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A new volume of the benchmark bibliography of Latin American Studies, compiled by the Library of Congress.
Esta obra, que integra diversos enfoques y estéticas escriturales, es una apuesta por comprender el sentido de una ontología política desde América Latina, en la cual se reconocen y se deconstruyen los legados del pensamiento occidental, situando lo disruptivo, lo que emerge desde la “filosofía contextual andina” y el pensar latinoamericano.
Nos enfrentamos a un nuevo paradigma en construcción, a una nueva idea que sub-vierte nuestra reflexión como seres situados acerca del “estar”. Dentro de esa instancia es que surge Uturunku Achachi: una revista que fortalece la propuesta que tenemos como Academia libre. Por ello es necesario comentar al lector cómo surge la propuesta, y con mayor explicitud, quienes somos. Uturunku Achachi, en voz quechua "de ancestros valerosos", es una revista de difusión científico-cultural con interés en la problemática de los Pueblos y las Culturas de nuestra Abya Yala, la misma tiene una periodicidad semestral y es editada en formato electrónico. El propósito es ciertamente una invitación, una provocación al lector: pensemos en pueblos vivos. Al pensar a lo largo de esta tierra tenemos todo un pluriverso, como lo dijeran los filósofos de la Libe-ración, para observar el basto terreno que nos rodea. Esa es la invitación y la reflexión que nos convoca. Queremos quitar ese sesgo demonizante que rodea la idea de nuestros Pueblos, de nuestras Culturas.
La filosofía de la tecnología es uno de los campos teóricos de mayor relevancia actualmente, en correspondencia con la creciente influencia de las tecnologías en la vida de la humanidad. Este texto hace aportes específicos en este campo, en dos temas fundamentales: el problema de la agencia material de las tecnologías y el problema de la constitución tecnológica de la vida humana, debatido por el transhumanismo y el poshumanismo.
From Plato to Rorty, A Brief History of Citizenship provides a concise survey of the idea of citizenship. All major periods are covered, beginning with Greece and Rome, continuing on to the Middle Ages, the American and French Revolutions, and finally to the modern era. Heater effectively argues that we cannot begin to understand our current conditions until we have an understanding of the initial idea of "the citizen" and how that idea has evolved over the centuries. Important topics covered include how citizenship differs from other forms of sociopolitical identity, the differences between nationality and citizenship, and how multiculturalism has changed our ideas of citizenship in the twenty-first century. This concise and readable book is an ideal introduction to the history of citizenship.
In modern international law, permanent sovereignty over natural resources has come to entail duties as well as rights. This study analyses the evolution of permanent sovereignty from a political claim to a principle of international law, and examines its significance for a number of controversial issues such as peoples' rights, nationalization and environmental conservation. Although political discussion has long focused on the rights arising from permanent sovereignty, Dr. Schrijver argues that this has been at the expense of the consideration of the corollary obligations in also entails. His book thus identifies new directions sovereignty over natural resources has taken in an increasingly interdependednt world and demonstrates its relevance to current debate on foriegn-investment regulation, the environment, and sustainable development -- Back cover.
For more than fifteen years, Mario Blaser has been involved with the Yshiro people of the Paraguayan Chaco as they have sought to maintain their world in the face of conservation and development programs promoted by the state and various nongovernmental organizations. In this ethnography of the encounter between modernizing visions of development, the place-based “life projects” of the Yshiro, and the agendas of scholars and activists, Blaser argues for an understanding of the political mobilization of the Yshiro and other indigenous peoples as part of a struggle to make the global age hospitable to a “pluriverse” containing multiple worlds or realities. As he explains, most knowledg...
A reference guide to the vast array of art song literature and composers from Latin America, this book introduces the music of Latin America from a singer's perspective and provides a basis for research into the songs of this richly musical area of the world. The book is divided by country into 22 chapters, with each chapter containing an introductory essay on the music of the region, a catalog of art songs for that country, and a list of publishers. Some chapters include information on additional sources. Singers and teachers may use descriptive annotations (language, poet) or pedagogical annotations (range, tessitura) to determine which pieces are appropriate for their voices or programming needs, or those of their students. The guide will be a valuable resource for vocalists and researchers, however familiar they may be with this glorious repertoire.
On the occasion of the celebrations of the bicentennial anniversary of Chile, and the centennial anniversary of the National Museum of Fine Arts, constructed in 1910 as part of the festivities of the Independence centennial, the MNBA planned a series of exhibitions under the title of Centenario. This beautifully edited recompilation volume comprises the history of the museum MNBA with a descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the 250 most important pieces of its patrimonial collection exhibited in the 7 modules that comprised the program Centenario. Milan Ivelic, director of the MNBA explains: "The objective of this publication is to articulate and organize the symbolic imaginaries that are...