminos argumentales que han servido de justificación a inciativas políticas conservadoras. Se examinan críticamente los supuestos éticos, antropológicos, las propuestas institucionales y las prácticas políticas del liberalismo.
Has tingut mai la sensació que no coneixes ni la meitat de racons increïbles que samaguen en cada un dels barris de Barcelona? Si alguna vegada thas fet aquesta pregunta o simplement vols descobrir indrets que no surten a les guies convencionals, 501 racons màgics de Barcelona que has de conèixer abans de morir és la guia perfecta. Racons amagats on et podràs escapar, carrers amb petites sorpreses, passatges amb encant, terrasses i bars únics per sorprendre els teus amics, parcs, llocs on gaudir del teatre, la música, larquitectura, la història, la gastronomia... Tot això i més, molt a prop de casa teva, i per a totes les butxaques! No cal anar gaire lluny per trobar un racó màgic. Hem obert bé els ulls 501 vegades per estimar el que tenim més a la vora, racons a prop dels quals hem passat milers de cops amb els ulls clucs i en els quals mai no ens havíem aturat. Hem obert les portes duna ciutat que és màgica (...).