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Sin duda alguna, para que toda organización avance a pesar de los cambios vertiginosos en cuanto a adaptabilidad, permanencia y supervivencia debe enfatizar en la innovación para resarcir los cambios y ser competitivos. El capital humano, como activo organizacional y generador de la innovación provee de valor agregado tanto a clientes como a proveedores, inclusive al interior de la propia organización para afianzar su posicionamiento tanto en lo local como en lo global. Coincidiendo con las aportaciones de teóricos en estos rubros, al capital humano lo concebimos como la resultante de intangibles en conocimientos, valores, habilidades y actitudes que, sin duda alguna, a través de la in...
This book provides all the key information needed to design offshore structures for renewable energy applications successfully. Suitable for practicing engineers and students, the author conveys design principles and best practices in a clear, concise manner, focusing on underlying physics while eschewing complicated mathematical detail. The text connects underlying scientific theory with industry standards and practical implementation issues for offshore wind turbines, wave energy converters and current turbines. Combined concepts such as wave-wind energy platforms are discussed, as well. Coverage of design codes and numerical tools ensures the usefulness of this resource for all those studying and working in the rapidly expanding field of offshore renewable energy.
One morning, Emma wakes up feeling excited about a very special dream. She flies up high through the clouds and comes to a beautiful land called heaven where she has all sorts of adventures. Is this just a dream, or is there something magical about her journey?
Life began in the sea, and even today most of the deep diversity of the planet is marine. This is often forgotten, especially in tropical countries like Costa Rica, renowned for their rain forests and the multitude of life forms found therein. Thus this book focusing on marine diversity of Costa Rica is particularly welcome. How many marine species are there in Costa Rica? The authors report a total of 6,777 species, or 3. 5% of the world’s total. Yet the vast majority of marine species have yet to be formally described. Recent estimates of the numbers of species on coral reefs range from 1–9 million, so that the true number of marine species in Costa Rica is certainly far higher. In som...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
La Sociedad Mexicana de Nutrición y Endocrinología ha promovido la edición de este libro, elaborado con las aportaciones de casos clínicos reales emanados de la práctica asistencial y remitido por los residentes en endocrinología, bajo la tutoría de sus maestros y gracias a la transmisión de habilidades y experiencias de sus médicos de base. Es un verdadero honor y privilegio trabajar en hospitales donde la actividad asistencial se combina con la investigación y la enseñanza, y lograr que el esfuerzo de nuestros alumnos se plasme en un instrumento útil para la discusión y análisis, como deseamos que represente este libro. Los casos clínicos han sido revisados cuidadosamente por los editores. Queremos agradecer a todos los participantes el tiempo dedicado a cada caso clínico y la oportunidad que nos dan de compartir su experiencia clínica.
"This volume documents the present crisis in American urban housing policies and portrays how artists...within the context of neighborhood organizations, have fought against government neglect, shortsighted housing policies and unfettered real estate speculation. Through essays, photographs, symposiums, architectural plans and the reproduction of works from the series of exhibitions organized by [Martha] Rosler, the book serves a number of functions: it's a practical manual for community organizing; a history of housing and homelessness in New York City and around the country; and an outline of what a human housing policy might encompass for the American city"--Back cover.
A detailed, contributed reference offering broad coverage of renal transplantation in children. Diagnosis, the patient's medical management, operative methods, surgical and medical complications, donor selection, immunosuppression, late effects on growth and development and psychosocial factors are among the topics discussed. Features a chapter on how to set up and manage a pediatric renal transplant program.
This volume is based on contributions from the First International Conference on “Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing” (RANLP’95) held in Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 14-16 September 1995. This conference was one of the most important and competitively reviewed conferences in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for 1995 with submissions from more than 30 countries. Of the 48 papers presented at RANLP’95, the best (revised) papers have been selected for this book, in the hope that they reflect the most significant and promising trends (and latest successful results) in NLP. The book is organised thematically and the contributions are grouped according to the traditional topics fou...
Written and edited by global leaders in the field, Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Clinical Guide covers all aspects of treatment and management regarding this multifaceted procedure and unique patient population. This practical reference offers detailed, focused guidance in a highly templated, easy-to-consult format, covering everything from pre-transplantation preparation to surgical techniques to post-operative complications. - Provides an in-depth understanding of all aspects of pediatric liver transplantation, ideal for pediatric hepatologists, pediatric transplant surgeons, and others on the pediatric transplant team. - Covers all surgical techniques in detail, including split graft...