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L'essentiel des connaissances à acquérir et les apports méthodologiques indispensables aux étudiants de licence. - Une présentation du cours claire et simple pour faciliter la lecture et la mémorisation des savoirs. - Des cartes, des chronologies et des notes pour faire du cours un aide-mémoire vivant, à la pointe de l'historiographie actuelle. - Un instrument de travail efficace pour se familiariser avec l'explication de documents et la dissertation.
How does a business create strong brand loyalty when there is so much competition for customers attention and needs? In Belonging Experiences, author Jean-Piere Lacroix explores the trends that impact how consumers connect with products and services while outlining a new model for brand engagement based on more than thirty years of leveraging the power of design thinking. The strategies outlined in Belonging Experiences provide businesses with easy-to-understand tools that lay the groundwork for a successful brand-engagement initiative. With timely examples and case studies to illustrate key points, Lacroix introduces the Beginning Experience concept that can unleash the full potential of advocates for brands, allowing for greater visibility and loyalty through third party endorsements and referrals. By understanding how consumer needs are evolving, creating an experience to meet these needs, leveraging technology, establishing an employee value proposition, and engaging employees to live the brand promise, businesses can create a successful experience for their brand that will truly resonate and connect with consumers and positively impact the organizations bottom line.
Comprendre les attitudes et les comportements des individus et des groupes humains dans les organisations, en analyser les évolutions, en connaître les déterminants et les conséquences, soulèvent des questions sans cesse renouvelées. Ce premier volume d’une série de trois ouvrages propose de développer plusieurs domaines fondamentaux du comportement organisationnel : le contrat psychologique, les émotions au travail et la socialisation organisationnelle. Chacun de ces thèmes correspond à des domaines de recherche particulièrement féconds et à des problématiques centrales pour le management des ressources humaines dans les entreprises et les administrations. Traitée sous forme d’états de l’art actualisés, c’est la place des relations humaines dans les organisations qui est explorée selon des perspectives variées et novatrices.
Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? builds on strategic management and innovationmanagement academic contributions to better understand theoreticaland empirical challenges of business ecosystems. Even if the concept ofbusiness ecosystem was coined in 1993, it will lie fallow during more than tenyears before gaining scholars' interest. Managers will however recognize therelevance of this concept as it grasps the complexity of their business realityin terms of new collaborative and innovative strategies.Thus, the main purpose of this book is twofold. On the one hand, the objective is to identify the epistemological and theoretical fundamentals of business ecosystems, and on the other hand, the purpose is to analyse the various managerial challenges. This volume analyses in particular the issues of knowledge management, coopetition strategies, platforms, governance, etc. Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? is finally a key reference book that innovates by integratingfor the first time well known French speaking scholars' contributions from the strategy and innovation management fields.
This book deals with the field of organization management and is based on the scientific discoveries of business ethics, which introduce concepts in organization research that traditionally did not merit a place in managerial theories. These include the issue of organization ethics, ethics management, and the development and implementation of ethical infrastructures within organizations. The book analyses the impact that all of the above have on the moral behaviour of managers and other members of organizations. It shows the presence and development of ethical infrastructures in organizations, the relationship between individual elements of the existing ethical infrastructures, and their effect on the moral behaviour of managers in companies. The subject of ethical infrastructures is a unique and under-researched area. This book will serve to diminish this gap by providing a clear overview of a variety of subjects that influence the way ethics is institutionalized in organizations and by stimulating not just knowledge, but also an understanding of the concept of ethical infrastructure and the place it has within each individual organization.
The risk-based approach to capital markets regulation is in crisis. Climate change, shifting demographics, geopolitical conflicts and other environmental discontinuities threaten established business models and shorten the life spans of listed companies. The current rules for periodic disclosure in the EU fail to inform market participants adequately. Unlike risks, uncertainties are unquantifiable or may only be quantified at great cost, causing them to be insufficiently reflected in periodic reports. This is unfortunate, given the pivotal role capital markets must play in the economy’s adaptation to environmental discontinuities. It is only with a reformed framework for periodic disclosure, that gradual and orderly adaptation to these discontinuities appears feasible. To ensure orderly market adaptation, a new reporting format is required: scenario analysis should be integrated into the European framework for periodic disclosure.
IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
Knowledge management has become a well-known term, but science-based innovation remains relatively unexploited. Bridging the gap between knowledge management theory and studies of science of technology, such as in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology firms, this book provides a timely insight into the innovation of the knowledge economy.
This book reports empirical material from three case studies in the pharmaceutical industry, the biotechnology industry and the domain of academic research. New technoscientific frameworks that have not yet translated into new therapies, in the future, may play a more central role in the late-modern society.