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Beginning in the twelfth century, taxation increasingly became an essential component of medieval society in most parts of Europe. The state-building process and relations between princes and their subject cities or between citizens and their rulers were deeply shaped by fiscal practices. Although medieval taxation has produced many publications over the past decades there remains no synthesis of this important subject. This volume provides a comprehensive overview on a European scale and suggests new paths of inquiry. It examines the fiscal systems and practices of medieval Europe, including essential themes such as medieval fiscal theory and the power to tax; royal and urban taxation; and ...
Honorable Mention for the 2022 SSEMWG Book Award Sex, Gender, and Illegitimacy in the Castilian Noble Family, 1400-1600 looks at illegitimacy across the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and analyzes its implications for gender and family structure in the Spanish nobility, a class whose actions, structure, and power had immense implications for the future of the country and empire. Grace E. Coolidge demonstrates that women and men were able to challenge traditional honor codes, repair damaged reputations, and manipulate ideals of marriage and sexuality to encompass extramarital sexuality and the nearly constant presence of illegitimate children. This flexibility and creativity in their sexua...
Although Portugal was one of the first European states with stable borders, the process of the making of a Portuguese fiscal state still remains to be studied in detail. This volume brings together studies on the development of the Portuguese fiscal state within a comparative perspective in relation to other kingdoms across Europe, such as Castile and Aragon, England, Tuscany, the Papal States, Holland and France, in order to bring Portugal into the broader and comparative international debate about the development of the fiscal state. As a very distinctive case, Portugal remains understudied and underrepresented in the broader literature on the development of fiscal states. There are relati...
An examination of the fabrics, garments and cloth of the Iberian Middle Ages, bringing out in particular the international context. The Medieval Iberian Peninsula, encompassing various territories which make up present-day Spain and Portugal, was an ethnic and religious melting pot, comprising Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities, each contributing to a vibrant textile economy. They were also defined and distinguished by the material culture of clothing and dress, partly dictated by religious and cultural tradition, partly imposed by rulers anxious to avoid cross-ethnic relationships considered undesirable. Nevertheless, textiles, especially magnificent Islamic silks, crossed these barri...
This book examines Max Weber's understanding of bureaucracy by applying his ideas to the development of officialdom from the ninth century to the present in six territories: England, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, and Hungary. Edward Page takes a broad view of bureaucracy that includes not only officials in important central or national institutions but also those providing goods and services locally. The 'scorecard' is based on expected developments in four key areas of Weber's analysis: the functional differentiation of tasks within government, professionalism, formalism, and monocracy. After discussing the character of officialdom in the ninth, twelfth, fifteenth, eighteenth, and twenty-first centuries, the book reveals that Weber's scorecard has a mixed record, especially weak in its account of the development of monocracy and formalism. A final chapter discusses alternative conceptions of bureaucratic development and sets out an account based on understanding processes of routinization, institutional integration, and the instrumentalization of law.
El derecho a imponer tributos y el de acuñar o emitir moneda han sido tradicionalmente dos de las principales prerrogativas de la soberanía política que la autoridad siempre ha tratado de ejercer en régimen de monopolio, de acuerdo con los principios constitucionales que regulan en cada época la obligación a contribuir y la forma de acuñación o emisión de la moneda. Fisco y moneda aparecen estrechamente unidos a lo largo de la Historia y a menudo la política monetaria ha sido puesta al servicio de la política fiscal. Este libro recoge los resultados de recientes investigaciones sobre las relaciones entre la fiscalidad, la moneda y el uso del dinero en España desde el siglo XIII hasta mediados del XVIII, y en él se estudian cómo las dificultades financieras en épocas y circunstancias históricas diferentes influyeron en la política monetaria y las repercusiones que todo ello tuvo en diversos aspectos de la economía de los reinos hispánicos.
Concepts such as influence, imitation, emulation, transmission or plagiarism are transcendental to cultural history and the subject of universal debate. They are not mere labels imposed by modern historiography on ancient texts, nor are they the result of a later interpretation of ways of transmitting and teaching, but are concepts defined and discussed internally, within all cultures, since time immemorial, which have yielded very diverse results. In the case of culture, or better Arab-Islamic cultures, we could analyze and discuss endlessly numerous terms that refer to concepts related to the multiple ways of perceiving the Other, receiving his knowledge and producing new knowledge. The pu...
This volume explores a range of premodern rulers and their depictions in historiography, literature, art and material culture to gain a broader understanding of their sexualities. It considers the methodologies and motivations of premodern writers and rulers when fashioning royal and elite sexualities and offers new analyses of an array of texts and artwork from across Europe and the wider Mediterranean.
El volumen primero de España a finales de la Edad Media (2017) ya trató sobre algunos marcos y fundamentos del orden social como son las realidades geográficas, la población y, en especial, el sistema económico y su funcionamiento, incluyendo una aproximación a los grupos sociales que intervenían en la producción y distribución de bienes. Este segundo volumen tiene como objeto estudiar el conjunto de la estructura social, su dinámica y las relaciones que se establecen en el seno de la sociedad, en diversos ámbitos y modalidades: Iglesia, nobleza y señoríos, campesinos, ciudades y municipios, grupos marginales, judíos, mudéjares. El tiempo histórico a considerar discurre desde mediados del siglo XIII hasta comienzos del XVI y, como e el primer volumen, se ofrece una amplia guía bibliográfica clasificada por materias para dar a conocer el estado de las investigaciones y gran parte de las publicaciones especializadas.