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This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of US policy from the perspective of an analyst and scholar from the region. This volume discusses the US energy diplomacy in the Caspian Sea region since 2001. It compares the foreign policy of the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, following the changing role of energy in the behavior of the US toward states in the energy hubs of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. The chapters employ historical analysis, regional analysis, interviews, and case studies to trace the evolution of US interests in the area and posits likely trends for future policy. Topics discussed include: China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative the energy and foreign...
The United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (‘UNCLOS’) is hailed as one of the most significant multilateral legal agreements executed in the past few decades. However, its shortcomings are neither trivial nor inconsequential, especially regarding maritime boundary disputes involving hydrocarbon resources. This monograph examines the relationship between UNCLOS and maritime boundaries in five non-polar regions, encompassing almost 90% of global unresolved disputes involving offshore hydrocarbon development. The regions, which include the eastern Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, northeast Asia, and the South China Sea, were chosen for their oil and gas resources poten...
This book provides a comprehensive study of the complex impacts of the war in Ukraine on Russo-Iranian relations, and the resulting consequences for the international relations of the Middle East. In contrast to dominant academic approaches, which view Russo-Iranian relations through the lens of an anti-hegemonic agenda and confrontation with the US-led international order, this study presents an alternative angle stating that the war in Ukraine has sped up Moscow and Tehran's interdependency, primarily because of the protective benefits that it brings to both states. The book analyzes various debates about the impact of the war on Russo-Iranian relations. From the perspective of the emergin...
Tarihsel olarak ABD, yerli üretimdeki eksiklikleri gidermek için yeterli miktarda yabancı petrol tedarikine erişimin sağlanması konusunda endişeliydi. Körfez'e erişim tehlikeye girdiğinde ister Sovyetler, ister İran, ister Irak olsun ABD, Körfez'den petrol teslimatının güvenliğini sağlamak için güç kullanmaya hazırdı. Ancak, Körfez her zaman ABD dış enerji politikasının ana odak noktası olmuş olsa da, ABD yabancı ham petrol kaynaklarını bir büyük kaynağa güvenme riskini azaltmak için çeşitlendirmeye çalışmıştır. Bu "çeşitlilik” politikası çerçevesinde, Başkan Clinton, ABD’nin Hazar Denizi bölgesinden petrol ithalatına olan güvenini artırmak için büyük çaba sarf etti. Bugünlerde, ABD'nin ithal petrole olan bağımlılığı, yerel kaya gaz rezervlerinden elde edilen üretim artışının bir sonucu olarak azaldı. Sanayileşme sürecinde ve eşzamanlı olarak ABD'nin yurtdışındaki enerji kaynaklarına artan gereksiniminde, petrol ve doğal gaz bölgelerini jeopolitik olarak stratejik olarak adlandırdı ve arzın enerji güvenliğine yol açan bu bölgelerin güvenliğini sürdürmeye kendini adadı.
Dünya politikasının önemli gündemlerinden birini oluşturan ABD’nin İran yaptırımları meselesi kuşkusuz sadece Washington ve Tahran yönetimlerini ilgilendirmiyor. Başta Türkiye olmak üzere her iki ülkeyle yakın ilişki içerisinde olan çok sayıda aktör de bu sorunun parçası haline gelmiş durumda. Trump yönetiminin hukuksuz bir şekilde Tahran ile imzalanan nükleer anlaşmadan çekilerek İran’a karşı yeniden yaptırım uygulamaya başlamasına –başta Avrupa Birliği olmak üzere– anlaşmadan yana olan aktörler yeterli tepkiyi veremediler. Bu da Tahran yönetiminin giderek radikalleşmesine ve anlaşmadan çekilme yönünde adımlar atmasına yol açmaktadır. Elinizdeki kitapta Trump yönetiminin İran politikasının neleri hedeflediği, Tahran’ın Amerikan yaptırımlarına karşı nasıl bir yol izlediği, bu gerginlikten doğrudan etkilenen devletlerin tepkilerinin nasıl olduğu ve meselenin hukuksal boyutları detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır.
Turkey's enthusiastic embrace of the Arab Spring set in motion a dynamic that fundamentally altered its relations with the United States, Russia, Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran, and transformed Turkey from a soft power to a hard power in the tangled geopolitics of the Middle East. Birol Başkan and Ömer Taşpınar argue that the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) Islamist background played a significant role in the country's decision to embrace the uprisings and the subsequent foreign policy direction the country has pursued. They demonstrate that religious ideology is endogenous to—shaping and in turn being shaped by—Turkey's various engagements in the Middle East. The Nation or the Ummah emphasizes that while Islamist religious ideology does not provide specific policy prescriptions, it does shape the way the ruling elite sees and interprets the context and the structural boundaries they operate within.
This book is about relations between Iran and Mediterranean Europe as cradles of two of the world’s most ancient civilizations, and it presents a prodigious and illuminating discussion of those ancient-world issues in the context of today’s geopolitics. Building on this ancient-world civilizational clash of Empires, it offers an overview of the link and significant political equations between the Mediterranean and Middle East regions in the past four decades— a field which has remained understudied in academic circles. This book also provides a full description of relations between Iran and Southern Europe after the 1979 Iranian revolution and investigates how these relations have affe...
With the advent of the Trump Administration, relations between Iran and the United States have become increasingly conflictual to the point that a future war between the two countries is a realistic possibility. President Trump has unilaterally withdrawn the US from the historic Iran nuclear accord and has re-imposed the nuclear-related sanctions, which had been removed as a result of that accord. Reflecting a new determined US effort to curb Iran's hegemonic behavior throughout the Middle East, Trump's Iran policy has all the markings of a sharp discontinuity in the Iran containment strategy of the previous six US administrations. The regime change policy, spearheaded by a hawkish cabinet w...
Qaboos bin Sa'id, Sultan of Oman from 1970 until his death in 2020, marked Omani history. He belonged to that very small circle of leaders who solemnized their time in power, transforming the Sultanate by empowering generations of citizens to lead constructive and fulfilling lives. Joseph Kéchichian provides a full assessment of the fourteenth Al Sa'id dynasty sovereign, setting out his vision for what was then a relatively isolated nation, championing the necessity for alliances, investing in people as well as the land, and founding key institutions that evolved over five decades. These achievements took time to materialize as Qaboos preserved Al Sa'id rule, governed wisely, avoided intern...
إن دراسة السياسة الإيرانية تجاه أذربيجان منذ العام (1979 -2020) تحتل أهمية كبيرة في العلاقات الدولية، إذ لا يمكن إغفال أهمية أذربيجان في التفاعلات الإقليمية والدولية. وانطلق الكتاب من فرضية مفادها أن هناك سمة ثابتة في السياسة الإيرانية تجاه أذربيجان منذ الثورة الإسلامية وحتى وقتنا الحاضر، وهذه السمة هي أنها تحاول أن يكون لها دور إقليمي ريادي وأن تعطي لنفسها المكانة والهيبة والنفوذ وال...