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This open access textbook focuses on the various aspects of radiobiology. The goal of radiobiological research is to better understand the effects of radiation exposure at the cellular and molecular levels in order to determine the impact on health. This book offers a unique perspective, by covering not only radiation biology but also radiation physics, radiation oncology, radiotherapy, radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine, space radiation biology & physics, environmental and human radiation protection, nuclear emergency planning, molecular biology and bioinformatics, as well as the ethical, legal and social considerations related to radiobiology. This range of disciplines contributes to making radiobiology a broad and rather complex topic. This textbook is intended to provide a solid foundation to those interested in the basics and practice of radiobiological science. It is a learning resource, meeting the needs of students, scientists and medical staff with an interest in this rapidly evolving discipline, as well as a teaching tool, with accompanying teaching material to help educators.
The AACR Annual Meeting is the focal point of the cancer research community, where scientists, clinicians, other health care professionals, survivors, patients, and advocates gather to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine. From population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy; the AACR Annual Meeting highlights the work of the best minds in cancer research from institutions all over the world.
DeÈ™i creierul reptilian, sau Șopârla, partea primitivă a creÂierului uman, È™i Magicianul, partea evoluată, ne influenÈ›eaÂză alternativ starea de spirit, reacÈ›iile È™i deciziile, rămâne la latitudinea noastră să ne construim o dimineață plină de energie, care să dea tonul zilei. Cum? De exemplu, am putea să punem bazele autodisciplinei È™i să transformăm exerciÈ›iile fizice într-Âo prioritate. DeÈ™teptarea oferă informaÈ›ii despre factori care ne influÂenÈ›ează organismul: ritmul circadian, secreÈ›ia cortizolului, dimensiunea creierului la trezire, stabilirea unei rutine clare dimineaÈ›a devreme. E bine să È™tii. Nu numai pentru un început de zi mai bun, ci È™i pentru o viață mai bună.
This book highlights the latest research articles presented at the Third Digital Marketing & eCommerce Conference in June 2022. Papers include a varied set of digital marketing and eCommerce-related topics such as user psychology and behavior in social commerce, influencer marketing in social commerce, social media monetization strategies and social commerce characteristics. The papers also extends to the topics of branding, business models, user and data privacy, social video marketing and commerce, among others.
Unleash positive thinking and productive imagination, and flip negative thoughts and behaviors into a lifetime to improve every aspect of your life—each morning, one day at a time. Bad habits. Bad feelings. Bad mornings that turn into regrettable days. Banish them all with simple brain hacks that flip negative thoughts and behaviors into positive, productive ones. The Morning Mind makes it easy. Based on findings from neuroscience and medicine, Dr. Robert Carter and Dr. Kirti Carter help you tamp down on the fear-driven reptile brain and tap into the part linked to thinking and imagination. With topics ranging from diet and hydration to exercise and meditation, you’ll find ideas for activating your brain—and improving every aspect of your life: Restore healthy cycles of waking and sleeping Block harmful cortisol hormones Boost mental performance Create calmer mornings Develop self-discipline Stimulate creativity Improve your leadership skills Instead of dragging through your day, learn to wake up refreshed, recharge regularly, and live better than ever. From the moment the alarm clock rings, The Morning Mind helps you greet each day with gusto.
Desate el pensamiento positivo y la imaginación productiva, y cambie los pensamientos y conductas negativas para mejorar cada aspecto de su vida, cada mañana, de un dÃa a la vez. Malos hábitos. Malos sentimientos. Mañanas malas que se convierten en dÃas lamentables. Destiérrelos a todos con simples ejercicios mentales que cambian los pensamientos y comportamientos de negativos a positivos y productivos. En lugar de andar con pesadumbre durante todo el dÃa, aprenda a despertarse renovado, a recargarse regularmente y a vivir mejor que nunca. La mente alerta lo hace fácil. Basado en los descubrimientos de la neurociencia y la medicina, este libro le ayudará a calmar el área llamada â...