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As the authors state in their opening chapter, prepare to be amazed. This beautiful book describes the revolution that the Reggio Emiliaatelier (art studio) brought to the education of young children in Italy, and follows that revolution across the ocean to North America. It explores how the experiences of children interacting with rich materials in the atelier affect an entire school's approach to the construction and expression of thought and learning. Lavishly illustrated in full color, this original volume: includes detailed interviews with Italian educators from Reggio Emilia; offers a window into many ateliers within the United States, examining the multiple ways that experience is altered when teachers, parents, and children prepare and work together in the studio setting; addresses the practical aspects of the atelier, including organizing the environment, using materials, and provides examples of projects; and features a comprehensive approach that addresses many varied issues related to children, including learning, collaboration, relationships, and community.
STEM of Desire: Queer Theories and Science Education locates, creates, and investigates intersections of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and queer theorizing. Manifold desires—personal, political, cultural—produce and animate STEM education. Queer theories instigate and explore (im)possibilities for knowing and being through desires normal and strange. The provocative original manuscripts in this collection draw on queer theories and allied perspectives to trace entanglements of STEM education, sex, sexuality, gender, and desire and to advance constructive critique, creative world-making, and (com)passionate advocacy. Not just another call for inclusion...
Bringing Reggio Emilia Home is the first book to integrate the experiences of one American teacher on a year-long internship in the preschools of Reggio, with a four-year adaptation effort in one American school. The lively text includes many "mini-stories" of preschool and kindergarten-age children, teachers, and parents who embark on journeys of learning together. These journeys take shape in language, in drawings, in tempera paint and clay, in outdoor excursions, and in the imaginations of both the children and adults. This informative and accessible work features photographs of the children (both in Italy and the United States) and samples of the childrens work, including some in full colour. During the past 10 years there has been a tremendous interest among early childhood educators and parents in the innovative approaches to teaching pioneered in the preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. This book is a must read for anyone interested in the Reggio Approach! Teachers, especially those in early childhood, teacher educators, policy makers, administrators, and parents will find it invaluable.
A progressive, research-based approach for making learning visible Based on the Reggio Emilia approach to learning, Visible Learners highlights learning through interpreting objects and artifacts, group learning, and documentation to make students' learning evident to teachers. Visible classrooms are committed to five key principles: that learning is purposeful, social, emotional, empowering, and representational. The book includes visual essays, key practices, classroom and examples. Show how to make learning happen in relation to others, spark emotional connections, give students power over their learning, and express ideas in multiple ways Illustrate Reggio-inspired principles and approaches via quotes, photos, student and teacher reflections, and examples of student work Offer a new way to enhance learning using progressive, research-based practices for increasing collaboration and critical thinking in and outside the classroom Visible Learners asks that teachers look beyond surface-level to understand who students are, what they come to know, and how they come to know it.
Early childhood education and care has been a political priority in England since 1997, when government finally turned its attention to this long-neglected area. Public funding has increased, policy initiatives have proliferated and at each general election political parties aim to outbid each other in their offer to families. Transforming Early Childhood in England: Towards a Democratic Education argues that, despite this attention, the system of early childhood services remains flawed and dysfunctional. National discourse is dominated by the cost and availability of childcare at the expense of holistic education, while a hotchpotch of fragmented provision staffed by a devalued workforce struggles with a culture of targets and measurement. With such deep-rooted problems, early childhood education and care in England is beyond minor improvements. In the context of austerity measures affecting many young families, transformative change is urgent.
"Quanto um grupo relacional pode ser realmente um grupo de aprendizagem? Quanto a aprendizagem individual pode ser reforçada e exaltada ou, ao contrário, sufocada e inibida no interior de um grupo de aprendizagem? Essas são algumas das perguntas que acompanharam o projeto de pesquisa Tornando visível a aprendizagem: crianças que aprendem individualmente e em grupo, nascido do encontro entre Harvard Project Zero e Reggio Children, que envolveu professores e pedagogistas das creches e das escolas da infância municipais de Reggio Emilia e pesquisadores do Project Zero. As diferenças e os pontos de contato entre a experiência pedagógica reggiana e a do Project Zero permitiram construir um confronto competente e atento que procurou identificar modalidades, processos e instrumentos para permitir aos professores refletirem, além dos processos de aprendizagem das crianças, sobre os processos dos adultos também, sustentando o seu pensamento e a sua ação em relação aos processos das crianças e ao diálogo com os colegas."
"A Saúde Mental e o Direito: a Dignidade da Pessoa Humana como elo de intersecção" denota e problematiza uma linha de cuidado no âmbito da Saúde, qual seja a Saúde Mental, tema concernente a todos. Diz sobre os sujeitos afetados e os envolvidos, quando do diagnóstico de um transtorno mental, e suas responsabilidades devidas. Esta obra não se limitou tão somente a dar visibilidade às agruras vivenciadas por dois cidadãos, adoecidos, como também revelar a pertinência de um comprometimento mais contundente do Estado Democrático e Social de Direito. O Estado, enquanto garante, tem o dever de aproximação e resolução de conflitos, quando da violação ou fragilização de direitos fundamentais e de direitos humanos. Na sua omissão, faz-se o chamamento do Direito Internacional, que o relembrará de sua missão e o convocará para tanto. Tema de qualidade sem-par, que, em tempos de uma crise sanitária como a que vivemos ao longo dos últimos três anos, revela-se ainda mais atual e inadiável.
Catalogo della mostra che da oltre trentacinque anni viaggia con successo in tutto il mondo. Il libro, costruito a più voci, attraverso una ricchissima e diversificata documentazione presenta l'evoluzione dell'esperienza pedagogica di Reggio Emilia e il pensiero di Loris Malaguzzi.
Las escuelas municipales de Reggio Emilia sustentan un proyecto educativo global para la etapa de educación infantil que basándose en la imagen de un niño dotado de potencialidades y sujeto de derechos, promueve su formación mediante el desarrollo de todos sus lenguajes: expresivos, comunicativos, simbólicos, cognitivos, éticos, metafísicos, lógicos, imaginativos y relacionales. Las mencionadas escuelas representan una meca pedagógica que se constituye en referente de escuelas de calidad para el resto del mundo.