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A ground breaking study of the ways that intimate relationships are similar around the world, and the ways they are different.
„A 29. DUBNA, PO ŠESTNÁCTIDENNÍ JÍZDĚ, JSME KONEČNĚ STÁLY NA NÁDRAŽÍ V MAUTHAUSENU. VYHLADOVĚLÉ JSME SE TÁHLY DÁL. PŘED NÁMI BYLA POVĚSTNÁ PŘÍKŘE STOUPAJÍCÍ CESTA DO LÁGRU. TAK JI MÁM V PAMĚTI, PROTOŽE JSEM SI BYLA JISTÁ, ŽE UŽ NEJSEM SCHOPNA UDĚLAT ANI JEDEN KROK NAVÍC. TEHDY JSEM SI BYLA POPRVÉ OD PŘÍCHODU DO TEREZÍNA JISTÁ, ŽE NASTAL MŮJ KONEC. ŽE UŽ VÍC NEVYDRŽÍM.“ Příběh Hany Sternlicht v sobě spojuje osudy dvou rozvětvených židovských rodin – Neumannovy a Kačerovy. Jejich úděl je charakteristický pro židovské obyvatelstvo českých zemí 20. století. I větve těchto rodin brutálně uťal nacismus a holokaust. Hana Sternlicht ovšem měla, na rozdíl od svých rodičů, to štěstí, že pekelnou cestu vedoucí z východočeských Holic přes Terezín a Osvětim přežila. A její pouť za svobodou tak mohla pokračovat i po válce, kdy ji dovedla až na nový začátek v Izraeli. Na přání své rodiny se nyní rozhodla vyprávět svůj příběh, aby doba holokaustu nevymizela z paměti.
Uno studio d'approfondimento sulla vita e le opere letterarie di Gioconda Belli, straordinaria scrittrice nicaraguense e autrice di toccanti poesie e romanzi che inducono alla riflessione più profonda. Uno sguardo sul mondo, sulle problematiche delle società latino americane e, soprattutto, sulle donne di ieri e di oggi, che continuano a lottare per ottenere quei diritti e privilegi che per l'universo maschile sono sempre dati per scontati. Un personaggio d'eccellenza che ha ancora tanto da dire intorno al meraviglioso privilegio di sentirsi donna rivendicando con forza e orgoglio il diritto di vivere senza complessi la propria femminilità, e può indicare la rotta da seguire per vivere finalmente in un mondo unito, equo e solidale. Contiene un'intervista esclusiva dell'autore con la scrittrice.
The November 1970 coup that brought Hafiz al-Asad to power fundamentally transformed cultural production in Syria. A comprehensive intellectual, ideological, and political project—a Ba'thist cultural revolution—sought to align artistic endeavors with the ideological interests of the regime. The ensuing agonistic struggle pitted official aesthetics of power against alternative modes of creative expression that could evade or ignore the effects of the state. With this book, Max Weiss offers the first cultural and intellectual history of Ba'thist Syria, from the coming to power of Hafiz al-Asad, through the transitional period under Bashar al-Asad, and continuing up through the Syria War. R...
This handbook includes state-of-the-art research on love in classical, modern and postmodern perspectives. It expands on previous literature and explores topics around love from new cultural, intercultural and transcultural approaches and across disciplines. It provides insights into various love concepts, like romantic love, agape, and eros in their cultural embeddedness, and their changes and developments in specific cultural contexts. It also includes discussions on postmodern aspects with regard to love and love relationships, such as digitalisation, globalisation and the fourth industrial revolution. The handbook covers a vast range of topics in relation to love: aging, health, special ...
Una búsqueda sobre la vida y la obra poética y narrativa de la extraordinaria escritora nicaragüense Gioconda Belli, un punto de referencia para todas las mujeres del mundo y sus reclamaciones. Contiene una entrevista exclusiva con la autora.
This book examines the importance of visual literacy education, offering strategies for improving the visual analytic abilities of teachers and students.
Higher education has a vital role to play in the social and economic development of all countries. The sector, however, faces a significant number of critical issues to be addressed, major challenges to be met and overcome, and significant opportunities to be grasped and consolidated. Higher education institutions are now expected to operate, manage, compete, be creative and innovative, and provide intellectual leadership in a world characterised by increasingly rapid, pervasive and fundamental change. The question of how to maximise the performance of the higher education sector in the context of such an environment is the focus of the chapters in this book, which provide perspectives, anal...
In the last two and a half decades, the concept of Emotional Intelligence has not only gained acceptance in the scientific community, but exploded all over the place, becoming a popular term used (and abused) by everyone. As the concept matured, two things happened: On one hand, more and more empirical evidence supported the concept's applicability in a broad range of contexts and settings. On the other hand, the evidence put the early expectation of the concept in perspective, humbling pioneering claims of EI being the concept accounting for everything that traditional concepts (like intelligence, personality etc.) did not. Emotional intelligence has come of age, and as evidence explores ne...