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This volumes includes a series of 17 selected essays, preceded by a methodological introduction, whose purpose is to offer a fresh outlook on the question of rewriting-reprising. The argument, taking for granted the phenomenon of intertextuality, develops along three main axes: the first one reconsiders the already debated issue of authority on post-structuralist premises, arguing that the origin of a text is untraceable. The second looks at a phenomenon often associated with reprising, especially in a post-colonial context: trauma, whether individual or historical, in relation to creative repetition. The third axis offers a re-reading of the question of voice, introducing the notion of the ...
By employing the lens of the most recent critical studies on intermediality, the author analyses the interaction between literature and photography in three contemporary hybrid novels ( Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, 2011, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, 2005, and The Dark Room by Rachel Seiffert, 2001) sharing the narration of traumatic historical events. The intermedial dimension realised by the confluence of the two media devices offers new ways to create meaning and to reflect upon the nature of collective and individual trauma, by re-enacting the distortion and the inaccessibility to the memories of those experiences. In this context, the reader emerges as an active participant in the process of fiction-making, as the act of reading becomes a renewed act of witnessing.
Ce qui nous est offert ici est une glorieuse galerie de monstres : une naine difforme, un père infanticide souffrant de manie dépressive, un tueur en série amputé d'un bras, un consul presque aveugle, une obèse avachie ou un grand blessé accidenté de la route traversent joyeusement ces pages en compagnie de Sade, de Dracula, et de bien d'autres. Cette grande fantasmagorie du corps difforme ou mutilé justifiait sans doute qu'un ouvrage fut consacré à l'inhumain dans la littérature anglaise et américaine des XIXe et XXe siècles.
Curated Fiction presents a new theory and methodology for developing, drafting and refining creative writing. At the intersection of literary studies and creative writing, this book develops a new theory for analysing how novelists use narrative point-of-view to direct readers’ trust. The book defines the parameters and practice of one possible approach to the creative development of a work of long-form fiction. The value underpinning this approach will be drawn from the theories that inform it, such as Irene Kacandes’s work on Talk Fiction, Bakhtinian concepts of polyphony and Gerald Prince’s concept of the Disnarrated. Offering critical analyses of existing literary works, such as Waterland and As I Lay Dying, Curated Fiction will afford examination of theory in practice, in differing literary forms and contexts before making practical connections with the craft of writing through the analysis of an original short story, 'Foxes'.
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic imposed immobility on large sectors of the world’s population, with confinement becoming an everyday reality. The lives of those who previously enjoyed the privileges of being ‘fast castes’ ground to a halt, while at the same time the displacement of more vulnerable populations along well-established migration corridors has been radically reduced. The result has been a recalibration of the scale of journeying, with travellers slowing down their journeys and readjusting their relationship to the proximate and nearby. This situation has provided an opportunity for those who study travel and travel writing to rethink their objects of study and approaches to them. This volume explores and historicizes the phenomenon of ‘microtravel’, designating slower journeys within a limited radius which allow, and sometimes necessitate, new forms of experiencing the world.
Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aeschylus explores the various ways Aeschylus’ tragedies have been discussed, parodied, translated, revisioned, adapted, and integrated into other works over the course of the last 2500 years. Immensely popular while alive, Aeschylus’ reception begins in his own lifetime. And, while he has not been the most reproduced of the three Attic tragedians on the stage since then, his receptions have transcended genre and crossed to nearly every continent. While still engaging with Aeschylus’ theatrical reception, the volume also explores Aeschylus off the stage--in radio, the classroom, television, political theory, philosophy, science fiction and beyond.
Taking its cue from medieval bestiaries, this alphabet book is composed of 63 entries ranging from ADDER to WOLFHOUNDS, with each entry juxtaposing an image, an excerpt from a story by Alice Munro, and a commentary. The images are reproduced from original medieval illuminations, the excerpts feature an animal, or a human being depicted through animal comparison, and the commentaries highlight the way Munro suggests relationality between the human and the non-human. Munro troubles the boundaries between good and evil as she troubles the boundaries between human and non-human. Through the mask of the animal, she effects a release from strict morality and proposes an uncommon and undomesticated representation of human life, revolving on simultaneous transcendence and derision. The volume will appeal to Munro scholars and to lovers of Alice Munro alike because it solves some of the enigmas set by her stories but suggests other riddles and more secrets.
The Canadian author Alice Munro, recognized as one of the world’s finest short story writers, published some seventeen books between 1968 and 2014, and was awarded the third Man Booker International Prize in 2009 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013. This worldwide recognition of her career calls for a look back at her very first collection of short stories, Dance of the Happy Shades, published in 1968 and composed of fifteen stories written between 1953 and 1967. Some forty-five years after the publication of this first volume, worldwide specialists of her work examine the first steps of a great writer, and offer new critical perspectives on a debut collection that already foreshadows some of the patterns and themes of later stories. Contributors adopt a variety of approaches from the fields of narratology, gender studies, psychoanalysis, and genetic criticism, amongst others, to illuminate the main stylistic features, narrative strategies, literary traditions, modes of writing and generic traits of the stories in Dance of the Happy Shades.
This volume examines the various processes at work in expressing silence and excessive speech in contemporary novels in English, covering the whole spectrum from effusiveness to muteness. Even if in the postmodern episteme language is deemed inadequate for speaking the unspeakable, contemporary authors still rely on voice as a mode of representation and a performative tool, and exploit silence not only as a sign of absence, block or withdrawal, but also as a token of presence and resistance. Logorrhoea and reticence are not necessarily antithetical as compulsive verbosity may work as a smokescreen to sidestep the real issues, while silences and gaps may reveal more than they hide. By submitt...
The Wounded Hero in Contemporary Fiction tracks the emergence of a new type of physically and/or spiritually wounded hero(ine) in contemporary fiction. Editors, Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteu bring together some of the top minds in the field to explore the paradoxical lives of these heroes that have embraced, rather than overcome, their suffering, alienation and marginalisation as a form of self-definition.