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Esta obra envolve o tema da aplicação de tratados internacionais de Direitos Humanos no âmbito interno, sob a égide da normativa constitucional e o status constitucional decorrente da incorporação desses tratados. Para tal, confrontam-se as implicações da atual norma do §3o, do art. 5o da CF/88, especificamente quanto à sua constitucionalidade, tendo em vista que a CF/88 não estabelece hierarquia aos tratados de direitos humanos, no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, deixando campo para interpretações em doutrina e jurisprudência. Questiona-se, ainda, se estaria o §3o do art. 5o, inserido pela Emenda Constitucional no 45/2004, restringindo direitos fundamentais consagrados em tratados internacionais, sempre destacando a ideia da supremacia dos direitos humanos e tendo como pressuposto básico a consagração da democracia, também formada com o direito integrativo que tem origem nos tratados internacionais celebrados entre os Estados. Aborda-se, ainda, a demora na tramitação das emendas constitucionais como forma de restrição a direitos fundamentais.
Analisa-se o planejamento urbano sob uma perspectiva histórica, destacando o modelo de desenvolvimento que ganhou adeptos no início do século XXI, no qual foram introduzidos novos elementos como o capital territorial e a competitividade territorial. Também é abordado o modelo de desenvolvimento de acordo com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que, apesar de conferir importância a todos os entes federados, dá um destaque especial ao ente municipal. Em sequência, esse modelo desenvolvimentista é confrontado com as políticas de austeridade provocadas pelas corriqueiras crises sistêmicas e que afetam, sobretudo, a economia, inviabilizando alguns projetos que trariam melhorias aos env...
This work seeks to provide a comprehensive and accessible survey of the international dimension of trauma and memory and its manifestations in various cultural contexts. Drawing together contributions and case studies from scholars around the globe, the book explores the international political dimension of feeling, suffering, forgetting, remembering and memorializing traumatic events and to investigate how they function as social practices for overcoming trauma and creating social change. Divided into two sections, the book maps out the different theoretical debates and then moves on to examine emerging themes such as ontological security, social change, gender, religion, foreign policy & natural disasters. Throughout the chapters, the editors consider the social, political and ethical implications of forgetting and remembering traumatic events in world politics Showcasing how trauma and memory deepen our understanding of IR, this work will be of great interest to students and scholars of international relations, memory and trauma studies and security studies.
This definitive study explores what the postcolonial condition has meant to rural people in the Third World. Based on fieldwork done in the village of Alipur in rural north India from the early 1980s through the 1990s, POSTCOLONIAL DEVELOPMENTS challenges the dichotomy of "developed" and "underdevelopoed", and offers a new model for future ethnographic scholarship. 15 photos.
Postmodernism may seem a particularly inappropriate term when used in conjunction with a region that is usually thought of as having only recently, and then unevenly, acceded to modernity. Yet in the last several years the concept has risen to the top of the agenda of cultural and political debate in Latin America. This collection explores the Latin American engagement with postmodernism, less to present a regional variant of the concept than to situate it in a transnational framework. Recognizing that postmodernism in Latin America can only inaccurately be thought of as having traveled from an advanced capitalist "center" to arrive at a still dependent neocolonial "periphery," the contribut...
Enrique Dussel's writings span the theology of liberation, critiques of discourse ethics and evaluations of Marx, Levinas, Habermas, and others. This anthology of articles by US philosophers elucidating Dussel's thought offers critical analyses from a variety of perspectives.
* Highlights the interrelations between place, gender, politics, and justice. * Draws upon women's place-based experiences across the globe. In Women and the Politics of Place, Wendy Harcourt and Arturo Escobar analyze women's economic and social justice movements by challenging traditional views. The authors reveal how an interrelated set of transformations around body, environment, and the economy factors into place-based practices of women and how these provide alternative ways of advancement in these mobilizations. The book develops a conceptual framework based on the most current debates in anthropology, geography, ecology, feminist, and development studies. This guides academics, activists, and policymakers toward an understanding of how women are politically negotiating globalization. Also featured are the experiences of women working to defend their homelands on isses such as reproductive rights, land and community, rural and urban environments, and global capital. Written for wide use by academics, students, and practitioners, Women and the Politics of Place bridges the division between academic and activist knowledge with an original analysis of global feminist issues.
This volume offers new approaches to some of the biggest persistent challenges in the study of esotericism and beyond. Commonly understood as a particularly "Western" undertaking consisting of religious, philosophical, and ritual traditions that go back to Mediterranean antiquity, this book argues for a global approach that significantly expands the scope of esotericism and highlights its relevance for broader theoretical and methodological debates in the humanities and social sciences. The contributors offer critical interventions on aspects related to colonialism, race, gender and sexuality, economy, and marginality. Equipped with a substantial introduction and conclusion, the book offers textbook-style discussions of the state of research and makes concrete proposals for how esotericism can be rethought through broader engagement with neighboring fields.
Discussions of the recent austerity measures in Southern Europe as a response to the sovereign debt crisis have been usually framed in terms of their economic impact. However, the general impoverishment of these countries has induced other massive social and political changes, a fact which is ignored in the literature. This volume seeks to fill this gap and break ground by analyzing these trends in the Portuguese context. Portugal has been portrayed as the Troika’s good pupil by obediently adopting all prescribed austerity measures. In the process, the nation’s fragile social fabric has been destroyed. Massive emigration, particularly by young people, massive increases in poverty and a f...
In 1935, after the death of dictator General Juan Vicente Gómez, Venezuela consolidated its position as the world's major oil exporter and began to establish what today is South America's longest-lasting democratic regime. Endowed with the power of state oil wealth, successive presidents appeared as transcendent figures who could magically transform Venezuela into a modern nation. During the 1974-78 oil boom, dazzling development projects promised finally to effect this transformation. Yet now the state must struggle to appease its foreign creditors, counter a declining economy, and contain a discontented citizenry. In critical dialogue with contemporary social theory, Fernando Coronil examines key transformations in Venezuela's polity, culture, and economy, recasting theories of development and highlighting the relevance of these processes for other postcolonial nations. The result is a timely and compelling historical ethnography of political power at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary reflections on modernity and the state.