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This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of building design and construction, by focusing on new design solutions for buildings and new technologies creation for construction, as presented by researchers and engineers at the 3rd International Conference Building Innovations (ICBI), held in Poltava – Baku, Ukraine – Azerbaijan, on June 1-2, 2020. It covers highly diverse topics, including structures operation, repairing and thermal modernization in existing buildings and urban planning features, machines and mechanisms for construction, as well as efficient economy and energy conservation issues in construction. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.
In 2004, a California computer whiz named Barrett Lyon uncovered the identity of a hacker running major assaults on business websites. Without fully grasping the repercussions, he set on an investigation that led him into the heart of the Russian mob. Cybercrime was evolving. No longer the domain of small-time thieves, it had been discovered by sophisticated gangs. They began by attacking corporate websites but increasingly stole financial data from consumers and defense secrets from governments. While Barrett investigated the cutting edge of technology crime, the U.S. government struggled to catch up. Britain, however, was a different story. In the late 1990s, the Queen herself had declared...
Raider eli valtaaja on nyky-Venäjän yrityselämän kavahdettu vitsaus. Raider valikoi yhdessä virkavallan kanssa yrityksen, iskee kiinni kuin loinen ja lopulta lannistaa ja valtaa kohteensa. Kivikovassa kapitalismissa ei keinoja kaihdeta, kun yritysten omistajuudesta käydään veristä kamppailua. Valtaajat on venäläisen juristin ja kirjailijan Pavel Astahovin ensimmäinen dekkari. Kotimaassaan jättiläismäisen suosion rikoskirjailijana saavuttanut Astahov tunnetaan Suomessa toistaiseksi paremmin kovia lausuntoja julistaneena Venäjän lapsiasiamiehenä. Juristin tausta ja hyvät suhteet Kremliin antavat hänelle kuitenkin poikkeuksellisen hyvät eväät nyky-Venäjän kuvaukselle.
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of building design and construction, by focusing on new design solutions for buildings and new technologies creation for construction, as presented by researchers and engineers at the 2nd International Conference Building Innovations (ICBI), held in Poltava – Baku, Ukraine – Azerbaijan, on May 23-24, 2019. It covers highly diverse topics, including structures operation, repairing and thermal modernization in existing buildings and urban planning features, machines and mechanisms for construction, as well as efficient economy and energy conservation issues in construction. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.
Im ersten Teil dieses Buches werden 16 Erzählungen Cechovs so gründlich untersucht, wie deren Länge und Komplexität es erfordert. Das geschieht auf drei Ebenen. Die thematische Ebene wird auf Defizite realistischer Motivierung sowie auf die wichtigen, aber bislang wenig behandelten Themenbereiche Sexualität und Religion befragt. An künstlerischen Verfahren wird neben Parallelismen und Leitmotiven der Symbolik besondere Beachtung geschenkt. Auf der Ebene des Sinns geht es vor allem um die Sinnerwartung der Figuren innerhalb der fiktiven Welt und der Leser angesichts dieser Welt. Zwischen den Wegen der fiktiven Helden und der impliziten Leser zum Sinn gibt es Parallelen. Beiden bietet di...
Engl. Zusammenfass.
Among the oldest student publications in the United States, the Miscellany News traces its roots back to 1866. Beginning as a literary magazine and evolving into a contemporary newspaper, the paper has reported nearly 150 years of student experiences. The Miscellany has seen generations of Vassar College students who have witnessed the horrors of international war, felt the injustices of racial strife, and observed stirring protests unfold on their own campus. This narrative history of the Miscellany tells the story of the young men and women writing about their collegiate environment against the grand backdrop of American history. With careful qualitative and quantitative analysis-along with scores of interviews with former editors-Brian Farkas navigates the complex and fascinating history of the Miscellany. Blending historical investigation with his personal experience, Farkas presents a fascinating and often humorous window into journalism, history's first draft.