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These proceedings contain descriptions of the latest experiments and results in a variety of hot topics, such as the growth of total cross sections, the ratio of real to imaginary parts of forward scattering amplitudes, etc. Current theories of particle interaction based on QCD were presented and confronted by the latest experimental results from FNAL, CERN, HERA and elsewhere. The theoretical situation seems less clear, or at least more open to argument and criticism, leveled by the different groups responsible and present at the workshop.
Recently there has been much interest in studying events with tagged forward protons at the existing and forthcoming hadronic colliders, the Tevatron and the LHC. These studies not only allow one to monitor the luminosity of the colliding protons with high accuracy but also provide new ways of investigating the subtle issues of QCD dynamics and searches for the manifestations of new physics.This book reviews the state of the art of forward physics measurements and the theoretical development. It will catalyze many new approaches within the framework of the extensive physics programme of the LHC. This in turn will stimulate closer contact between the LHC experiments as well as between the experimentalists and the theorists to maximize the potenntial of LHC physics.
This book contains various experimental and theoretical reports on the status and prospects of one of the most interesting and difficult areas of modern high energy physics ? elastic and diffractive scattering. One can find here general trends and problems, and original ideas on particle interactions and structure.
A theory of the S-Matrix, starting from physically plausible assumptions and looking at the mathematical consequences.
In August 1982 a group of 104 physicists from 70 laboratories of 31 countries met in Erice to attend the 20th Course of the Inter national School of Subnuclear Physics. The countries represented at the School were: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Yugoslavia, and Zimbabwe. The School was sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education (MPI), the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Techno- logical Resear...
A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of soft and hard diffraction processes in strong interaction physics. The first part covers soft hadron—hadron scattering in a complete and mature presentation. It can be used as a textbook in particle physics classes. Chapters 8-11 address graduate students as well as researchers, covering the "new diffraction": the pomeron in QCD, low-x physics, diffractive deep inelastic scattering and related processes.
The Proceedings of the tenth Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Tech niques and Concepts of High Energy Physics are dedicated to Jane and Bob Wilson. Jane joined Bob at St. Croix for the first session of this Institute, after Bob had stepped down as director of Fermilab, and was scheming to build a modest charm factory in the parking lot of Columbia University's Nevis Laboratory. Through the years, Bob has been a great friend of the School, and much of its success and flavor can be attributed to his guidance and support. The 1998 meeting was held once again at the Hotel on the Cay, and, as before, the work and the fun went on very enjoyably. We had a to tal of 76 participants from 23 countrie...
One of the main challenges in nuclear and particle physics in the last 20 years has been to understand how the proton''s spin is built up from its quark and gluon constituents. Quark models generally predict that about 60% of the proton''s spin should be carried by the spin of the quarks inside, whereas high energy scattering experiments have shown that the quark spin contribution is small OCo only about 30%. This result has been the underlying motivation for about 1000 theoretical papers and a global program of dedicated spin experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY and Jefferson Laboratory to map the individual quark and gluon angular momentum contributions to the proton''s spin, which are now yield...
Written by leading experts in the field, this book provides an authoritative overview on electromagnetic interactions. It describes the main features of the experimental data and the theoretical ideas used in their interpretation, and is an essential reference for graduate students and researchers in particle physics and electromagnetic interactions.