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Buku "Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi dan Manajemen : Memahami Dasar-dasar Keberhasilan Bisnis" membahas konsep-konsep penting dalam ekonomi dan manajemen yang menjadi landasan utama bagi kesuksesan bisnis. Dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, pembaca diajak memahami dasar-dasar ekonomi, prinsip ekonomi, dan peran manajemen dalam dunia bisnis. Buku ini mencakup pengenalan tentang Definisi dan Ruang Lingkup Ekonomi, Ekonomi Mikro & Ekonomi Makro, Permintaan dan Penawaran, serta Elastisitas Harga dan Pendapatan. Selain itu, juga dibahas mengenai Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Analisis SWOT, dan pentingnya Ekonomi Bisnis dalam mengoptimalkan kinerja bisnis. Sebagai panduan praktis, buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi pemula dan para pelaku bisnis dalam memahami konsep-konsep dasar yang vital untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam berbisnis. Dengan penjelasan yang lengkap dan relevan, pembaca akan dapat menerapkan pemahaman ini dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis yang cerdas dan strategis. Buku ini merupakan sumber wawasan berharga bagi siapa saja yang ingin memahami esensi ilmu ekonomi dan manajemen serta mengaplikasikannya dalam menghadapi tantangan dunia bisnis yang dinamis dan kompetitif.
Educational researchers are bound to see this as a timely work. It brings together the work of leading experts in argumentation in science education. It presents research combining theoretical and empirical perspectives relevant for secondary science classrooms. Since the 1990s, argumentation studies have increased at a rapid pace, from stray papers to a wealth of research exploring ever more sophisticated issues. It is this fact that makes this volume so crucial.
Seeking to break the deadlock in the ongoing wars between philosophers of science and sociologists of science, this text argues that social interaction actually assists us in securing firm, rationally-based knowledge, clarifying the philosophical points at issue.
The author came to the decision to embark on this journey into dialogic pedagogy when he firmly realised that education is essentially dialogic. It is not that pedagogy should be dialogic -- he rather argues that it is always dialogic. This is true whether the participants in it, or outside observers of it, realise it or not -- and even when the participants are resistant to dialogue. This statement is in contrast with views that promote dialogic interaction in the classroom as a form of instruction. This conceptualisation contrasts with views that dialogic interaction or conversational instruction are more effective instructional means in comparison to, let's say, a more monologic genre of instruction such as a lecture or a demonstration. This statement is also in contrast with views that assume dialogue is a pedagogical instrument that can be turned on and off. He argues that whatever teachers and students do (or not do) whether in their classrooms or beyond it, they are locked in dialogic relations.
This book provides a well-illustrated and readable overview of the urban development phenomenon, and is suitable for the sophomore student and the general reader.
Explore the past, present, and future of cancer cytogenetics In Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics, globally renowned researchers Drs. Sverre Heim and Felix Mitelman deliver a state-of-the-art review of how cancer cytogenetic analyses have contributed to an improved understanding of tumorigenesis as well as to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. The book also discusses how cytogenetics – the study of chromosomes - meets, interacts with, and cross-fertilizes other investigative technologies, including molecular somatic cell genetics. The book provides an impetus to think more deeply about the role chromosomes, and their abnormalities, play...
The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy is the first scholarly reference volume to highlight the diversity and individuality of a large number of the most influential philosophers to have contributed to the evolution of Buddhist thought in India. By placing the author at the center of inquiry, the volume highlights the often unrecognized innovation and multiplicity of India’s Buddhist thinkers, whose unique contributions are commonly subsumed in more general doctrinal presentations of philosophical schools. Here, instead, the reader is invited to explore the works and ideas of India’s most important Buddhist philosophers in a manner that takes seriously the weight of their p...
The climatologist (like the hydrologist, the economist, the social scientist, and others) is frequently faces with situations in which a prediction must be made of the outcome of a process that is inherently probabilistic, and this inherent uncertainty is compounded by the expert's limited knowledge of the process itself. An example might be predicting next summer's mean temperature at a previously unmonitored location. This monograph deals with the balanced use of expert judgment and limited data in such situations. How does the expert quantify his or her judgment? When data are plentiful they can tell a complete story, but how does one alter prior judgment in the light of a few observation...
&ï &» &¿ On the day Jake Cooper said "I do" to his beautiful bride, Mariah, their future happiness seemed certain. But Jake always wondered what she wasn't telling him. And what it would take for the truth to come out...