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As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl,...
Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies looks for pathways that better connect two often siloed disciplines. This edited collection brings together different disciplinary experiences and perspectives to this objective, weaving together researchers, artists, instructors, and authors who have found ways of bridging Indigenous and Hispanic studies through trans-Indigenous reading methods, intercultural dialogues, and reflections on translation and epistemology. Each chapter brings rich context that bears on some aspect of the Indigenous Americas and its crossroads with Hispanic studies, from Canada to Chile. Such a hemispheric and interdisciplinary approach offers innovative and significant means of challenging the coloniality of Hispanic studies.
Designed for students from a wide range of backgrounds, this text takes a chronological and interdisciplinary approach to human development. With its focus on context and culture, the 8/E illustrates that the status of human development is inextricably embedded in a study of complex and changing cultures.
Apóstol Paúl Young es el fundador y pastor de la lglesia Palabra de Vida Fellowship en Salem, Oregon. Él ha estado en ministerio desde 1974 y fundo Palabra de Vida en 1987. Él es conocido por su predicación directa y dinámica de la Palabra de Dios no adulterada. Con un corazón para equipar al pueblo de Dios, el Apóstol Young ha viajado a muchos paises de todo el mundo para enseñar y predicar, llamando a la gente a vivir de acuerdo con los principios de la Palabra. Es el anfitrión del programa de televisión semanal de hora, "La Vida De Hoy". Como propietario de un negocio exitoso y CEO, tiene visión de gran alcance y la sabiduría enel campo de los negocios y es conocido como un coche de la vida y mentor que motiva a la gente a su destino.
Covering the latest advanced in the field, this brief, easy-to-read introduction to educational psychology focuses on learning and teaching in subject areas and on helping students develop specific cognitive processes that are required to accomplish real academic tasks. Shows how psychological theories and research influence the development of better instructional practices and how real instructional problems influence the development of better psychological theories and research. Deals with the educational psychology of five major subject areas -- reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing, mathematics, and science. Includes three to six major cognitive processes involved in mastering the subject area in each chapter. Analyzes the types of knowledge that are needed to perform academic tasks in the domain in several chapters. Provides concrete examples and connections between cognitive research and practical educational problems. Covers the core advances in educational psychology. For educators at all levels.
John Piper pretende mostrarnos cómo Dios trabaja a través de su palabra escrita cuando buscamos el acto natural de leer la Biblia, de manera que experimentemos su poder “sight-giving” — un poder que se extiende más allá de las palabras en la página. John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sight-giving power — a power that extends beyond the words on the page.
This extensive Spanish language reference explains the logic behind more than 3,000 frequently used verb phrases and combinations that make Spanish speech sound native. Each entry includes a definition of the phrase including its register, synonyms, antonyms, complementary expressions, grammatical patterns, and examples of how the combinations are used in easy and difficult structures. Most entries also point out other factors to be taken into account, such as whether an expression is to be used in isolation, after explaining a cause, or if it shouldn't be used at the beginning of a sentence. The book presents generative patterns for combinations based on conceptual metaphors and grammar str...
Alpinistas del corazón está dirigido no sólo a los jóvenes, sino a quienes tienen un corazón joven, para que vivan intensamente las virtudes teologales: la fe en Cristo, la esperanza en el Espíritu y la caridad en el Padre. Es una invitación a decir NO a tantos caminos que atentan contra la dignidad humana y, por tanto, contra la vida misma; y a decir SÍ a la fuerza del espíritu que anima y vence con radicalidad.
Una clara, concisa y atrayente introducción a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interés en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradición eclesiástica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introducción a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una reseña de las raíces, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teología, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza. A clear, concise and attractive introduction to a field that is returning once again, especially among the laity committed to the renewed interest in spiritual growth within the context of church tradition. As historians of Christianity, the authors of this book provide an introduction to traditional Christian doctrines. Written in a direct style, this book provides an overview of the roots, contexts, and understandings of issues of doctrine and theology, God, man, Jesus Christ, the church, and hope.