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Spain’s former African colonies—Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara—share similar histories. Both are under the thumbs of heavy-handed, postcolonial regimes, and are known by human rights organizations as being among the worst places in the world with regard to oppression and lack of civil liberties. Yet the resistance movement in one is dominated by women, the other by men. In this innovative work, Joanna Allan demonstrates why we should foreground gender as key for understanding both authoritarian power projection and resistance. She brings an ethnographic component to a subject that has often been looked at through the lens of literary studies to examine how concerns for equality a...
From the winner of the 2022 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize: a fractal exploration of a woman's grief as she moves through disjointed segments of time. Divided Island is the story of a woman with a neurological disorder. The day she goes in for the encephalogram that will lead to her diagnosis, she finds herself splitting in two. One of the two women she becomes decides to travel to an island to take her own life; the other remains behind. Scenes and images real and imagined gradually coalesce into the story of a life told from a singular location: a way of perceiving and describing the world, guided by cerebral dysrhythmia. Written in scraps and fragmented chapters, Divided Island is a nonlinear narrative best read as a poetic experience, in which the protagonist's memories and dreams recompose the world and, in doing so, trouble the very notion of the self. This slim volume makes it abundantly clear why Daniela Tarazona belongs in the company of other Sor Juana winners like Valeria Luiselli, Cristina Rivera Garza, and Almudena Grandes.
THE STORY OF AN EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY BY CAMPER VAN THROUGH THE FORGOTTEN HEART OF SPAIN. Do I really know my own country? That's what I asked myself a year ago ... and the answer surprised me. Yes, I had been to many locations. I was very familiar with the outer edges of the peninsula, but the interior was a huge black hole pierced here and there by the lights of some city. So I set out to remedy it. I bought a van adapted as a home and I went to explore the interior of Spain. For eighty days I visited villages, castles, natural parks and archaeological sites, talked with people, researched a thousand stories and looked out into a world that was curiously familiar and, at the same time, com...
One Way Home is an adventure of excitement and fast moving thriller.One Way Home involves a special squad of American soldiers sent into the jungles of Vietnam to terminate enemy soldiers that can ́t be killed by contemporary means. A highly trained combat sergeant leads his squad into an adventure of horror and a constant test of their individual survival skills against all odds. This adventure involves the unexpected battle with zombie soldiers as well as a clan of vampires whose only desire is to make these American soldiers into MIA statistics. One Way Home is full of action from the start to the finish. There ́s blood and guts spilled throughout the jungles of Vietnam by both sides. Only the experience of one combat sergeant can save his squad from doom and the failure of their assignment. In the coming months look for the continuation sequel of this adventure which takes our combat sergeant and his men deeper into the jungles of Vietnam only to meet their next enemy face to face in "FULL MOON".
EL RELATO DE UN EXTRAORDINARIO VIAJE EN FURGO POR LA ESPAÑA OLVIDADA. ¿Conoces de verdad tu país? Eso es lo que me pregunté hace un año... y la respuesta me sorprendió. Sí, había estado en muchos sitios. La periferia de la Península no me resultaba ajena, pero el interior era un inmenso agujero negro horadado aquí y allá por las luces de alguna ciudad. Así que me propuse remediarlo. Me compré una furgo adaptada como vivienda y me lancé a recorrer el interior de España. Durante ochenta días visité pueblos, castillos, parques naturales y yacimientos arqueológicos, hablé con la gente, investigué mil historias y me asomé a un mundo que me resultaba curiosamente familiar y, a...
El Movimiento Europeo ha promovido este liber amicorum como homenaje a Carlos María Bru Purón, en ocasión de su nonagésimo quinto aniversario. Carlos María Bru, un europeísta imprescindible, en su figura confluyen la democracia participativa, desde la sociedad civil, y la democracia representativa, como diputado a Cortes en un primer momento, y posteriormente eurodiputado en el Parlamento Europeo desde 1986 a 1994 y de nuevo en 1999. Precisamente, fue uno de los organizadores y asistentes del denominado Contubernio de Múnich (1962) y uno de los pocos supervivientes en la actualidad, del cual se celebra en este año su sexagésimo aniversario. Este evento es considerado el primer encue...
The adventure continues with sergeant Rock and his special squad of combat soldier's fighting for their survival. Once again the Rock and his men have been given an assignment by the higher echelon of command to retrieve not just lost American soldiers but the entire shipment of gold from Fort Knox that was lost en-route to a military base located within the Bermuda Triangle. In their efforts to retrieve this lost gold the sergeant and his men find themselves caught within a giant vortex that transports them deep within the core of the center of the Earth. Their adventure begins and the sergeant and his men find themselves amidst battles between hostile cavemen tribes and hungry dinosaurs tr...
Cuatro Caminos es un libro de viajes. Incluye cuatro rutas itinerantes (nómadas) de varios días de duración. Todas ellas se corresponden con propuestas elegidas por su significado histórico, cultural y paisajístico, por lo que pueden considerarse como viajes conceptuales. Cada uno se propone con un medio de transporte autónomo diferente (todos ellos de propulsión humana). Uno en bicicleta por carretera, otro en kayak, un tercero caminando y el cuarto en bicicleta de montaña. En ningún caso se trata, ni se asemeja, a una guía de viajes. La estructura narrativa replica un mismo modelo en cada uno de los recorridos: una introducción que lo justifica y lo acota o define, seguida de un ensayo documentado sobre el interés histórico y cultural del viaje, para, finalmente, presentar un relato de la experiencia real del autor al realizarlo.
Con el presente manual se pretende que el alumno pueda personalizar el proceso de aprendizaje de cada uno; ha de facilitar el seguimiento de las exposiciones del profesor y ha de permitir que un alumno pueda profundizar en un tema de especial interés para él sin esperar a llegar a las explicaciones de clase correspondientes a ese punto del temario. Confiamos en que este material facilite el proceso de aprendizaje de la asignatura de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Delincuencia y agradecemos a los alumnos y alumnas que lo utilicen y realicen cuantas sugerencias sobre el mismo nos puedan hacer con el fin de mejorarlo.