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Cómo soslayar las problemáticas, los temores e incertidumbres que suscitan el cambio de una etapa educativa a otra. Cómo dar continuidad al proceso educativo ofreciendo programas de acogida, planes de orientación y coordinación entre los equipos implicados.
Some fifty years before Chrétien de Troyes wrote what is probably the first and certainly the most influential story of the Holy Grail, images of the Virgin Mary with a simple but radiant bowl (called a “grail” in local dialect) appeared in churches in the Spanish Pyrenees. In this fascinating book, Joseph Goering explores the links between these sacred images and the origins of one of the West’s most enduring legends. While tracing the early history of the grail, Goering looks back to the Pyrenean religious paintings and argues that they were the original inspiration of the grail legend. He explains how storytellers in northern France could have learned of these paintings and how the enigmatic “grail” in the hands of the Virgin came to form the centerpiece of a story about a knight in King Arthur’s court. Part of the allure of the grail, Goering argues, was that neither Chrétien nor his audience knew exactly what it represented or why it was so important. And out of the attempts to answer those questions the literature of the Holy Grail was born.
The State of the World's Children 2011: Adolescence - An Age of Opportunity examines the global state of adolescents; outlines the challenges they face in health, education, protection and participation; and explores the risks and vulnerabilities of this pivotal stage. The report highlights the singular opportunities that adolescence offers, both for adolescents themselves and for the societies they live in. The accumulated evidence demonstrates that investing in adolescents' second decade is our best hope of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and inequity and of laying the foundation for a more peaceful, tolerant and equitable world.
The sixteen essays in this volume were written to honor John Williams's contributions to the study of medieval Spanish art and architecture. Contributors from the fields of Art History, History, and Archaeology were chosen to demonstrate Williams's wide-ranging influence as scholar and teacher. Thus, the collection represents current research by scholars from five countries, providing an interdisciplinary, international, and even intergenerational view of the work being done in Spanish medieval History and Art History today. With contributions by Achim Arbeiter, Simon Barton, Ann Boylan, James D'Emilio, Angela Franco, Julie A. Harris, Peter K. Klein, Therese Martin, Eileen P. McKiernan González, Pamela Patton, David Raizman, Bernard F. Reilly, Diane Reilly, Rocío Sánchez Ameijeiras, José Luis Senra, and Kenneth B. Wolf.
Fully revised to reflect the DSM-5, the second edition of The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders features the latest research findings, applications, and approaches to understanding eating disorders. Including foundational topics alongside practical specifics, like literature reviews and clinical applications, this handbook is essential for scientists, clinicians, and students alike.
The Time of the Doves - by Mercè Rodoreda - is the powerfully written story of a naïve shop-tender during the Spanish Civil War and beyond, is a rare and moving portrait of a simple soul confronting and surviving a convulsive period in history. The book has been widely translated, and was made into a film.
El reconeixement dels artistes i de les seves obres és un tema central i recurrent en la història de l’art. Ara bé, les condicions de l’oblit a què alguns creadors són relegats hi tenen un paper igualment preponderant. Amb un enfocament que abraça des de la sociologia de l’art fins a la reconstrucció històrica, aquest volum recupera tant autors oblidats o poc coneguts com creacions que han perdut la fama que van tenir fa una centúria, entre els quals trobem un edifici ocult del centre de Barcelona, una personalitat del teatre del segle passat —que avui, malgrat figurar al nomenclàtor de la ciutat, pràcticament ningú no sap qui és— o un pintor ignorat que va formar part del cercle íntim d’una de les personalitats més prestigioses del país. El perfil dels artistes estudiats confirma la necessitat de reconsiderar el cànon de la història de l’art, alhora que matisa i enriqueix el recorregut d’altres de més reconeguts.