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As a theme, Meetings of Cultures in the Black Sea Region: Between Conflict and Coexistence arouses strong feelings. From the remotest Antiquity, the indigenous and nomadic non-Greek populations of the Pontic region were persistently viewed as one of the major Others, first of all by Mediterranean Greeks. And because the region geographically was located as a bridge between Europe and Asia it was, and still is, also part of a Europe/Asia discourse of dichotomy. As far back in time as Antiquity Western self-understanding and identity formation has been shaped not least through its colonial experiences. Until recently, such colonial experience has led to a very static picture in our analysis of...
This book examines the poorly understood transformations in rural landscapes and societies that formed the backbone of ancient empires.
In May 1999, a second conference of Hellenists (of all periods and subject areas) from the Dutch-speaking countries was organized in Groningen. The theme of this second conference was ‘Constructions of Greek Past. Identity and Historical Consciousness from Antiquity to the Present.’ The conference theme was described as follows: When seeking to establish its own identity, a culture (country, people, nation) readily resorts to its own history, which it uses either as an example or as something to react against. In recent years there has been a growing awareness that this process often reveals more about a culture in the present day than the historical era to which it harks back: its own i...
This books explores the bias that is introduced by erosion and sedimentation on the distribution of archaeological materials in Mediterranean landscapes. It describes innovative and interdisciplinary work that led to the formulation of a broad range of geo-archeological approaches that are applied to two Italian areas, studied intensively by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology: the Pontine Region in South Lazio, and the Raganello Basin in North Calabria. The approaches deal with geological biases affecting the study of protohistoric remains in the sedimentary part of the Pontine plain; the development of a detailed landscape classification approach to predict and test site location preferences and survey biases in the uplands of both study areas; and the development and evaluation of an innovative computerised landscape evolution model for a test area in the Raganello Basin uplands. In addition to the presented case study, this book also shows how the three geo-archaeological approaches can be applied in a wider context to quantitatively understand how erosion and sedimentation bias our understanding of archaeological records.
This volume is the third in the series Corollaria Crustumina aimed at the publication of conference proceedings, doctoral theses and specialist studies concerning the Latin settlement of Crustumerium (Rome) and its place in central Italian protohistory. It contains the dissertation that Jorn Seubers wrote and defended at the University of Groningen as part of the project "The People and the State. Material culture, social structure and political centralisation in central Italy (800-450 BC)". This detailed study of Crustumerium's urban and rural settlement dynamics, for which the author assembled all data from previous work while adding new landscape archaeological studies and sophisticated territorial and data analyses, elaborates a new scenario on the relation between the urban core and its countryside that is reviewed within the theoretical framework of the debate on early state formation and landscape archeological methodology.
"Divine interiors" is een onderzoek naar de aankleding van Griekse en Romeinse heiligdommen met wandschilderingen. Machtige marmeren façades, beeldhouwwerken en schilderingen speelden een belangrijke rol in het aanzien van deze monumenten. Terwijl de officiële tempels, die met de steden of de staat waren verbonden, meestal een plechtige maar sobere uitstraling hadden, waren de gebouwen die gericht waren op meer volkse uitingen van religiositeit juist bont beschilderd. Scènes uit het leven van de vereerde godheid, aanhangers en beoefenaren van de cultus, planten en dieren konden de bezoekers van deze heiligdommen in hogere sferen brengen. Het valt op dat er in de uitgestrekte Grieks-Romeinse wereld veel overeenkomsten te vinden zijn tussen vaak ver van elkaar gelegen tempels. De muurschilderkunst kende net als andere kunstvormen stijl- en smaakveranderingen, maar die hadden wel overal dezelfde uitstraling.
This dissertation presents four methodological case studies that elaborate on the results of two field survey projects (the Astura and Nettuno surveys) that were carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA). The case studies aim at investigating biasing factors that limit the analytical and comparative value of data from archaeological survey in general using these two projects as a suitable testing ground. Both surveys, carried out between 2003 and 2005, fell within the ambit of the Pontine Region Project (PRP), a long-term research program aimed at the diachronic archaeological investigation of the various landscape units forming this region. They covered two contiguous areas, situated on the Tyrrhenian seaboard, approximately 60 kilometres south of Rome. The study area comprises the communal area of the modern town of Nettuno, as well as the lower valleys of the Astura and Moscarello rivers (see fig. 0.1).2 As such it incorporates parts of the hinterland of the ancient towns of Antium and Satricum. In chronological terms this dissertation considers a time-span of 1300 years, from the 6th century BC to the 7th century AD.
Caeculus IV opens with a dedication to professor Marianne Kleibrink on the occasion of her 60th birthday, followed by a complete list of her publications. The Proceedings of the 4th Fransum Colloquium start with an article of Christopher Smith, entitled "Ritualising the Economy". He presents a theoretical base for a correlation between ritual and economy. Smith outlines some recent theories which incorporate economic activity into ritual context, actions into thought or, as one could say, matter into mind. Furthermore, he tries to relate this theoretical framework to the archaeological evidence from Latium Vetus, the region on which his own research focuses. The results from the recent Dutch...
Urban life as we know it in the Mediterranean began in the early Iron Age: settlements of great size and internal diversity appear in the archaeological record. This collection of essays offers for the first time a systematic discussion of the beginnings of urbanization across the Mediterranean, from Cyprus through Greece and Italy to France and Spain. Leading scholars in the field look critically at what is meant by urbanization, and analyse the social processes that lead to the development of social complexity and the growth of towns. The introduction to the volume focuses on the history of the archaeology of urbanization and argues that proper understanding of the phenomenon demands loose...
Understanding how past and current physical landscape processes, both natural and anthropogenic, affect the archaeological record has become one of the main aims of the burgeoning field of Geoarchaeology. But the ideal of effective multidisciplinary research collaboration is hard to achieve. This second volume of the 'Raganello Basin Studies' series demonstrates how intensive collaboration between earth scientists and archaeologists has resulted in a systematic approach to the description and assessment of archaeologically relevant soils and landscape processes in a typical Mediterranean landscape - the basin of the Raganello River in southern Italy. It is both a detailed report on the extensive field studies conducted by the authors in 2012-2014, and a much needed ?how to' guide to the study of landscapes and soils within the framework of landscape archaeological projects in the Mediterranean. The work described here builds on the expertise in Mediterranean soils and landscapes gained by the first author over decades of research, and avoids or explains jargon that would otherwise deter those with a purely humanities background