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The primary focus of Social Psychology, 14e, is the social world which has changed tremendously in recent years under technological advancements. These changes have important implications for how we think about ourselves and other people. Social psychology is the branch of psychology that studies all aspects of our behaviour with and toward others, our feelings and thoughts about them and the relationships we develop with them. The central message for social psychology as a field and for any book that seeks to represent it, is: Keep up with these technological changes in terms of their implications for social life and this is precisely what has been done in the 14th edition of this book.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Show how the ever-changing field of Social Psychology is useful in students’ everyday lives. The integration of application into the main body chapters helps students see the connection between theory and real world experiences. This classic text retains the hallmark of its own past success: up-to-date coverage of the quickly evolving subject matter written in a lively manner that has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of students around the world. This book continues to balance its coverage of fundamentals with current research. Te...
Emotion can result from interpreting group actions as reflecting on the self due to an association between the two. This volume considers the nature of collective guilt, the antecedent conditions necessary for it to be experienced, how it can be measured, as well as how collective guilt differs from other group based emotions. Research from Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, and the USA addresses critical questions concerning the who, when, and why of the experience of collective guilt. The political implications of collective guilt and forgiveness for the past are considered, and how those might depend on the national context. How collective guilt can be harnessed and used to create a more peaceful future for groups with a history of violence between then is emphasized.
Choice Recommended Read This volume tackles the critical question of whether people change or whether they remain relatively constant across the lifespan. Much existing literature in psychology has largely endorsed the concept of stability. Indeed, in many people’s minds, the person is understood to be set in stone, as a function of early socialization and reaching a particular stage of development, evolutionary processes, or traits that are hard-wired from the beginning by genes and biology. However, in recent years, important scientific developments in theory and research concerning the psychology of change have emerged. In contrast to the commonly held conception of the individual as fi...
The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Psychology is a unique, state-of-the-art synthesis of the known work, combined with current research trends, in the broad field of gender and psychology. In the past 35 years academic publications on the subject have increased tenfold, and this level of activity as well the diversity of research looks set to increase in the coming years too. The time is ideal for a systematic review of the field. Contributions come from academics around the world and many different disciplines, and as a result multiple perspectives and a diversity of methodologies are presented to understand gender and its implications for behaviour. Chapters cover a wide variety of topics, th...
This book contains the original papers that founded the twin theories of social identity and self-categorization, supplemented with new contributions reflecting on past, current, and future developments in social identity.
Part of PsycBOOKS collection.
For courses in Social Psychology Show how the ever-changing field of Social Psychology is useful in students everyday lives Social Psychology, 15th Edition retains the hallmark of its past success: up-to-date coverage of the quickly evolving subject matter written in a lively manner that has been embraced by thousands of students around the world. Authors Nyla Branscombe and Robert Baron both respected scholars with decades of undergraduate teaching experience generate student excitement by revealing the connections between theory and real-world experiences. The 14th Edition offers updated content to engage students, as well as new What Research Tells Us About sections in each chapter that illustrate how research findings help answer important questions about social life.