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Provenzano. Il Re di Cosa Nostra
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 288

Provenzano. Il Re di Cosa Nostra

Si è detto e si è scritto di tutto a proposito di Bernardo Provenzano. Di certo si può dire che è stato il boss che – più di ogni altro, e quindi dello stesso Salvatore Riina – è riuscito a sfuggire all’arresto. Circa 40 anni. Un record. Provenzano è divenuto una sorta di “mito”, e non soltanto tra gli affiliati alla organizzazione mafiosa. La sua leggenda, le sue gesta, la sua storia, sono tracciate in larga parte in questo volume, seppure in maniera sintetica. Bernardo Provenzano è stata l’ultima vera “primula rossa” di Cosa nostra, il boss che ha mantenuto la leadership al comando della consorteria criminale più sanguinaria del mondo occidentale, almeno per quel che concerne l’ultimo cin- quantennio a cavallo dei secoli XX e XXI.

The world in a sea
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

The world in a sea

The Mediterranean, both a sea and a theatre, has served throughout history as a fundamental crossroads for the political-religious dynamics and international tensions that characterize the various worlds, east and west, south and north, that meet in this basin. Starting from these premises, the present work examines - within a chronological span that goes from the conclusion of the Second World War to the end of Pius XII’s pontificate - the contribution offered by the Holy See and by Catholics from different national contexts in deciphering the role of the Mediterranean Sea within the wider global context. As such, it constitutes a reflection on this geographical space with its peculiar cultural, economic, political, and religious realities by highlighting the role played by the Mediterranean in the elaboration of visions and projects of civilization. This work is the fruit of a wider research programme called Occidentes - Horizons and projects of civilization in the Church of Pius XII. It brings together the work of seven historians from different European Universities.

The Papacy in the Age of Totalitarianism, 1914-1958
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 561

The Papacy in the Age of Totalitarianism, 1914-1958

This is the history of the papacy under three popes, Benedict XV (1914-58), Pius XI (1922-39), and Pius XII (1939-58), who faced the strains imposed on the worldwide Church by total war-two world wars and the Cold War. The totalitarian challenges of fascism, Nazism, and Communism led to unprecedented persecution in the history of Catholicism. Nevertheless, all three popes contributed significantly to the development of the modern papacy.

The Mysterious Sofía
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 456

The Mysterious Sofía

Who was the “Mysterious Sofía,” whose letter in November 1934 was sent from Washington DC to Mexico City and intercepted by the Mexican Secret Service? In The Mysterious Sofía Stephen J. C. Andes uses the remarkable story of Sofía del Valle to tell the history of Catholicism’s global shift from north to south and the importance of women to Catholic survival and change over the course of the twentieth century. As a devout Catholic single woman, neither nun nor mother, del Valle resisted religious persecution in an era of Mexican revolutionary upheaval, became a labor activist in a time of class conflict, founded an educational movement, toured the United States as a public lecturer, ...

The Popes on Air
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

The Popes on Air

The story of the origin of Vatican Radio provides a unique look at the history of World War II The book offers the first wide-ranging study on the history of Vatican Radio from its origins (1931) to the end of Pius XII’s pontificate (1958) based on unpublished sources. The opening of the Secret Vatican Archives on the records regarding Pius XII will shed light on the most controversial pontificate of the 20th century. Moreover, the recent rearrangement of the Vatican media provided the creation of a multimedia archive that is still in Fieri. This research is an original point of view on the most relevant questions concerning these decades: the relation of the Catholic Church with the Fascist regimes and Western democracies; the attitude toward anti-Semitism and the Shoah in Europe, and in general toward the total war; the relationship of the Holy See with the new media in the mass society; the questions arisen in the after-war period such as the Christian Democratic Party in Italy; the new role of women; and anti-communism and the competition for the consensus in the social and moral order in a secularized society.

The Vatican and Permanent Neutrality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 323

The Vatican and Permanent Neutrality

The essays in this book cover a fast-paced 150 years of Vatican diplomacy, starting from the fall of the Papal States in 1870 to the present day. They trace the transformation of the Vatican from a state like any other to an entity uniquely providing spiritual and moral sustenance in world affairs. In particular, the book details the Holy See’s use of neutrality as a tool and the principal statecraft in its diplomatic portmanteau. This concept of “permanent neutrality,” as codified in the Lateran Treaties of 1929, is a central concept adding to the Vatican's uniqueness and, as a result, the analysis of its policies does not easily fit within standard international relations or foreign ...

Tra Pio X e Benedetto XV
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 424

Tra Pio X e Benedetto XV

Settembre 1914. Mentre l’Europa sta precipitando nel baratro di quella che diventerà la Prima guerra mondiale, la Santa Sede fa i conti con un delicato passaggio di pontificato. A papa Giuseppe Sarto (Pio X), morto il 20 agosto, succede il 3 settembre il cardinale Giacomo Della Chiesa, con il nome di Benedetto XV. La Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari, preposta alla gestione dei rapporti tra la Santa Sede e gli Stati, viene incaricata di redigere un dettagliato report dell’attività svolta dalla diplomazia pontificia durante il pontificato appena concluso, in diversi Paesi dell’Europa continentale e dell’America Latina.

Katholische Kirche zwischen 1918 und 1938
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 326

Katholische Kirche zwischen 1918 und 1938

Der vorliegende Sammelband bringt wesentliche Ergebnisse eines Symposiums im Wiener Erzbischöflichen Palais im Oktober 2018, dem großen und doppelten Gedenkjahr der Republik. Zu Abläufen und Hintergründen der beiden Schlüsseljahre werden neue Perspektiven aus den Beständen kirchlicher Archive geboten. Es wird das Verhalten der Institution Kirche beleuchtet, aber auch die Erinnerung an die Menschen, die sich in teils dramatischen Umbruchssituationen zu bewähren hatten, lebendig erhalten. Mit dem Einblick in ihre unterschiedlichen Einschätzungen, Befürchtungen, Hoffnungen und Entscheidungen in unsicheren Zeiten, aber auch in die von verschiedenen Gruppen angelegten Kriterien ihres Han...

Alphabetical Index of the Births, Marriages and Deaths Recorded in Providence
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 728

Alphabetical Index of the Births, Marriages and Deaths Recorded in Providence

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1922
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Milton, the sublime and dramas of choice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 409

Milton, the sublime and dramas of choice

Milton, the Sublime and Dramas of Choice challenges readers and scholars to rethink Milton’s relationship to the sublime in terms of ethics. The book demonstrates that Milton’s sublimity merges the early modern reception of Longinus with classical, medieval, and Renaissance categories of magnanimity, wonder, and inspiration to investigate the relations between human and divine agency. Under the influence of early modern models of sublimity, including Spenser and Shakespeare, Milton speaks through his fictional characters about the making of heroic and literary virtue. In turn, the work also sheds light on the importance of tragedy as an additional source to the formation of the Renaissan...